The Eighteen Forms of the Mulan New Fan is a traditional Chinese martial arts fan technique, and the following is a breakdown of its frontal tutorial:
Stationary posture (the beginning posture): hold the fan and stand upright, with a relaxed body and focused eyes.
Fan opening: slowly open the fan from the center to the sides to form a semi-circle, while extending both hands to the sides.
Fan closing pose: Close the fan back to its original position and return both hands to the front of the body.
Fan Turning Pose: Using the waist as the axis, make a circular turning motion of the fan in a clockwise direction.
Left-Right Shift: Move the fan to the left side and then to the right side, repeat several times.
Forward Push: Push the fan out from your chest, parallel to the ground, with your arms straight.
Forward Split Pose: Open the fan forward in a scissor-like fashion, forming a zigzag pattern.
Fan Attack Pose: While pushing the fan forward, squat slightly and take a step forward with the right foot, extending and covering the right foot with the left arm.
Turning Pose: Turn your body 90 degrees to the right while folding the fan from top to bottom.
Fan stretch: unfold the fan again to a semicircle with your arms straight.
Fan Swing: While pushing the fan forward, turn your body 90 degrees to the right and swing the fan horizontally.
Fan Staggered Strike: Turn your body 90 degrees to the left and swing the fan at an oblique angle from bottom to top.
Fan Strike Style: While pushing the fan forward, turn your body 90 degrees to the left and strike the fan horizontally.
Fan Rubbing Style: Rubbing the fan from the right shoulder over the neck and then from the top of the head to the left shoulder.
Fan Blocking Style: Block the fan from the left side and turn it 180 degrees to the right in a smooth line.
Fan Chopping Style: Push the fan forward while chopping the fan in a diagonal downward motion.
Fan Retreat Style: Retract the fan to the chest and return both hands to the front of the body.
Collecting Stance: Bring the fan back together in the original position, return both hands to the front of the body and resume the starting stance.
These are the breakdowns of the basic movements in the "Mulan New Fan Eighteen Stances" frontal tutorial. Through repeated practice and gradual refinement of technique, these movements can be mastered and the flexibility, fluidity and beauty of the dance gradually improved. Please note that during the learning process, you should focus on the accuracy of your posture and maintain the coordination and balance of your body.