I'm in a hurry~! Kneeling for the piano accompaniment for Shepherd Girl ```` If it's chordal. It's due tomorrow.

1. Messiah 3.4 Air (master score) by Handel

2. 19 Simple Classical Pieces for Trumpet and Piano by Peter J Billam, 2003

3. Alla caccia, HWV 79 by Handel

4. Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen Bach

5. Carnival of Venice with fancy variations (different from Allegro). Landen Bach

5. Fancy Variations on Carnival in Venice (different from Alban's version)

6. Some classical/folk miniatures Byssan Iull,Mystery Garden Walk,Jeg lagde mig saa sildig,Londonderry Sinfonia,Mitt hierte alltid ranker,Bl? mann,Bruremarsj fr? Seljord,Den bakvendte visa,Jag vet en deilig rosa,S?g du nook te kjerringa mi,Mexican Straw Hat Dance,Seterjentens sфndag

7. The Wild Bee's Dance (#4, 3, 5) with piano accompaniment. The Wild Bee Dance (#4, 3, 5 versions) with piano accompaniment score and piano accompaniment audio


9. Jugueter

10. 14. Twelve Fantasies G.P. Telemann

15. Cello Suite Nos. 1-3 Bach

16. Suite in g minor for solo flute BWV1013 Bach

17. Sonata for unaccompanied violin in g minor BWV1001 Bach

18. Mass in b minor Bach

19. Trumpet Signal

20.Recercada Settima(1553)

21.Recercada Tercera

22.Recercada Segunda

23.Recercada Ottara

24.Recercada Quinta

25.Sonata for Cello for Guitar Schubert

26.Fanfare-a Trio for One Trumpet 1997-Samuel Pellman

27. Vals Venezolano (with piano accompaniment)

28.Dreams in miniature (adapted by I. Lumiantsev) by A. Gedik (1877-1957) (with piano accompaniment)

29.Blue Nights from Handel's opera in three acts Julius Caesar. Cleopatra's aria from Handel's opera in three acts "Julius Caesar" (with piano accompaniment)

30.Allegro in g minor from Mendelssohn's Symphony No. 5 - The Reformation (with piano accompaniment)

31. Cleopatra's aria from Handel's opera in three acts "Julius Caesar" (with piano accompaniment)

33. Trumpet Concerto in D major by Thomas Albinoni

34. Albinoni

34. Trumpet Concerto in A minor Thomas Albinoni

35. Albinoni

35. Trumpet Concerto in B-flat Major Thomas Albinoni

34. Albinoni

36.Sonata in A flat major (with piano accompaniment) Jean Baptiste Loeillet

37.Sicilian Dance BWV1031 Bach (with piano accompaniment)

38.Abblasen Gottfried Reiche (1667-1734)

39.Infinity (1667-1734)


39.Infinite Motion Paganini (with piano accompaniment score and piano accompaniment audio)

40.Infinite Motion Variations of Various Flower Forms

41.Autumn Harvesting (with piano accompaniment score)

42.Allegro Huang Ling (with piano accompaniment score)

43.Stories (with piano accompaniment score) Zhu Qidong

44. Ballad of Qinghai (with piano accompaniment) Xu Lin

45.Psychedelic Thoughts (with piano accompaniment) He Luting

46.Concerto Op.18 (with piano accompaniment) Debussy

47.Trumpet Concerto in D major (with piano accompaniment) Tartini

48.Stravinsky in Spain Eddie Lewis

49. Lewis

49. Dissonant Baroque Eddie Lewis

50. Three Songs (with piano accompaniment) Eddie Lewis

50. Lewis

51. O My Dear Father from Gianni Schicchi (with piano accompaniment) Two Portraits by Joseph Tullin

52. Bleue Trumpet Sonata in three movements (with full piano accompaniment)

54. СкерцО (with piano accompaniment)

55. Haydn's Trumpet Concerto in E-flat Major and Waltz (original version for E-flat trumpet) (with piano accompaniment and piano accompaniment audio)

56. Op.10 No.3 (with piano accompaniment) Chopin

58. Sonata G. Gabrieli

59. Yangge (with piano accompaniment) Hsu Lin


62. Lanterns (with piano accompaniment) XU Lin

63. Fantasia in E-flat Major by Saint-Sa?ns

64. Twelve Variations for Trumpet by Alban

65. Wassily Brandt Slavic Fantasia by Vasily Brandt

66. 67. Sonata Martineau

68. Trumpet Concerto Aruchunian

69. Spring in the Pamirs (with piano accompaniment)

70. Oh, yeah


72.The Maiden Who Made Her Debut

73.Rhapsody Boza

74.Fantasia Hidosh

75.Sonata Kenner

76.Song of the Tien Shan Soldiers and Citizens Building the Road (with piano accompaniment score)

77.Catching the Bus (with piano accompaniment score)

78.Autumn Tones of Shaanxi Province Napoli Dance (with piano accompaniment)

80.Bulgarian Rhapsody

81.Legend (with piano accompaniment) by Enescu

82.Sonata Hindemith

83.Concerto in A-flat Major by Telemann

84. Singing and Dancing in Spring (with piano accompaniment)

85. Fir

86. Millions of Workers and Peasants Rise Up Together

87. Folky and Allegro

88. Northern Star

89. 91.Alamuhan Alamuhan (with piano accompaniment score) Zhu Qidong

92.Send Me a Rose

93.Kavatina Ballade

94.Sinfonia di Abelli

95.Sonata Baldassari

96.Sonata Telemann

97.Concerto No.3 Sholokov

98. Variations on **** Producer's Children

99. Erhardt

100. The Happy Blacksmith

101. Variations on a Theme

102. Practise Pieces Rakov

103. Italian Fantasy

104. Fantasie in B-flat Major Barrat

105. Variations on the Theme from "Gadamerling" (with piano accompaniment)

106. Joy, Joy,

107. Spring Song

108. The Magic Tongue (Dazzling Polka)

109. Concert Etudes

110. Allegro and Allegretto

111. Clear Drainage on the Yaoshan Mountain


112. A Shepherdess with piano accompaniment

113. The Happy Young Man

114. Pavane Ravel

115. Concertino

116. Prelude, Aria, Harmony

117. Concerto in E-flat Major, Albinoni

118. Rondo (with piano accompaniment) Liu Zhuang

119 Rondo (with piano accompaniment)

120 Spring Tide

121 Harmonie

122 Suite by the Clear Water River

123 Polka for clarinet

124 Sonata No.6 Handel

125. Meditation Masnay

126. Heroic Fantasy Gottwald

127. Variations Henri Purcell

137. Concertos Henri Pursell

128. Sailor

129. Suite Lakoff

130. Song without Words Costello

131. Adagio and Minor Harmonies

132. Concert Harmonies

133. Merry Festivals

134. Race Pieces

135. Scherzo Op.18 Hanson


136. Sonata Beethoven

137. Silent City

138. Horns and Lullabies

139. Sonata Ganzmaier

140. Sometimes I Feel Like an Orphan

141. The Last Roses of Summer

142. Even If Your Youthfulness and Beauty Fade


143. The "A" Train

144. San Francisco in My Soul

145. Copacabana

146. Clifford, I'll Never Forget

147. Sonata No. 2 by Godfrey Keller

158. Keller

148. Allegro Joseph Fiocco

149. Allegro José Fiocco

149 Wide version and Allegro Handel

150 Hallelujah Mozart

151 Soft Ballade Tchaikovsky

152 Lieder Eugene Bozza

152 Liede Lieder Eugène Bozza

153. Concertino in Jazz Style Wolfram Hecking

152. Russian Dance Oskar Boehm

154. Canon Pachelbel

156. Happy Bugler

157. Dashing Music

158. Delightful Meeting

159. The Village of Blossoming Flowers

160. Variations on "Great Russia"

162 Rhapsody in Blue Gershwin

163 Rhythm and Harmonies Henry Paul

164. Paul

164. Square Rodeo

165. Easy Texas

166. The Performer

167. Joyful Station

168. Boiling Southland

169. Prairie Sunset

170. Romance Bozza

171. Fantasy Variations by Pape


172. Bugler's Serenade Anderson

173. Heroes

174. Song of the East

175. Friends

176. June

177. Theme from the Piano Sonata No. 1

178. Song of the Matador

179. Spanish Ballad


180. Song of the Indian Merchant

181. The Little General

182. The Companion

183. The Pleasant Procession

184. The Bluebells of Scotland

185. The Hawthorn Tree

186. The Venetian Carnival (with piano accompaniment sheet music and audio accompaniment)

187. Spirit of Joy

188. Back to Ealing

189. The Enchantress

190. New Friendship

191. The Hidden Thoughts

192. Fantasia on the Dreams of Love

193. Petite Concertante Paolino

194. Romance Gapman

195. Rondo in Concert


196. The Joy of Love

197. The Sorrow of Love

198. The Beautiful Rosemary

199. A Page from the Memorial Book

200. The Song of the Wanderer

201. Harmonies by M. Leviner

202. Tone Poems by M. Sholokov

203. Red and White Blues

204. Shock

205. Memories

206. I Love You, China

207. Enchanting Moonlight

208. Starry Night

209. Tranquility of the Lake

210. The Story of Love

211. Hora Dance

212. 212. Blue Danube Waltz

213. Trumpet Concerto (Grosso) Vassily Brandt

211. Vasily Brandt

214. Concerto for Trumpet Chant (General Score) Gwyneth Walker

215. The Star-Spangled Banner Never Falls (Winds)

216. Sonata for Trumpet (3 movements with piano accompaniment) Francis Poulenc

217. Four Signal Tunes for Trumpet by Francis Poulenc

217. Alain-David Müller Miller

218. Interconnection for Three Instruments (Trio for Blackwinds, Trumpet and Piano) John Weber

219. Weber

219. Theme from Swan Lake (Trumpet and Piano) Tchaikovsky

220. Dance of the Flames

221. The Way of the King (Cornet)

222. The One and Only Flower of the World

223. SOLO DE CONCOURS Charlier

224. Conan (original Japanese sheet music)

225. misery

226. chupacabra

227. on Wisconsin

228. sawmill creek

229. seven stranglers

230. mariko

231. the hidden girl

232. the only flower in the world

233. solo de concours Charlier

234. Maiden

232. phantom of the opera

233. ganz allerliebst (Tre?s-jolie) Walzer, Op. 159. quintet for piano, piccolo, flute, violin, cello Published 1890 by Braunschweig, H. Litolff composer: Waldteufel, Emil, 1837-1915

234. Suite in D major (for trumpet and piano) Handel (1685-1759)

235. Sonata in E-flat major (trio for trumpet, piano, cello) Bach

236. Suite (trio for trumpet, piano, cello) Bach

236. Vilhelm Friedlimann Bach Bach

237. Ten Trumpet Sonatas (for natural trumpet, bass trumpet, organ) Franz Bach

238. Franz Barber

238. Trumpet Concerto Henri Thomas

239. Thomas

239. Concerto for Trumpet and String Quintet Alan Brown

2. Brown

240. Little Harmony (with piano accompaniment) by K. Schwinn

241. Prelude (with piano accompaniment) by K. Schwinn

242. Lieder Variations (Klumpfel) (with piano accompaniment) by C.P.E. Bach

243. Three Pavane Dances (with piano accompaniment) by D.L. Milan


244. Spirituals ---- Gospel Train (arr. Sternberg) (with piano accompaniment) D.L. Milan

245. Rondo (with piano accompaniment) W. Hübsmann

246. Sinfonia (with piano accompaniment) K. Schwinn

247. Idyll (with piano accompaniment) N. Rusev

248. 248. Five Miniatures (with piano accompaniment) by M. Steginger

249. Blues (with piano accompaniment) by W. Hübsmann

250. Romance (with piano accompaniment) by W. Hübsmann

251. Spirituals ---- Tomorrow's Gone (arr. Sternberg) (with piano accompaniment) by W. Hübsmann

252. Suite (with piano accompaniment) by N. Rousseff

3. p>252. Suite (with piano accompaniment) by M. Steginger

253. Spirituals ---- (with piano accompaniment) by M. Steginger

254. Spirituals ---- Go, Moses (with piano accompaniment) by M. Steginger

255. Sonatas (with piano accompaniment) by W. Hübsmann

256. Rondo (with piano accompaniment) B. Trudyk

257 Sonata in F major (with piano accompaniment) G.F. Handel

258 Sonata (with piano accompaniment) P. Baldassari

259 Rhapsody (for trumpet and piano) K. Schwinn

259 Rhapsody (for trumpet and piano) K. Schwinn

259 Rhapsody (for trumpet and piano) K. Schwinn

255. K. Schwinn

260. Entrance (with piano accompaniment) M. Sturgeon

261. Entrance ---- Cantilena (with piano accompaniment) T. Roet

262. Funny (with piano accompaniment) S. Stolte

263. Humor (with piano accompaniment) E. B?hlmann

264. Romance (scored for piano) I. Ivano

265 Concerto (1st movement, scored for piano) F. X. Richter

266 Fantasia (scored for piano) F. Thomma

267 Parody (scored for piano) T. Roet

268 Concertino (scored for piano) A. Gerdicke

269 Concerto (scored for piano) A. Gerdicke

270 Concerto (scored for piano) A. Gerdicke

380 Concertino (scored for piano) A. Gerdicke

381 Concertino (scored for piano) A. Gedicke

269. Concertino (with piano accompaniment) H. Thiemann

270. Concerto (with piano accompaniment) T. Albinoni

271. Three Interludes (with piano accompaniment) M. Sturgeon

272. Concerto (for two trumpets and piano) F. Manfredini


273. Homesickness (with piano accompaniment) Ji Ruikai

274. Music of the Zhuangxiang Country (with piano accompaniment) Cai Zhenghua

275. Red Quinoa on the banks of the Clearwater River (with piano accompaniment) Xu Xiaolin

276. Jazz Trumpet Concerto (with piano accompaniment) Harry James

277. James

277: Country Soundscapes Eugene Bozza

278: Jazz Trumpet Concerto (with Piano Accompaniment) Eugene Bozza

278. Fantasy Variations on a Great Russian Theme (CD version) (with piano accompaniment) Levi

279. Symphony No. 5 Trumpet Concerto (with piano accompaniment) Gustav Mahler

270. Gustav Mahler

280 The Cable Car (version on CD)

281 Rhapsody in Blue (piano accompaniment) George Gershwin (Doksicze) Another Bach aria

283 Minuet from French Suite No. 3 Bach

284 Bagpipe Dance (with piano score) Bach

285 To Alice (with piano score) Beethoven

286 Moonlight Sonata (with piano score) adapted from the Piano Sonata

287 To Alice (with piano score) Beethoven

288 Moonlight Sonata (with piano score) adapted from the Piano Sonata

289 Moonlight Sonata (with piano score) adapted from the Piano Sonata

301 Adapted from the Piano Sonata by Beethoven

287. Carmen Overture (with piano accompaniment) by Bizet

288. On the Steppes of Central Asia (with piano accompaniment) by Borodin

289. Lights Out for the U.S. Army Sheet Music

290. Trumpet for the Volunteers (with piano accompaniment) by Jeremy Clarke

291. The Magician's Apprentice (with piano accompaniment) by Paul Dukas

291. The Happy Blacksmith (with piano accompaniment) Handel

293 The Broadside (with piano accompaniment) Handel

294 Where Are You Walking (with piano accompaniment) Handel

295 Maple Ragtime (with piano accompaniment) Scott Joplin

295 The Maple Leaf (with piano accompaniment) Scott Joplin

295 The Trumpet Volunteer (with piano accompaniment) Scott Joplin

290 The Trumpet Volunteer (with piano accompaniment) Jeremy Clarke Nocturne (with piano accompaniment) Mendelssohn

297 Wedding March (with piano accompaniment) Mendelssohn

298 Prelude for Trumpet at the Picture Show (with piano accompaniment) Mossorgsky

299 Dance of the Wild Bees (with spatula) Rimsky-Korsakov

299 The Wild Bees (with piano accompaniment) Rimsky-Korsakov

295 Maple Leaf Ragtime (with piano accompaniment) Rimsky-Korsakov

199 The Prince and the Princess from Scheherazade (with piano accompaniment) Rimsky-Korsakov

300. Lipsky-Korsakov

301. The Virgin Mary from Scheherazade by Franz Schubert

301. Schubert

302. The Fair Mill Girl (with piano accompaniment) Franz Schubert

303. Schubert

303 The Weeping Willow from the opera The Emperor of Japan (with piano accompaniment) Arthur Sullivan

303 The Weeping Willow from the opera The Emperor of Japan (with piano accompaniment) Sullivan

304. Londonderry Minor (with piano accompaniment) Irish Folk Song

305. The Dance of the Flowers

306. The Israeli National Anthem (with piano accompaniment)

307. Havanagira (with piano accompaniment) Israeli Folk Song

308. Israeli Minuet (with piano accompaniment)


309. Universal Jubilation (with piano accompaniment)

310. Kalinka (with piano accompaniment) Russian Folk Song

311. Mango Avenue (with piano accompaniment) Jamaican Folk Song

312. Negro Songs (with piano accompaniment)

313. When the Saints Arrive (with piano accompaniment)

315 The Wedding March (with piano accompaniment) by Wagner

316 The Tango (with piano accompaniment) by Itzhak Albeniz

317 The Negro Songs (with piano accompaniment)

318 Fantasia for Trumpet (2001) by Chris Riesland

317. Paganini Capriccio No. 17

319 Paganini Capriccio No. 24

320 Santa Maria del Fiore Gounod

321 Variations on a Theme for bE Trumpet and Piano (Original Score) Adapted by Lewis

322 The Spanish Bullfighter (Trumpet Solo)

323 Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón, Chacón and Chacón. >

323. Chardash (solo trumpet)

324. Bach Sinfonia (solo trumpet)

325. Petite fantasie No. 1 (solo trumpet) Telemann

326. Petite fantasie No. 12 (solo trumpet) Telemann

327. Symphony No. 5 by Ludwig van der Rohe (solo trumpet)

328. Beethoven Symphony No. 6 (Idylls) (Trumpet Solo)

329. 19 World Famous Miniatures for Trumpet and Piano

330. Concerto for Trumpet and Harpsichord (BWV142) Bach

331. You're So Beautiful to Me (BWV508) from The Piano Notebook of Anna Magdalena Bach Art Songs

332. p>

332. 1st Partita (BWV825) Bach

333. 2nd Partita (BWV826) Bach

334. 3rd Partita (BWV827) Bach

335. 5th Partita (BWV829) Bach

336. 6th Partita (BWV829) Bach

336. 6th Partita (BWV829) Bach

365. Partita No. 6 (BWV 830) Bach

337. Capriccio in B-flat major - To a brother who is going far away (BWV 992) Bach

338. Suite for unaccompanied violin No. 1 in g minor (BWV 1001) Bach

339. Suite for unaccompanied violin No. 1 in B minor (BWV 1002) Bach

339. BWV1002) Bach

340. Suite for unaccompanied violin No. 2 (BWV1003) Bach

341. Chaconne (BWV1004) Bach

342. Suite for unaccompanied violin No. 3 in C major (BWV1005) Bach

343. Suite for unaccompanied violin No. 3 in E major ( BWV1006) Bach

344. Suite in G minor for solo flute (BWV1013) Bach

345. Sonata No. 1 in E major for flute and figured bass (BWV1033) Bach

346. Sonata No. 2 in E major for flute and figured bass (BWV1034) Bach

347. Sonata No. 3 in E major for flute and figured bass (BWV1007) Bach

349. Sonata No. 3 in E major for solo violin (BWV1007) Bach

351. Bass Sonata No. 3 in BWV1035 for flute and figures Bach

348 Violin Concerto in A minor (BWV1041) Bach

349 Harpsichord Concerto in f minor (BWV1056) Bach

350 Oboe Concerto in d minor (BWV1059) Bach

351 Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B-flat major (BWV1067) Bach

351 Orchestral Suite No. 1 in B-flat major (BWV1067) Bach

352 Suite in B-flat Major (BWV1067) Bach

352. Aria on the G-string (BWV1068) (with accompaniment) Bach

353. My Faithful Heart (BWV68) Bach

354. Concerto for Two Trumpets in d minor (adapted from Concerto for Two Violins in D minor) (BWV1043) Bach

355. Witchery from Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B-flat Major (BWV1067) Bach

356. Prelude BWV998 Bach

357. Follies for strings and organ (score of the trumpet version played by André) Albinoni

358. Trumpet Concerto in B-flat Major (score of the trumpet version played by André) Albinoni

359. Concerto for Flugelhorn in C major (Flugelhorn version played by Naklyakov) A very unknown Flugelhorn work written by Haydn in his later years (just acquired from a foreign collector)

360. Trumpet Concerto in E-flat major (Trumpet version played by Naklyakov) Bach

361. Trumpet Concerto in D minor (Trumpet version played by André)

362. Trumpet version of the score played by André Alessandro Marchelli

Alexandro Marchelli. Marchelli

362. Cavalleria Rusticana (with audio piano accompaniment) Mascagni

363. Flute Concerto No. 2 in D major, KV 314 (Naklyakov for trumpet) Mozart

364. Aria after the Night from The Magic Flute (Naklyakov for trumpet) Mozart

365. Grand Concerto in B-flat Major KV 191 (trumpet version of the score played by Naklyakov with audio accompaniment for orchestra) Mozart

366. Theme from The Picture Show (trumpet version of the score played by Naklyakov with audio accompaniment for piano) Mussorgsky

367. Trumpet Signal Tune (with audio accompaniment and accompaniment score for organ) Henri Pursell

368. Purcell

368. Vocals (Naklyakov's trumpet version) Rachmaninoff

369. Turkish March (Naklyakov's trumpet version with audio piano accompaniment) Mozart

370. >Violin Concerto Op. 35 in D major (Trumpet version by Naklyakov) Tchaikovsky

372. Trumpet Concerto in D major (Trumpet version by André) Georges Filippo Girard-Perregaux, D.C., D.C., D.C., D.C., D.C., D.C., D.C., D.C., D.C. George Philippe Telemann

372. Trumpet Concerto in G Major (André's trumpet version of the score with audio piano accompaniment in three movements) George Philip Telemann

373. George Philippe Telemann

373. Trumpet Concerto in E-flat Major (Concerto for Orchestra) Haydn

376. Trumpet Concerto in D Major (Trumpet version played by André) Albinoni

377. Trumpet Concerto in A Minor (Trumpet version played by André) Albinoni

377. Concerto for Trumpet in A minor (score for trumpet played by André) Albinoni

378. Suite for Trumpet (Entrance, Minuet, Sicilian Dance, Rigoletto)

379. Suite for Cishetto Et Etlante Handel

380. Ave Maria, Gounod

381. Dance of the Bolero (score for trumpet solo) Ravel

382. p>382 Sonata for Trumpet and Plucked Piano in G Minor (BWV1020) Bach

383 Sonata for Trumpet in E Minor by Alcangelo Corelli (1653-1716) Alcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)

384. Concerto for Two Trumpets and Piano Alcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)

384. Alcangelo Corelli (1653-1713)

385. Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 for Solo Trumpet Bach

386. Trumpet Concerto in D Major for Solo Trumpet Johann Friedrich Bach (score for solo trumpet)

386. Johann Friedrich Fisch (1688-1758) Fasch (1688-1758)

387. Firebird (solo trumpet score) Stravinsky

388. Rondo for Trumpet (solo trumpet score) Francis Franckel (1698-1758) Bach

386. Franckel (1698-1787)

389. Trumpet Concerto in D major (André's version for trumpet, with piano accompaniment) Leopold Mozart (1719-1787) Mozart (1719-1787 Mozart's father)

390. Trumpet Sonata in G major (trumpet version played by André) Gene Baptiste Linnet

391. Trumpet Sonata in B-flat major (trumpet version played by André) Gene Baptiste Linnet

392. Manfred Overture

394. Concerto for Trumpet and Piano in D minor (André for trumpet) Marcello

395. Sonata for Trumpet in A major (André for trumpet) Battista Martini

396. Battista Martini

396. Concerto for Trumpet and Piano in D major (André score for trumpet) Joseph Michel M. Bourdon

396. Battista Martini

396. Concerto for Trumpet and Piano in D major

397. Trumpet Concerto in E flat major (André's trumpet version) Johann Baptiste Bavarian John Baptiste, George Baptiste, George Baptiste, George Baptiste, George Baptiste John Baptiste, Georges Neruda. Trumpet Concerto in A major (André's trumpet version) Franz Schaberow, Jr. Franz Schaberow. Eulogy for Two Trumpets and Piano (André for trumpet)

399. Pergolesi (1710-1736)

400. Trumpet Concerto in D minor (André for trumpet)

400. George Philippe Thielemann

400. Telemann

Will this do?