Liu Bei asked Liu Zhang for grain and soldiers, but Liu Ba, Huang Quan and others advised him not to "invade the room". In desperation, "Zhang is measuring 410 meters of the old and weak army and writing a letter to Liu Bei."
When Liu Bei saw the book tearing Liu Zhang in front of the messenger, the messenger fled back to Chengdu. Pang Tong said that Liu Bei's behavior would only destroy the friendship he had established with Liu Zhang. Liu Bei felt that he was rude and asked Pang Shiyuan how to care. "Tong Yue said,' Choose a good soldier today and attack Chengdu day and night: this is the best policy. Yang Huai and Gao Pei are famous Sichuan soldiers, and Qiang Bing refused to guard the pass in every battle. Today, the master pretended to go back to Jingzhou. When the two generals heard about it, they would definitely come to see me off. When I saw him off, I caught him, killed him, seized the pass, took Fucheng first, and then told Chengdu, "This is also a trap. I returned to Bai Di and Jingzhou overnight, and Xu Tu made progress. This is a trap. If I don't hesitate, I will be in great trouble and hopeless. "
Liu Bei chose to recruit.
Unexpectedly, Zhang Song's accidental exposure and Liu Bei's letters were copied and killed by Liu Zhang, and soldiers were stationed everywhere to guard the pass. However, Pang Tong and Lu Yu predicted that Yang Huai and Gao Pei wanted to assassinate Liu Bei because "a whirlwind suddenly blew down the handsome flag in front of the horse". Under guard, they were captured and executed, and then the soldiers were comforted. The soldiers took the water pass of Fucheng without bloodshed.
"Zhang Sui ordered Liu Gui, Lingbao, Zhang Ren and Deng Xian to lead 50,000 troops and guard Luo County at night to repel Liu Bei."
Wei Yan and Huang Zhong attacked Deng Xianzhai and Lingbao Village respectively. Wei Yan is greedy for merit and wants to take both villages away. As a result, he fell into a double trap. At the critical moment, the horse slipped and his life was in danger. Huang Zhong came to the rescue, killed Deng Xian and captured Lengbao alive.