What is the Kiki Cha Cha Bounce Lala song?

It's Chicken Cha Cha Dance, an English initiation children's song. Chicken Cha Cha Cha Dance is an English initiation children's song by DBillions. The rhythm is very cheerful, very popular with English teachers, and now it's the new favorite square dance for old babies, very magical.

This terrier from the tube on an English learning channel DBillions of an English enlightenment song, because the song rhythm is too cheerful, expression and action is too magical by the blogger Russian suburb F4 flip dance after the fire all over the network.

This cha-cha-cha caught fire because of the ghostly magic and because the whole video length and movements are very easy to imitate, as well as easy to create even more hilarious things in the imitation.

Also caused the major netizens scrambled to flip dance, including the star Wang Zulan on one person to play four roles flip dance, very magical decompression.

Lyrics "MynameisChicky!Chicky!Chicky!" and "MynameisCha-Cha!Clap!Clap! very brainwashing.