The world's funniest jokers !!!!!!

If only Colorland could read

A man received a letter from a faraway place. The letter was written in another script, and he

couldn't understand it.

At that time, Avanti had a big, big selan wrapped around his head, and he thought

that Avanti was a great scholar, so he approached him and begged, "Avanti, would you please read

this letter to me? I have begged many people, and they all say they cannot read it."

Avanti took the letter and saw that it was written in Arabic, which he could not read

and so he said to the man, "Brother, this letter is written in Arabic,

and I don't know Arabic either, so please find another person who knows Arabic to read it for you

. "

When the man heard this, he felt a little strange, and said to him unhappily, "Avanti,

Are you a great scholar, and with a colorful orchid as big as a pot on your head, and you still don't know these

few words, aren't you ashamed of yourself?" When Avanti heard this, he was very angry and immediately took the color orchid off

his head and put it on the man's head and said, "Well, if the color

orchid can read, I'll put this color orchid on you and ask you to read it yourself!"

You've been fooled

One day, Avanti met Kazi, who asked him, "Avanti, I have heard

that at yesterday's gathering many people praised me as a very kind and fair

person, is this true?

"Honorable Kazi, you have been fooled. I have never heard anyone praise you before."

My name is Bribery

One day, Avanti came to Kazi to complain.

"What is your name?" Kazi asked.

"My name is Bribery!" Avanti replied.

"Where do you get that name?" Kaz asked with a grin.

"I heard you like bribes, so I changed my name to Bribery." Avanti said.

Fierce Mega

One day, the king wasn't in a good mood and wanted to go hunting to cheer up, and just as he was leaving

the palace to set out, he met Avanti.

"Guards, don't let me see this mourner, get rid of him with a whip!" The king of

shouted to the guards, "It is unlucky to meet him before going hunting!"

The guards did as they were told. But the day's hunt was a great success, and the king returned

full. The king called Avanti in later and said, "I'm sorry, Avanti, I thought

that you were an evil omen, but the facts show otherwise."

"You originally thought I was an ill omen!" Avanti said, "You saw

me and got a full load of prey, but I saw you and got a whipping.

Who is the bad omen, anyway?"

Worried it was thirsty

Avanti went to a one-point wedding feast. To be treated to assorted snacks. Dried fruits and all kinds of delicious

foods were laid out, the man who sat beside him wrapped around a very large colorful orchid began to

wolf down the food, and from time to time, when people were not looking, stuffed his pockets with this

and that.

His actions were all seen by Avanti. Avanti could not bear to see

his greedy behavior, so he lifted up a teapot in no hurry, lifted the man's food-filled coat pocket with his hand

and poured tea into his pocket.

"Avanti, what are you doing?" The man said angrily, "Where does one

pour tea into someone's pocket?"

"Ah! Just now I saw your pocket eating a lot of snacks and naan, and I was worried that it was

thirsty, so ......" replied Avanti.

Don't dare you to see my face

Avanti ridiculed the king, making the king so angry that he shouted

at Avanti, "Get lost! Don't let me see your face again!" With that, the king banished Avanti

from the palace.

After a few days, several messengers came from a neighboring country. The king failed to answer the

questions asked by the emissaries and had to call Avanti again.

Avanti bowed and walked backwards with his back toward the king, right in front of the king with his

ass facing him.

"Avanti, how dare you!" The king said in a rage.

"Your honor, I did so in accordance with your wishes." Avanti replied

Reply, "The other day you had said to me, 'Don't let me see your face again,' so,

I dare not let you see my face!"

The magistrate and his donkey

The magistrate's donkey was lost, and he brought Avanti to him and said, "Avanti, you have lost donkeys many

times, and you have experience in finding donkeys, so please help me find them."

Avanti began to walk the streets looking for the donkey, but he sang a song as he walked. A

friend saw how happy he was and asked,

"Avanti, you're so cheerful, I'm afraid you're happy about something!"

"The magistrate has lost his donkey, and I am looking for his donkey!" Avanti replied.

"You should be in a hurry if the magistrate's donkey is lost, why are you singing?" The friend

asked curiously.

"It is precisely because he has lost his donkey that I am singing, and if ever he himself loses it

then I shall have to throw a big feast to celebrate!" Avanti replied.


Avanti boasted to the people in the street, "Yesterday the king summoned me

to make me his right prime minister."

One of the people who heard this asked him, "Avanti, you foolish fellow, what nonsense

is this!"

"Yes, if I wasn't stupid could the king make me his right prime minister?" Avan

Ti said.

Slanted Eyes

Avanti's eyes were slanted a little. The king, trying to make fun of him in front of all the people, said

"Avanti, do people with slanted eyes see double?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, now you look to me as if you had four legs." Avanti


It can be a king too

The king came to Avanti's mill and saw that the donkey that was pulling the mill had two

big bell stoppers around its neck, so he asked Avanti, "Avanti, why do you have two

big bell stoppers around the neck of your donkey, doesn't it get tired?"

Avanti said, "Your Majesty, sometimes when I fall asleep, the animal is lazy and stops,

and when it stops the bells stop ringing, so I can wake up and give it a good whipping."

The king asked again, "If the animal had stayed still and swung its head around,

wouldn't you have been able to sleep without worrying about it?"

"Alas, my king's majesty, if this beast had this much wisdom of yours,

wouldn't it have been able to become a king too!" Avanti said.

Is there any real proof?

Avanti's donkey was stolen, and he suspected that it was done by someone from the village. So he sued

to Kazi, who said to him, "Avanti, you have not seen it with your own eyes, and

have not seized it with your own hands, and there is no real evidence, so this official will not accept it." Having said this, he blasted

Avanti out.

After a few days, Avanti unknowingly rode Kazi's big, high-headed

horse to the bazaar and sold it.

So Kazi summoned Avanti as a suspect for interrogation, "Avanti, what is your crime for

stealing my horse?"

"Your Excellency, rest your anger, you always say you want real proof, did you see me steal the horse with your own eyes

? Caught me with your own hands? Or have witnesses?"

Khazi was speechless and had to release him.

Digging the Grave

One day, the mullah asked Avanti, "How do you plan to serve the king in the future?"

"The least I can do is dig graves for the king!" Avanti replied.

On Horseback

An entry who often rode his horse to show off attempted to ridicule Avanti.

One day he rode a high horse and asked Avanti, "Avanti, where is your

donkey at this moment?"

"At this very moment my donkey is on the back of the horse." Avanti replied to him.

Swap your brain with the donkey's

After Avanti had suffered an illness, his ears were a little bad. One day, the king

mocked him, saying, "Avanti, your ears are getting worse and worse; would you please

swap them with the ears of that donkey of yours?"

"No, my ears are good enough. I see that your brain is not quite enough, and I would like

you to swap your brain with that of my donkey." Avanti replied.

The Book of Fools

Avanti finished writing a book (The Book of Fools), and wrote down all the fools and their foolish

behavior in that.

When the king heard about it, he asked him, "Avanti, there is no record of

my great name in the Book of Fools), is there?"

"Honorable Majesty, of course your great name is on it." Avanti replied respectfully


"For which of my foolish acts is my great name recorded on it?" The king of the country

asked Avanti in amazement.

"Your Honorable Majesty, have you forgotten? Last year a great swindler came running to you to bring you

two fine date bay stallions, and you believed him and gave him a hundred

gold coins for nothing, could there be a greater folly?" Avanti reminded him.

"Yes, that great liar will either send the horse or return the gold coins before

Yes!" The king lamented.

"Yeah, if that crook can do one of those two things, I'll immediately erase your great name from

The Book of Fools." Avanti said.

Learn to swim first

One day the king said to Avanti, "Avanti, your mouth is sweet as if it were

smeared with honey, but you are not always faithful to me in your heart."

"No, your majesty, you are wrong, I have always been faithful to you." Avanti


So let me see you in action, please jump into this deep pool

!" The king demanded, and upon hearing this, Avanti got up and headed out.

"Avanti, where are you going?" The king asked.

"I'm going to my fishing friends to learn how to swim and come back before I jump!" Avanti


The Culprit

One year when there was a good harvest of fruits and melons, there were so many mosquitoes and flies that the king hosted a banquet

for his guests, and asked Avanti to stand at the table to keep the flies away.

The king and guests leisurely savored all kinds of delicious food, Avanti but stood on the

side holding a fan constantly bombarded with flies fell on the feast of flies, fly a

dial to catch a set of children, hungry and grumbling, but who did not let him rest a while

or let him eat something.

While the guests were laughing and enjoying themselves, Avanti was so angry that he overturned the banquet

table and covered it with a napkin.

The king was furious and scolded, "Avanti, what are you doing?"

"Your Majesty, these nasty mosquito flies drive away one set and then another set, when

will you be able to drive away, such a sumptuous feast mosquito flies can not let go? They spread from one to the other, and if all the flies came, they might eat us all,

the culprit is this feast, and if we don't get rid of them ......," said Avanti in a cheerful

speaking voice.

Under your wise leadership

One day, the king met Avanti and asked, "Avanti, how

are your days going?"

"Like a steed ......," replied Avanti.

"I thought you were going to say like a dog?" The king criticized.

Avanti said, rubbing his chest and saluting, "Yes, under your old man's wise leadership,

I've lived like a lapdog!"

"Then why did you say just now that you were like a stallion?" The king asked again.

"I'm so sorry your majesty, I forgot it was you who greeted me just now." Avanthi

Ti replied.

Let Allah give it to you!

One day, Avanti climbed up the wall and was about to repair the courtyard wall when an entry knocked on the door and Avanti

looked over and saw that it was a beggar. The beggar said to Avanti, "Sir, can you

come down for a moment?" Thinking that the beggar was really up to something, Avanti struggled

down the wall.

The beggar said to Avanti, "For Allah's sake, do me a favor and give a little alms

!" When Avanti heard this, he was so angry that he pulled the beggar over to him, put his mouth to his ear, and said,

"Will you go up for a little while?" Then the two climbed the courtyard wall together.

Avanti said to the beggar, "This is closer to Allah, let Allah give it to you!"

The King and the Thread

A foolish king, who used to talk nonsense

in front of those foreign emissaries and philosophers, embarrassed and embarrassed those prime ministers and officials around him from time to time. They

in order to get rid of this embarrassment, invited Avanti to the palace and asked him to be a counselor to the king


"Being an advisor is fine, but I have the last condition." Avanti heard what the king asked of him

and said, "I will secretly thread a thread from under the cushion mattress on which you are sitting, with one end

tied to your foot and the other ingested in my hand. If you speak live correctly, I

will not move, and if I speak wrongly I will pull on the thread and ask you to stop talking at once."

The king agreed to Avanti's terms, and one day three more ambassadors came

from abroad, to whom the king was anxious to ask the question, "Are the cats, dogs, and the like in your country fat

and strong?"

On hearing this, Avanti hurriedly pulled the thread, and the king immediately stopped speaking

. Then Avanti explained to the messengers, "Our king's question has a deep

meaning, when he said that the cats and dogs were fat and strong, he meant that the people of your country were living in peace and contentment, and the cows and sheep were fat and strong


On hearing this, the messengers were all convinced by the king. But the king shouted

at Avanti, "Avanti, you are a foolish counselor; why do you pull the strings when I have spoken such moral


Capable of counting

Avanti was sitting by a river, and people asked him, "Avanti, everyone says that you

are capable of counting, so tell me, how many barrels of water does this river hold

if you measure it in barrels?"

"Let me put it to you this way, if this river were the size of that barrel, there would be only one barrel of water in this

river; and if that barrel were half the size of this river alive, there would be only two barrels of water in this

river." Avanti replied.

A plate of earth

When Avanti invited Imam, Kazi, Mai Tsang, and others to his home, he entertained them with

stretched noodles mixed with oily meat. Imamu looked at the fragrant stretched noodle with over-oiled meat and

eaten two big plates in a row and still wanted to eat, but he was too shy to open his mouth, but just nodded his head and

complimented, "Madam's craftsmanship is really good, this noodle is stretched as fine as her hair strands, and

the dishes are made as fresh as her appearance."

"Your Excellency, you flatter me, please enjoy another plate!" Avanti said.

"Well then, I'll make myself at home. It's a

pity not to have more of such a delicacy, it's worth it even if it bursts your belly." Imaume said.

So Avanti brought a plate of earth on his empty plate and placed it in front of the Imam

and said, "Please use it, Lord Imam!"

"Avanti, what do you mean by that?" Imamu asked in disbelief.

Avanti said, "Your Excellency, I am reminded of something you said

some days ago when you gave us a sermon."

"Which saying was that?" Imamu asked.

"The desires of the greedy can only be filled by going into the soil." Avanti said.

Where is hell?

One day, the king asked Avanti, "Where is the location of the 18 layers of hell?"

"Your Majesty. I think the location of the Eighteen Levels of Hell is probably underneath those eighteen

dungeons that belong to you." Avanti replied.

Fire and Water

Avanti went to an inn and stayed there, where the warm owner greeted him and

said, "Please feel free to tell me what you want."

In the middle of the night, Avanti felt very thirsty and shouted several times to ask for water,

but no one paid any attention. Avanti's throat was dry, as if a fire was burning in his mouth. In a flash of inspiration, he shouted, "Fire! Fire!"

The boss thought there was a fire and immediately appeared before Avanti with a bucket of water and

asked, "Where is the fire?"

"It's here!" Avanti said, pointing to his mouth.

The White Horse and the Black Horse

The king sent a prime minister and Avanti on an errand abroad. Avanti rode an

old black horse, and the prime minister's mount was a white stallion.

Toward evening, they came to a field with no village in front of them and decided

to sleep in the open. The prime minister said to Avanti, "Avanti, this place is often infested with wild beasts, and

there may be robbers, so please guard these two horses tonight."

"No, I will not guard them, you can guard them yourself. My horse is black, and in the night the beasts

and the robbers cannot see it at all." Avanti said.

As soon as the Prime Minister heard that Avanti had a point, he said to him, "In that case, I

we two will switch our horses, and this white steed of mine will go to you, and your old black horse

will go to me."

Avanti happily switched horses with the prime minister, and then said to the prime minister, "Excellent,

please guard these two horses tonight!"

"Why?" The Prime Minister asked.

"Now that your horses are black, you can't

see if your horses have been eaten by wolves or stolen by robbers this late at night in the dark. My horse now is white

and I can see at a glance if it is at rest." Avanti said this and went to bed.

The prime minister had to keep watch all night.

Black Burning Stick

One day, Kazi invited Avanti to his home and said, "Wise Avanti, I sincerely

want to help you with this. Please come here every now and then to bear false witness,

so that you can at least earn back your tea money. If sometimes you are required to swear to Allah or something you can also

earn back the money for your meals ......"

Avanti heard this and asked, unsatisfied, "What

will happen if the people around you find out? "

"So what if they know? It doesn't matter!" Kaz said.

"Everyone dies once. If I die one day, when people ask what Avanti

was really like, those around me will surely say 'Avanti was a black burning stick in the hands of the black-hearted

Khazi', I don't want to be a black burning stick, so please

please find another way! " Avanti replied.

In case it surpasses you in wisdom

One day, Imakou invited Avanti and said, "Avanti, I have heard Mai Tsang say

that you are very good at educating donkeys, and I would like to ask you to be a gentleman to my beloved donkey, and ask you to teach

him well so that he may know how to read and write, and I shall certainly pay you a high salary. "

"That's perfectly fine, but I would like to remind you that one day I saw Mr. Mai Zeng

returning from grazing with that donkey of yours, and realized that that donkey was smarter than Mai Zeng, or even

than you. What if I teach it to read and write again, what if it surpasses

you in wisdom? I am so worried, yo!" Avanti said.

The Long Blanket

A man who claimed to be an able speaker wanted to compete with Avanti, and one day he

mounted a horse, and dragging a long blanket behind it came to the door of Avanti's house

At the door who came out to open the door was Avanti's ten year old son, and the man asked "Whose

son are you? "

"It's Avanti's son!" Avanti Jr. replied.

"Oh, well then, I have come to deliver a blanket to your house, one end of the blanket is on the back of my

horse and the other end is on the road, five miles away, do you think you

can spread it in your house in such a big blanket?" The man added.

"Thank you! That blanket at our house got a hole in it from the fire the other day. I wonder if you

have enough blanket to patch that hole?" Avanti's son said.

When the man heard this, he thought to himself that if Avanti's son was so eloquent, he would not have been

much smarter, so he had to turn away.

Donkey Tail Fan

The king, wanting to make fun of Avanti, asked Avanti, "Avanti, what else do you possess besides being able to tell


"I possess something that you probably don't. I would like to hear what you possess.

Could you please tell us?" Avanti asked rhetorically.

"Haha" the king spoke smugly, "Don't you know

that? The whole country's gold and silver treasures are all mine, I have inexhaustible glory

and wealth, I have forty great concubines and concubines, and eighty fairy-like maids of honor to serve me day and night

and when the day is hot they serve me with ......"

When the king said this. Avanti immediately interrupted him and said:

"They fan you with fans, do they not?"

"Yes, you are quite right!" The king said.

"Those fans that fan you are made from the tail of my donkey." Avanti


I think of myself as a fish

One day, some of Avanti's friends asked him to go fishing with them. Avanti could not

mean to refuse, so he went along. In fact, Avanti did not like fishing because

he did not want to hurt those poor creatures.

To the lake, friends have begun to fishing, catching fish, suddenly, a friend

friends touched a big fish, Avanti pity the fish, but could not think of a solution

save the fish, in a hurry, he jumped into the river, the fish really

machine slipped away.

"Hey! Avanti, what are you doing?" His friends asked him curiously.

"Nothing much, I thought I was a fish." Avanti said as he poked his head out of the water


What's a naan?

Several philosophers, logicians, and jurists were discussing a certain

question at the royal palace, and they each gave their own opinion, but no one was convinced by anyone and the argument went on.

The endless argument made Avanti dizzy, and he stepped forward and said, "You are all a

bunch of fools!"

Avanti's remark offended the scholars, who demanded that the king punish him.

The king summoned his beaters and ordered that Avanti be whipped fifty times.

"Hold on, Your Wise Majesty," said Avanti, stepping forward unperturbed,

"I will pose a question for these scholars to answer, and if they answer it correctly, I

will willingly take the punishment."

"Well, ask your question!" The king said.

"First get a paper and pen!" Avanti said.

The paper and pens were brought up, and Avanti distributed them among the scholars, and then

said, "What is naan? Please write the

answer to this question on each of your papers."

The scholars wrote their answers and handed them to the king, who began to read them:

The first answer said, "Naan is a food."

The second answer said, "Naan is a mixture of flour and water."

The third answer says, "Naan is a gift from Allah."

The fourth answer says, "Naan is raw flour that has been baked and cooked."

The fifth answer says, "Naan is a nutritious substance."

The sixth answer said, "Naan is changeable, and you can make

it round, square, big, or small depending on your understanding ......"

The seventh answer said: "Naan is something that no one can really know what it really is?"

The king finished reading the answers and asked Avanti: "Avanti, what do you think of their answers


"The answers were not good, it was a simple question, they answered one

more complicated than the other, and none of them got to the point." Avanti said.

"So, you answer the question!" The king said.

"It's very simple, Naan is something to eat!"

The king felt justified and canceled Avanti's punishment.

Write down your holy orders

Avanti was writing a history book and one day the king called him in to give his orders:

"Avanti you must not mention anything

about me in that book you are writing."

Avanti heard this and immediately took out his notes and wrote them down. The king asked him curiously,

"What are you writing?"

"Your Majesty the King, I'm memorizing your holy decree from earlier!" Avanti replied.

The Embarrassment

Avanti had a friend who used to borrow some change from Avanti and not return it. One day,

he came again to borrow change from Avanti. Avanti asked him, "My friend, if you borrow this

change from me, I will be too embarrassed to open my mouth and ask you for it, right?"

"Yes!" My friend replied.

"So it's not like you're short of an arm or a leg, and you're too embarrassed to borrow whole money from me is it


"Right!" The friend replied.

"Well then, from now on neither of us will do such embarrassing things

!" Avanti said.

Weigh your conscience

There was an adulterer in the city who sold meat always short of pounds. One day, Avanti came to buy meat again

and he again underpaid Avanti by more than half a pound. Avanti was furious and came to him

asking, "Hey! Why did you give me half a pound less meat again?"

"No way, this scale of mine is a one-of-a-kind quasi-star scale." The adulterer argued.

"Well then, please weigh your conscience once with this unique quasi-star scale

!" Avanti said.

Plus you a ****five

A self-appointed and recently appointed preacher of the Grand Mosque joked with

Maizen Avanti, "Mr. Maizen, how many preachers' funerals have you recited scripture to

since you took up the post of Maizen?"

"This time plus you a*** five!" Avanti replied.

Money and Honor

Avanti and a merchant argued over money.

"Avanti, are you even a human being, all day long money, money, money, I would never

be in a fight with someone over this amount of money, I need honor not

money!" The merchant said to Avanti.

"You are quite right, people have what they need, and what I need is money, what you need

is reputation." Avanti replied.

Who eats the fruit?

Avanti was a very industrious man who loved working with the land, and he had a passion for

gardening. He spent his days in the orchard planting this and that, this and that, and cultivating many

new varieties.

One day, one of Avanti's friends asked him, "Avanti, you're so old

and you've been working so hard all day long, planting so many fruit tree seedlings, and who is going to

eat their fruits?"

Afanti heard this and replied with a slight smile, "My friend, haven't you ever heard of the saying, 'Those who planted the trees before us, will enjoy the coolness of those who come after us'? Isn't the fruit we are eating now the fruit of the tree planted by our predecessors? If we plant trees now, of course, the future generations will eat the fruits!"

Brocade long saturated and embroidered with colorful orchids

An official in the king's palace got drunk and lay down in the street. Avanti

when he saw him, he untied his brocade robe and embroidered colorful orchid and took them away. The next

day the official asked his valet to retrieve his brocade robe and embroidered sari.

The attendants saw Avanti in the street, wearing the brocade robe and the embroidered colorful orchid, and asked him to take off the brocade robe.

But Avanti said to them, "I will return it to its owner in person." The attendants

had to bring him before the officials.

"Avanti, where did you take this brocade robe and embroidered color orchid?" The official


"Last night, there was a man lying drunk in the street like a dead dog, and I

thought to myself: a shameless man who has violated the canonical rules does not even deserve to wear such garments. So

I pushed him into the river after removing this garment from him. If the Court

underneath is the owner of this brocade robe and embroidered colorful orchid, take it!" Said

Avanti to undress.

"No, no, I'm not drunk at all, and I never drink, that would be a heavenly sin

. There are as many brocade robes and embroidered colorful orchids as there are in heaven, and this is not mine, you can give it to whoever

is his master!" The official said.

Planting Gold

One day, Avanti was clearing a field in the countryside, and the king, who had returned from a hunt, asked him:

"Avanti, what are you doing here?"

"Your Majesty, I'm planting gold!" Avanti replied.

"Can you grow gold too?" The king asked.

"Of course you can grow it, where else would the gold in your vault come from?" Avanti said.

The king, though not quite convinced, to confirm the truth or falsity of what Avanti said,

pulled out two gold coins and said to Avanti, "Please plant this one along with it, and when the harvest comes in

we'll share it equally."

"Yes, sire," said Avanti, as he took the two gold coins, "Today is Thursday,

and after a week of careful nursing by me, on the next supreme Lord's Day of Sesame,

I shall certainly send the harvest of gold to your royal palace. "

The king seemed to believe Avanti's words and beat a hasty retreat. When the day of the Lord's Hemp

did come, Avanti came to the palace and said to the king, "Honorable King, I

have had a good harvest of gold; two gold coins have grown twenty gold coins, and I have left ten

and sent ten to you." Avanti said, and respectfully

sent the ten gold coins to the king.

The king gladly took the ten gold coins, and then took out forty more gold coins and added them

together and gave them to Avanti, saying, "Avanti, take these fifty gold coins and plant them

also, and we will divide them equally on the next Lord's Day." After a week,

but Avanti came to the king's palace empty-handed and said to the king, "Honorable king, this

time our luck is so bad that it has not rained a drop for a whole week, and your fifty

gold coins together with my twenty gold coins,**** seventy gold coins of gold seed, all of them have died of drought

. up."

"Nonsense, can gold still drought to death?" The king said angrily.

"Your Majesty, are you in your right mind? If you believe that gold can be planted, why

don't you believe that gold can die of drought?" Avanti finished his speech and left.
