The garbage disposal, the good stuff that makes me tear up! My mom and dad were the ones who did the renovation, so the whole kitchen is on the traditional side, with not enough outlets and too few smart devices. My kitchen sink is not big, the countertop is also quite small, so every time I wash vegetables in the double basin in the smaller soak to residual pesticides, and then another larger basin as peeling, washing mud, pinching leaves and so on, the supermarket to buy back some of the vegetables are still packed in plastic bags, sometimes in a hurry to directly tear open the hands of the wash wash wash wash. The result is that after a meal, there are countless things left in the basin - peels, leaves, plastic bags, and the most heinous food scraps! After my sink clogged off for the nth time, I resolved to buy it! One sweep, one turn on the faucet, one push of the air switch, and then the garbage is all ground clean down the drain without having to think about cleaning up the food waste at all! What a wonderful experience this is!