Because this aunt didn't care about others, only thinking about her own convenience of riding the bus, she let the driver open the door, wanting to go to the bus, not wanting to go to the new stop 300 meters away. This kind of aunt is just like those who occupy basketball courts or public ****ing places for square dancing, is more selfish and thinks only for herself. The bus driver was forced to open the door to let the woman get on the bus, which was stuck in traffic for nearly 20 minutes.
Most people are empathetic, and when they do something they think about whether it will affect others, for example, when they take the bus they quickly swipe their card and then find a seat and don't block the door. This is not the case with some people, such as the aforementioned aunt who strongly requested the bus to stop at that stop and get on the bus herself because she didn't want to walk 300 meters. The reason why the old stop was temporarily removed was because road construction was underway in the area, so the bus stop was placed 300 meters away. But the woman didn't make any inquiries and waited for the bus at the old stop, and when she saw the bus approaching, she used her own body to block the bus from leaving.
The driver called the police, but the passengers in the car were in a hurry to get to school or work, so they persuaded the bus driver to open the door and let the woman get on the bus, which solved the problem. Although this is a little wrong, but if it has been blocked here, it will make the traffic become more and more congested, and the police can not come so quickly. This big mother's behavior has been suspected of provoking trouble, and disturbed the public **** order, after that is sure to be punished by the law, so that the big mother dared not do so again.
The stubbornness of the aunt is unimaginable, they have identified a thing will be done in the end, will not be changed at all, as good as for example, square dancing or quarrel with people.