What kind of dances are there in ballroom dancing? Is it only fast and slow? What else is there? I hope you know the answer!

Broadly speaking, ballroom dancing refers to dancing for two, including the free step of the duo. To put it bluntly, two people dancing.

Often said social dance refers to

One-step shake, three-step point, slow three, medium three, fast three; slow four, medium four (point four, and four), fast four (flat four, sailor dance), cha-cha, rumba, tango, jitterbug, three-step step, salsa, bachata dance, Latin style dance, and so on the square have jumped, the requirements are not strict, as long as you can dance can be.

International standard dance ten: rumba, cha-cha, samba, cowboy (Jet Dance), bullfighting;

Waltz,, Vienna Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot and Quickstep.