The oblique somersault bends and rotates 360 degrees 8378293 18.
I feel that 8378293 18 is more handsome ~
742 14 1 189 is a traditional flip type ~
I haven't tried this somersault ~
742 1 ~ ~ 7777/ 1 19/ 1 1 16/ 1 184/2 192/238.
Add an L9 somersault.
Awesome! ! !
L9; 1 1 16 67 1 1 12 147 697 1 7469 26 14 1 184 1 1 19
742 1 2323233 7777 8378 4872 8697 96 197
Cute style, tentatively named "dance around", suitable for cute (female) clothes. Suitable for medium and low speed songs. Because I like classical ballet very much, I use a lot of rotating movements in the dance. Friends who like to dance hard can try it. May you be elegant and beautiful in the rotation and show your ladylike demeanor in the music.
lv6 662828 147244 249492 74 1242 3 18226
163482 237264 6 1 1886 64328 1
lv7 17222 16 3 143422 8687 136 8879698
844 1332 7766966 3282 132 1986 168 4223987 498 1436
lv8 2398292 1 8 1848 133 69497426 6 1739246
276 18934 2727 1 1 3626394 1 38472763
7964326 1 1 1 18284 1 42396943 12366949
79429669 36 194926 344 169 12
lv9 742 14 1 189 4872 12773 1 18423 147 1 1 1623227
12 1478 1 1 19 2 19262377 746997643
97 1622329 232323398 67 1 164796 697 183836
769628399 667843397 96 1976483