Which ethnic minority in China makes men stay as their wives when they see the girls they want?

More than one of China's ethnic minorities will let a man stay as his wife when he sees a girl he likes. Here are three minorities to name a few. The first is the Mosuo, who are extremely free to marry. Although the nature of matrilineal society, in the process of marriage, as long as the man sees his favorite girl ...... will also bring them back to settle down. Yunnan Province minority Mosuo people's customs: walking marriage. Mosuo people basically do not have a marriage system, except for a few who marry or recruit a son-in-law because they want to increase the family labor force. Walking marriage is a way for men and women who are in love with each other to go to the woman's house to get married, to maintain their relationship and to raise the next generation. Since women are the head of the family in matrilineal societies, the children born to them belong to the mother's family, and the father will hold a public banquet at the full moon to recognize their blood relationship and avoid consanguineous incest. Men call their female lovers "Axia" and women call their male lovers "Ajiao". Men and women who go out to get married, the element that maintains the relationship is love, there is no economic ties, once the feelings fade or found that the personality does not match, at any time you can cut off the relationship, so the degree of freedom of feeling is more pure than the marriage relationship, but also for this reason makes the relationship between men and women is more equal, unlike other ethnic groups in the marriage relationship is involved in the extremely complex economic and social network. Marriage is an important part of the "matrilineal" family. Adult men's "going out to marry" is a way of passing on the family name and reproducing descendants, but it is different from other ethnic groups in that couples live together all year round. They are day and evening and get together, the morning dawn and return, twilight to the morning to go. Mosuo people go to the wedding there are two ways: one is called "a note" settlement marriage; one is called "a summer" alien marriage. No matter what kind of marriage customs have to hold an ancient ceremony, called "Zangbala", meaning: to honor the God of the stove Bodhisattva and worship ancestors. The ceremony is held at the woman's house, usually half an hour later, without invitations or gifts, and without the participation of friends. This ritual is performed by the man's family who invites a witness to lead the suitor to the woman's house, of course, the young man and woman have already had feelings for each other for a long time, and there is no matchmaking or mother-uncle's order. His/her mother and uncle also understand and acquiesce before the ceremony, the man's family according to their own financial situation to bring gifts in accordance with the rules on the platform of the pot pile above the fire pit and the shrine in the Hall of Scripture, salute to the ancestors, salute to the pot pile, and then salute to the elders and mothers, aunts and uncles, sister, and then receive the blessings of the elders and sisters. Each person receives a gift according to his or her seniority, and each person receives a gift according to his or her age. Your sweetheart "Axia" must be carefully dressed from head to toe according to the Mosuo decorations. The man will get the woman to use Mosuo hemp cloth carefully hand-woven with Mosuo characteristics of the flower belt. The woman's family will never be distributed to the man's family money and goods. They believe that men and women love each other is equal, more important than anything else, feelings are the Mosuo people "walking marriage" is an important factor. When the witnesses to the "Axia" mother, uncles, after the account, from the men and women will be open, "Axia go wedding" without inviting guests, not organized, this ancient custom and frugal, and save time, the entire ceremony can be completed in an hour. Now let's talk about the "A Note" settlement marriage. Mosuo young men and women through the "marriage" ceremony or from both sexes to move out of the home to live together, or the man to live in the woman's home, there is also a woman to live in the man's home, but the latter two are not common, they live together for many years to keep each other, living together, and raising the next generation. This type of settlement marriage is known as "Azhu" settlement marriage. Another ethnic minority is the Qiang. This is an ancient ethnic group. Ethnic minorities have colorful cultures and characteristics. Among them, love songs can show almost the whole process from the beginning to the union of a man and a woman. The Qiang love songs, called "Zuo Xi" in Qiang language, are folk songs reflecting the love life of men and women, and are sung in both Qiang and Chinese languages. The contents are rich and colorful, including songs of temptation, praise, courtship, fixed love, passionate love, longing, oath and lost love, reflecting the whole process of Qiang young men and women from love to union. For example, "Flower Naji" (Big river running water, small river, yo clear yo flower naji, I do not know how deep the small river section is, yo section of the horses; throw a stone to try the depth, yo shallow, yo flower naji, sing a mountain song section to try the sister's heart, yo section of the horses. The sun comes out joyful yo surplus yo flowers naji, call a sister section carefully yo listen to yo section section Ma'er She; to learn the pine tree ten thousand years yo green yo flowers naji, do not learn the pepper section blackened yo heart yo section section section Ma'er She.) It can be said to be a combination of temptation, courtship, lovemaking and oath-taking. The ancestor worship of the Qiang people is mainly manifested in the worship of the ancestors of the family, the ancestors of mankind, the male dominant god and the female dominant god. The Qiang nation, like other historical nations, has many epics circulating in folklore. When it comes to the folk literature of the Qiang people, "The Great Battle of Qianggo" and "Muzizhu and Doanzhu" and "Zeqi Gebu" cannot be left out. The Battle of Qianggo is the most famous one among them. It recounts the history of the ancestors of the Qiang people who moved to the upper reaches of the Minjiang River from the northwest through hardships and difficulties, fighting with the devil soldiers and the indigenous Gogi people. Muzi Zhu and Douan Zhu" is also a long narrative poem, recounting the story of a young man on earth who falls in love with a fairy. The story shows us the complex scenes of struggle between man and god, divine power and anti-divine power in the ancient society of the Qiang people, expresses the bold challenge of the laboring people to the divine power and heavenly destiny, truly reflects the fighting spirit of the Qiang men and women who rebelled against feudal arranged marriages, and enthusiastically glorifies the industriousness and wisdom of the Qiang people. Another relatively typical ethnic group is the Lhoba. Reproductive worship for a good harvest in the self-proclaimed "Apatani" Lhoba folk circulated a Lhoba language called "Morang" festival, the festival in the lunar month or the first month of the lunar calendar by the sorcerer to choose, the popular area is the Tibet Lhoba Yu region of the Xiba Xiaqu area. At that time, the village male teenagers arranged in a line, dressed in full costume, led by the sorcerer to the neighboring villages, passing through the fields, the sorcerer scattering rice grains, teenagers waving long knives, banging on the copper plate, an old man at the end of the line along the way to sprinkle rice flour. As they pass by land that is about to be sown, youths holding bamboo male genitalia go out into the field and perform a reproductive dance. Every time they arrive at a village square, they sing and dance, and the people of that village prepare wine and hospitality. The parade goes through all the tribes of the tribe. This festival is meant to be a celebration of a good harvest. Because people think that the reproduction of crops and human fertility is a reason, so in the ground to dance fertility. In some Lhoba areas, you can still see their own houses next to set up a number of stakes made of male genitals, in order to pray for the prosperity of the population. Many ethnic groups in our country have had a fertility cult, and now in some southern ethnic festivals can still see the remnants of this, we only need to understand the importance of fertility, we can understand the causes of fertility cult. The roof of the world on the "southerners" Lhoba. According to legend, Mother Earth gave birth to the nine siblings of Jin Dong (the sun), Jin Dong gave birth to Dong Ri (the tiger), and Dong Ri's son, Abadani, was an extraordinary character. He had four sharp eyes, the front two to observe the world of light, the back two sides only to monitor the demons and monsters, able to go up to the sky and into the ground, everything in the world is in his grasp. He is also a skillful craftsman, invented pottery and bridge building, for human beings to do a lot of good things. Abadani is the ancestor of the Lhoba people. Luo Ba main settlement Luoyu area of high mountains and dense forests, fertile land, rich in produce. Lhoba people mainly engaged in agricultural production, long stayed in the "slash and burn" stage, until after the democratic reform in Tibet, only began to agricultural water conservancy infrastructure, promote advanced farming methods, agriculture and animal husbandry has been greatly developed. Lhoba men generally wear rattan or bearskin helmets and hats, and wear kangs and animal skins. Women wear short tops and tunic skirts made of their own woven wool, hemp and cotton materials. Both men and women go barefoot. They like to wear stone beads, shells and copper ornaments, like drinking, smoking, eating pepper. The Lhoba have their own language, but not their own writing. They believe in the primitive religion that all things have spirits. Marriage Customs The marriage of the Lhoba people is basically monogamous, and some rich tribal families practiced polygamy. Strictly implement the clan marriage and rank within the marriage system, prevalent in the sale of marriage. It is customary for a surviving wife to be transferred to a house among her deceased husband's brothers. The status of women is very low, and the inheritance of property goes to men. In some Lhoba tribes, also practiced a strict system of father and son. Precisely because of the low status of women, so as long as the man looked at, then the man will have many kinds of ways and means to bring the woman home ......