Introduction of Circle Dance

Circle Dance is a traditional folk group dance in which people hold hands, form a circle, and dance and twirl while singing. The rhythm of the song is generally slow, and it determines the rhythm of the dance steps. Most of the participants are young people, and the dance is usually held in an open field during festivals or in their spare time. When participating in the circle dance, everyone always dresses up clean and pretty. In some places, the girls agree in advance on how they should dress for the circle dance. In places where they always attend in pairs, the girls can refuse to go with a poorly dressed young man. Young daughters-in-law also go to circle dances, but only with the permission of their husbands and in-laws, which is generally always granted, and often with their husbands. There is an age limit for unmarried men and women to participate in the circle dance, which varies from place to place, and in some places you have to be 17 or 18 years old to be allowed to participate, and only older adult men and women are equal members of the circle dance activities, and those who are younger can only be permitted to participate in the dance, and cannot participate in other activities.