Idioms making sentences: make sentences with "brows fly and colors dance" (about 30)

眉飞色舞注音: méi fēi sè wǔ

眉飞色舞释义: color.

眉飞色舞出处: 清-李宝嘉《官场现形记》第三二回 "余荩臣一聽'明保'二字,正是他心上最关切之事,不禁眉飞色舞。"

眉飞色舞造句: 1. If this is really me seizing the fully open West, I'll be beaming with joy. The picture is of a cowboy galloping across the prairies of western Texas.

2. On a recent cold, rainy afternoon, he was beaming as he tried to convince a customer to try the backstriped marlin that was on the market.

3. He would be beaming when he got a call to drink himself to death.

4. Seventeen years later, the Hamilton-Morris family, who have raised two children here, still raise an eyebrow when it comes to making that decision in the first place.

5, His eyes were not fixed on any particular object, and his face was frowning.

6. When they talk about the countryside, they raise their eyebrows. Fresh air, simple people, close proximity to nature and a peaceful life.

7. Another ten-year-old girl, jumping and dancing, told this reporter how much she loved Hannah's music and clothes, even though she had never heard of The Economist.

8. A middle-aged man spoke glowingly of the benefits of surrogacy.

9. Walking along the rugged path, the two women were talking about the future.

10, let Shijingshan people also must be the garden between the buildings and a blooming cultural square.

11, I quietly around, the boys are all alive and kicking;

12, Charlie almost too excited to speak, holding her two warm little hands, eyes fixed on her green eyes.

13, I looked at his frowning look of surprise.

14, She was always frowning (or smiling).

15. The professor elaborated on that topic with a raised eyebrow.

16, for example, a TV economist on the program, eyebrow-raising talk about the impact of the U.S. financial crisis on China, the opposite guest shot up Who are you speaking for?

17, he always speaks with a wink.

18, foreign women seem to see the kite for the first time, and immediately began to dance.

19, the professor spoke with a fluttering brow, but the students did not have much reaction, just echoed.

20, Indeed, she was so happy that her eyebrows were raised, and now that she was only ten inches tall, she was able to go out into that lovely garden.

21, you don't see The teacher in the classroom is talking with a frown on his face, and there are students under the classroom who treat the teacher's lecturing tones as lullabies.