What does underground mean?

Underground Girls, Underground Boys means.

UG culture: it means Under Ground, and You Guys; it's a niche culture, one that isn't understood by the general public.

Underground art, as part of underground culture, is any form of art that operates outside of traditional art norms. It first began in the 1960s and early 1970s as a field in which groups such as artists, writers, and thinkers were seen as existing outside or marginalized from popular culture.

This can basically include any genre of art that is not popular in the art world, including illusionary art and street art. Underground art includes legal and illegal, organized or unauthorized artistic creations and can essentially exist in any form.

Underground art's include some magazines published by underground publishers such as Oz, International Times, East Village Other, The San Francisco Oracle.

When we usually discuss street dance, we always hear words such as underground competition, underground b-boy, and so on. underground b-boy, etc. In this case underground means underground. It doesn't mean an illegal and secretive activity, but rather a spontaneous gathering of people who love to dance, have a battle, communicate and improve together, and choose the best of the best.

The process is not publicized by much media or business, but usually takes place in a shopping mall or plaza, where a simple stage is set up and the enthusiasts gather around to start the competition.

Many dancers believe that the only fair competition is underground, where there are no commercial operations, where the organizers and judges are all dancers, where the competition is face-to-face, and where the dancer who gets the loudest calls from the audience wins.

So underground is the most direct exchange of strength in the competition, usually also the highest level of competition, so many dancers feel that in the underground inside the recognition is the real strength.