What kind of dance after 80 What kind of dance after 90

The 70s dance folk dance

The 80s dance ballet, international, samba, cha-cha

The 90s dance street dance, pole

The biggest difference is the difference in cultural heritage.

These dances they choose, first, are closely related to the social and humanistic environment, and second, are closely related to parental teachings and the surrounding groups

Third, and most importantly, their own cultural qualities determine this difference.

The above is just a generalization, in fact, the different cultural cultivation, the choice of dance is also a big difference


Watch Qiong Yao's most to go to the ballroom dance, fantasy of their own ballet

The ones who watch Red Lanterns are probably just interested in ballet and learning folk dancing

The ones who watch poetry almost certainly won't be dancing

And these kids who watch anything like Shinigami ah, King of Thieves ah, inevitably go for street dance and pole. The reason is very simple, cool enough, dazzling enough, but then, enough no connotation is indeed ignored by them.