Badaling Wildlife World is located in Badaling Tourist Area, Badaling Town, Yanqing County, Beijing, Beijing, and the opening hours are usually 8:00-17:00 in spring, summer and fall, and 8:30-16:30 in winter. The tour can be completed in 3 hours - 4 hours.
Badaling Wildlife World is adjacent to Badaling Great Wall Scenic Area and is one of the famous zoos in Beijing. There are hundreds of species*** tens of thousands of animals in the park, which is a good place to see animals with children. The zoo can be driven throughout the driving tour, which is convenient to observe and feed the animals up close.
The main gate of Badaling Wildlife World is located on the north side, and at the end of the south side is an ark square, the square area has an animal performance area, viewing area, etc., and a temple. From the north side of the main gate leading to the south side of the square **** there are two roads, a way to beasts (carnivores mainly) area, the other road is the tame animals (herbivores mainly) area, the two areas of the animals are free-ranging, tourists can be a close-up observation of the animals, in the tame animal area can also open the window to feed.
The tour route in the park is to first watch the fierce animals area, from this road to reach the square, play the square near the animal performance area and viewing area, etc., and then return from the tame animal area, all the way to visit and feed the tame animals.
The zoo can be driven into by car, very convenient, but self-driving need to charge a fee. If it is non-driving tourists need to take the park public **** transportation, the beast area on the road there is a bus ornamental car can be taken, you can also take a more open iron cage feeding car. After arriving at the square tour can walk back from the tame animal area, you can also take the battery car to return.
The beast area is the visitors into the zoo first tour of the zone, where there is a white tiger park, Wolf Valley, wild boar forest, lion and tiger park, Malay bear park and other parks, each park has an iron gate between the barrier to prevent the animals from going mixed, when the vehicle to the door when the iron gate will automatically open.
Driving or taking the park's transportation through here you can watch these animals along the way, if you take the zoo's iron cage feeding car can also feed the animals. It is important to note that if you drive through this area, make sure to keep your windows closed and your doors locked (some of the animals will open their own doors) to prevent accidents.
The Ark Plaza is mainly for performing arts and entertainment. There is an animal showground on the square where you can see bears riding bicycles, elephants dancing, etc. on weekends and holidays, which is perfect for children.
On the east side of the square there are several animal viewing areas where animals are kept in cages and can be fed. Some of the zones allow you to hold baby animals and take pictures with the critters. There is also a small Buddhist monastery on the hill behind the plaza where those interested can visit for a pilgrimage.
On the way back to pass through the tame animal zone, where the herbivores are mainly, there are deer, zebra, alpaca, camel, etc., you can get off the car to feed, a lot of animals will run to ask for food, very interesting. On the way, you will pass a lake where you can watch egrets, swans and other animals.
In addition, there are peacock garden, monkey mountain, panda house and so on can enter to visit, which individual viewing and feeding garden may be charged separately.
In addition to Badaling Wildlife World can also visit the following attractions hotel tour, such as:
AttractionsZhan Tianyou Memorial Museum and Badaling Wildlife World Distance 1.13km
Forks of the ancient city and Badaling Wildlife World Distance 1.24km
The Great Wall of China Museum and the distance of Badaling Wildlife World. 1.37km