Not really.
Today's square dances are becoming more and more difficult, and are usually designed with a lot of body rotations and lower limb twists, which require a high level of body weight control, lower limb strength and stability. Dancing for more than an hour or two at any given time means that the joints are used continuously for a long time.
Square dancing is not the longer the better, the difficulty is not the higher the better, appropriate control of time and exercise intensity is conducive to the protection of knee joints. Each square dance should not be more than 1 hour, the body slightly sweat can be.
Square dance notes
1, two hours before bedtime do not dance strenuously?
If there is an early bedtime habit of the big mom should go early to dance square dance, in order to have enough time to give the body to do the buffer, otherwise it is easy to cause difficulty in falling asleep.
2, can not dance immediately after dinner?
Many people are accustomed to go out dancing right after dinner, which is not right. 30 minutes before dancing should not eat a lot of food, but also can not be empty stomach. In addition, before dancing to do warm-up, you can press the legs, press the heel key, press the shoulders, simple bouncing, etc., 5 to 10 minutes can be, or to the extent that the body slightly sweating.?
3, do not wear hard bottom shoes, slippers, tight pants?
Hard-soled shoes have poor elasticity, the ground reaction is large, easy to damage the calf tendons and joint tissues. You should wear loose, sweat-absorbent cotton clothes and pants to ensure that the limbs are free of blood, as well as soft and well-fitting air-cushioned shoes and sneakers.