I would like to know that there is a gift exchange system inside the Immortal Sword and Sorcery 3 Ask for Love chapter.

After the events in Shengzhou are over, you will meet a man in the square in Shengzhou who will give Wen Hui a Fairy Butterfly Rui.

Then you can start to synthesize, the condition is in the game's inn rest, will ask you whether to enter the gift synthesis system. Click "yes" to start, you can give the collected items to a specific person, and will increase his or her favorability. When the favor level reaches a certain value, you can synthesize an item by tapping on a heart that already contains two items. The two women can only synthesize one item each, but the two men can synthesize as many food items and concealed weapons as they have materials for.

Gift synthesis

Gift list

Item: Mengxi Miscellany 75 pages

Location: Shushan mountain back mountain scripture hall (not a lot of books that room)

Use: manufacture plum flower dart (Lei Yuan Ge) rusty farm tools

Item: Mengxi Miscellany 76 pages

Location: the syncopated cloud sheltered the sun southeast of the northwestern wind attribute treasure chest

These are the items that you can synthesize.

Use: To make poisonous silver needles{Lei Yuango}Sewing Needles

Item: Dream Stream Miscellany 88 pages

Location: South of the outer city of Lishushan Mountain, outside of the "Demon's Chaotic Blade"

Use: To make Bone Penetrating Nails{Lei Yuango}Embroidered Iron Spikes

Item: Dream Stream Miscellany 114 pages

Location: Northeast-southeast of the Yin Yin Sheltering Sun (first area)

Locations: Northeast-southeast of Yin Sheltering Sun (first area)

Use: Make poisonous wasp nest{Lei Yuan Ge}bamboo cage

Item: Dream Stream Miscellany page 127

Location: Pangu's Heart One Lower Box

Use: Make poisonous thunder and fire beads{Lei Yuan Ge}Powder

Item: Dream Stream Miscellany page 128

Taking method: Spur - Immortal Beast Summoning

Use: Bind Immortal Rope{Lei Yuan Ge}Powder

Use: Make poisonous thunder and fire beads{Lei Yuan Ge}Powder

Use: Make poisonous thunder and fire beads{Lei Yuan Ge To manufacture silk for the Binding Rope

Item: Mengxi Miscellany, page 140

Location: Stone Village, Danlin Medical Center (in Blood Moistened Souls)

Use: To manufacture colorful dyes for Scattering Flowers

Item: Mengxi Miscellany, page 152

Location: Pangu's Heart, lower level, northeast crate

Use: To manufacture poisonous materials

Use: To manufacture stone-throwing tools, Leiyuango, and other materials for the Binding Rope. Stone Thrower{Lei Yuan Ge} Coarse Sisal Rope

Item: Mengxi Miscellany page 178

Location: Beijing Inn, right after the red horse (in the Blood Tao Returning Soul)

Use: To make Sealing Talisman{Lei Yuan Ge} Paper

Item: Mengxi Miscellany page 203

Take: Spur - Help Jingtian to retrieve antiques

Use: To make Shocking Lightning{Lei Yuan Ge} Ceramic Ware

Use: To make Shaking Thunder, a kind of porcelain, which is a kind of porcelain, which is a kind of ceramics. Lei Yuan Ge} porcelain

Item: Meng Xi Miscellaneous Records page 203

Location: Li Shu Mountain inner city at night prairie mansion hall left chest

Use: Manufacture of Zhentian Lei {Lei Yuan Ge} porcelain

Item: Yin and Yang stabbing wheel diagram

Location: Green Luo Mountain props house shelf

Use: Manufacture of Yaoguang {Wen Hui} dead spirit bone

Use: Manufacture of Yao Guang {Wen Hui} dead spirit bone

Item: Fushun, the first time I saw this, it was the first time I had seen this, but it is not the only thing that I know of. p>

Item: Fuxi Bagua Diagram

Location: One of the hexes of Shaoyang Sanjiao II

Use: To make Zhenyue Bagua (Xuan Turtle Armor){Wen Hui}

Item: Soap Juan Armor Diagram

Location: Syncopated Yin Pericardium Meridian (Somewhere in the Labyrinth)

Use: To make the Seven-colored Feather Skirt (White Tiger Skin){Wen Hui}

Item: Bright Lights Armor Chart

Location: Slanting Human Pillar C in Shengzhou

Use: Manufacture Blazing Armor (Ghost Spider Web){Wen Hui}

Item: Ancient Court Costume Chart

Location: Nalin River Source One (somewhere in the labyrinth)

Use: Manufacture Wide-sleeved Flowing Immortal Skirt (Immortal Butterfly Shedding){Wen Hui}

Item: Palace Dress Chart

Location: Yang Ming Bai Na Yi

Use: Manufacturing the Heavenly Emperor's Sacrificial Clothing (Easy Grass){Wen Hui}

Item: Fish Scale Armor Diagram

Location: Shuang Xi

Use: Manufacturing the Spectral Treasure Armor (Blue Spectral Plumage){Wen Hui}

Item: Five Square Sword Diagram

Location: the 2nd floor of the luxurious residence in the northern part of Yu Zhou

Use: Manufacture of Five Thunderbolts (Magic Bird Wings){Wen Hui}

Item: Crossbow Diagram

Location: Behind the statue of Nuwa at the Nuwa Temple in Shi Cave

Use: Manufacture of Crossbolts (Chaos Sharpener){Wen Hui}

Item: Zi Ma Hammer Diagram

Take: Spurring Line - Jade Red Herb

Use: Manufacture of Ice Soul Hammers (Ice Soul Crystals){Wen Hui }

Item: Gourmet Cube page 17

Location: Thunder Attribute Treasure Chest in the Southwest of Gate II of the Magic Realm

Use: Manufacture Tea Eggs{Xingxuan}Eggs

Item: Gourmet Cube page 18

Location: Treasure Chest outside of Taoist Boy's Bedroom in Green Luo Mountain

Use: Manufacture Cured Cured Meat {Xingxuan} Pork

Item: Gourmet Cube page 21

Item: Cuisine Page 21

Location: Six North of the Gate of the Demon Realm

Use: Dried Tofu{Xingxuan}Soybeans

Item: Gourmet Formula Page 65

Location: Cave in the North West of the Outer City of Lishushan Mountain

Use: Xionghuang Liquor{Xingxuan}Xionghuang

Item: Gourmet Formula Page 82

Location: ShaoYin NgingBi San Southwest Fire Treasure Chest

Use: Make Sugar Snacks{Xingxuan}Hawthorn

Item: Gourmet 85

Location: Shidong Scattered Flowers Tavern Lobby Counter

Use: Make Carp Soup{Xingxuan}Carp

Item: Gourmet 97

Location: Shengzhou Residential Hall Ting

Use: Make Palace Confection{Xingxuan}Chestnut Noodles

Item: Gourmet Party page 99

Location: Moonlight City Treasure Chest

Utility: make glutinous rice cake{Xingxuan}糯米

Item: Gourmet Party page 107

Location: Medicine Shop in the southern part of the outer city of Lishushan Mountain

Utility: make applesauce {Xingxuan}Apples

Item: Gourmet Party 129 pages

Location: Shaoyang Gentian One Northeast Chest

Use: Manufacture Persimmon Cake {Xingxuan}Persimmon

Item: Iris Flower Seed

Location: South of Outer City of Lishushan Mountain, Demon Residence Ding {Two-story Brick House}Shelf&

Use: Manufacture Adamantine Wristguard (Demonic Tentacle) {Wang Pongxu

Item: Lotus Flower Seed

Location: West side of Shushan Dan Room (Restricted to when thunder strikes)

Use: Manufacture Pearl Necklace (Shattered Meteor){Wang Pongshuo

Item: Dragon Lady Flower Seed

Location: South Box at night in the capital city (in the Blood Moistened Soul Recovery)

Use: Onyx Buddha Bead (Xuan Nu Blood Stone){Wang Pongshuo

Item: Narcissus Seed

Location: Taiyin Dust Returning Earth Vein

Use: To make Moonlight Earrings (Shattered Ruyi) {Wang Pengxu

Item: Tianmu Qiong Flower Seed

Location: Top of the old road of Shushan Mountain

Use: To make Dragon Tooth Necklace (Demon Wolf Tooth) {Wang Pengxu

Item: Lily Flower Seed

Location: Earth Vein After opening the front mountain of Shushan (when Chonglou appears)

Use: Manufacture Qi Condensation Belt (Snow Snake Tendon){Wang Pongxu}

Item: Purple-Spotted Peony Flower Seed

Location: Northeast Water Attribute Treasure Chest in the Demon Locking Pagoda 5F

Use: Manufacture Green Jade Ring (Regent's Eyes){Wang Pongxu}

Item: Astrocarpus Flower Seed

Location: Yuzhou Hammock Tower A

Use: Make Bloodstone Ring (Green Jade Bone){Wang Pengshu}

Item: Dendrobium Flower Seed

Take: Spur - Thousand Mile Delivery of Elixir

Use: Make Mirage Stone (Scarlet Devil's Horn){Wang Pengshu

Item: Lingxiao Flower Seed

Location: Lishushu Inner City Southwest of Demon Residence

Tian >Use: Manufacture Emerald Bracelet (Phantom Fragrance Pistil) {Wang Pengshu}

Synthesized Items:

Wen Hui (Weapons and Clothes)

Fuxi Bagua Diagram + Xuan Tortoise Armor = Zhen Yue Bagua

Soap Juan Armor Diagram + White Tiger Skin = Colorful Feather Skirt

Ming Guang Armor Diagram + Ghost Spider Net = Blazing Armor

Palace Costume Diagram + Free Grass = Heavenly Emperor Sacrificial Clothing

Fish Lin armor diagram + blue ghost feather = Underworld Treasure Armor

Five Square Sword diagram + Demon Bird Wings = Five Thunderbolts

Son and Mother Hammer diagram + Ice Soul Crystals = Ice Spirit Hammer

Yin and Yang Spiked Wheel diagram + Necrotic Spirit Bone = Yaoguang

Wanjun Divine Crossbow diagram + Chaos Shell = Wanjun Divine Crossbow

Ancient Court Costume Diagram + Immortal Butterfly Molts = Wide-sleeved Flow Immortal Dress

Wangpongxu (Jewelry)

Lotus seed + broken meteor = pearl necklace

Narcissus seed + broken ruyi = moonlight earrings

Iris seed + magic tentacle = golden steel wrist guard

Lily seed + snow snake tendon = gas condensing belt

Dendrobium seed + scarlet devil's horns = phantom stone

Lingxiao seed + phantom stamen = jade bracelet Emerald Bracelet

Star Leaf Clover Flower Seed + Green Jade Bone = Blood Finger Ring

Tianmu Qiong Flower Seed + Demon Wolf Tooth = Dragon Tooth Necklace

Dragon Lady Flower Seed + Xuan Nü's Blood Stone = Onyx Bead

Purple-Spotted Peony Flower Seed + Soul Regenerating Eyes = Green Jade Ring

Thunder Dollar Goggle (Concealment Weapon)

Dream Stream Miscellaneous Recordings 75 + Rusty Farming Tools = Plum Blossom Marker

Mengxi Miscellany 76 + Sewing Needle = Silver Needle

Mengxi Miscellany 88 + Rusty Iron Nail = Bone Penetrating Nail

Mengxi Miscellany 114 + Bamboo Cage = Poisonous Bee's Nest

Mengxi Miscellany 127 + Gunpowder = Thunder Flame Bead

Mengxi Miscellany 128 + Silk Worm = Immortal Binding Rope

Mengxi Miscellany 178 + Paper = Sealing Spell Charm

Mongxi Miscellany 140 + colorful dyes = Scattered Flowers Heavenly Maiden

Mongxi Miscellany 152 + coarse hemp rope = Stone Thrower

Mongxi Miscellany 203 + porcelain = Shocking Heavenly Thunder

Star Xuan (food)

Gourmet Square 17 + eggs = Tea Eggs

Gourmet Square 18 + pork = Cured Meat (Pork can be found in many places)<

Page 21 of Gourmet Square + Soybeans = Dried Tofu (Soybeans can be found in many places)

Page 65 of Gourmet Square + Xionghuang = Xionghuang Wine (Xionghuang can be found in many places)

Page 82 of Gourmet Square + Hawthorn = Sugar Snacks

Page 85 of Gourmet Square + Carp = Carp Soup

Page 97 of Gourmet Square + Chestnut Noodles = Palace Snacks

Gourmet Page 99 of Gourmet Party + Glutinous Rice = Glutinous Rice Cake

Page 107 of Gourmet Party + Apples = Applesauce

Page 129 of Gourmet Party + Persimmons = Persimmon Cake

Ingredients (10):


Item: Rusty Farming Tools

Location: behind one of the wigwams in the Tang's castle


Items: Sewing Needle

Location: in the cabinet to the left of the disciple's multiplayer room already inside the west side of Mount Shushan's former mountain


Item: Rusty Iron Nail

Location: to the left of the entrance to the Unsanctified Hall on Mount Greensboro


Item: Gunpowder

Location: in the hidden chest to the right of the boss's wife of the sword-washing room in Shengzhou

5. .

Item: silk

Location: the capital's Fiannong Embroidery Workshop (in Blood Moist Back to Dreams)

6. .

Item: colored dyes

Location: on the table of the guest room of Chiyan (in Blood Moist Back to Dreams)

Food (10):

1. .

Item: eggs

Location: On the table to the left of the Tang Family Castle Hotel


Item: Glutinous Rice

Location: inside one of the chests at the source of the Narin River


Item: Carp

Location: in front of the old woman at the ground stall northwest of the Capital Bridge (in Blood Moistening Back to Dreams)


Item: Pork

Location: Pork stall in the capital (in the blood moistening back to the dream)


Item: Hawthorn

Location: inside a certain chest in the Shaoyang Sanjiao Ground Vessel I

List of Corpse Pieces

------------------------------------------------------ -------------------

Corpse Name - Dropped Monster Appearance Location Stance Notes


< p>Immortal Butterfly Shed - Butterfly Fairy Green Roach Ten Thousand Swords Technique (Nangong Huang)

Shattered Ruyi - Ruyi Fairy Child Green Roach Inflammation Spell

Magic Wolf Tooth - Sharp-Toothed Wolf Syncopated Pericardium 34 Green Wave Red Dew Chop (only one chance)

Snow Snake Tendon - Snake Woman Nalin River Source Wind Rolling Dust Born (only one chance)

Illusion Scented Flower Pistil - Flower Essence Nalin River Source Thrilling Thunder Flash (only one chance) )

Xuan Turtle Armor - Xuan Turtle Shuangxi Flying Rock Technique

Green Jade Bone - Criminal Sky Taiyin Returning Dust Rain Hate Cloud Sorrow (only one chance)

Green Jade Bone - Little Criminal Sky Shushan Old Road Rain Hate Cloud Sorrow (BaYou some people have hit)

Shattered Shooting Stars - Barefoot Immortal Shushan Old Road Wind Rolling Dust Sheng

Property Grass - Willow Immortal Shushan Old Road Shooting Star Fire Rain

Devil Tentacles - Devil's Eye Gate of the Magic Realm Meteor Fire Rain (only one chance)

White Tiger Skin - White Tiger Locked Demon Tower Long Xiang (Wen Hui) (only one chance)

Ghost Spider Web - Humanoid Spider Locked Demon Tower Heavenly Thunder Sky Breaker (only one chance)

Chaos Relic - Stone Giant Gate of the Magic Realm Samadhi True Fire (only one chance)

Blue Yui Feather - Thunder Sound Bird Gate of the Magic Realm The Big Dipper (only one chance)

Scarlet Devil's Horn - Devil Gorilla Gate to the Enchanted Realm Heavenly Mighty Divine Light (Wang Pongshu) (only one chance)

Ice Soul Crystal - Ice Crystal Woman Shaoyin Gelding Jade (Xingxuan) (only one chance)

Xuannian Nü Blood Stone - Scattered Flower Heavenly Maiden Shaoyang Sentian Phoenix Dance (Wen Hui) (only one chance)

Soul Regenerating Eyes - Sword of the Head of the Five Emperors Shaoyang (The one next to him~) Missed the Demon Tower and here!

※Addendum 2: You can't stand in the middle of the Five Spirit Formation when you're fighting the corpse block