What do the lyrics to Coyote disco mean?

Draw a dragon in your left hand and a rainbow in your right is the lyrics to Coyote.Disco.

Coyote disco-gem

Flower in my heart I want to take you home

At the late-night bar, no matter if it's true or not

Please rock and roll and forget about him

You're the most fascinating Karma, you know that

It's the best beat ever

This is the most favorite beat

It's the most favorite beat

Where's the big manhole cover in front of you

Where's the big manhole cover in front of you

It's the biggest manhole cover in front of you, you know that? Where did that big manhole cover come from in front of me

I kicked my foot in

Such a dynamic beat

It had to be the doorway

How can there be an obstacle in the way of the line of my disco

Big back, BB machine

James Bond on the dancefloor

Beginning of the breakbeat scene in the Northeast

The DJ waved the flag when he looked at me

No matter how hot it is, he's not the only one who can make a difference.

No matter how hot it gets, I can't take off my leather coat

The whole crowd must be in sync with me

Come to the left and draw a dragon with me

Paint a rainbow on your right

Come to the left and draw a rainbow with me

Paint a dragon with me on your right

Paint a Aaron Kwok on your chest

There is no need to take off your leather coat, no matter how hot it gets.

Shake your head to the left and to the right

Two forefingers like two monkeys

Point to the glittering ball of light

Flower in my heart, I want to take you home

At the late-night bar, no matter if it's real or not

Please rock out and forget about the one that you love

You're the most fascinating Karma, you know that

Playing around, playing around, don't use the bandstand. Don't joke about the disco

Swing your left hand like it's a good thing and break a glove with your right hand

Golden wild man disco, all of you, back off

Don't call me if there's nothing else going on, there's no signal in the house

Small leather skirt, big waves

Smart dancer

Smelling too good for perfume

Want to talk to her

Feeling like I'm in a dive, I feel like I'm in the same place.

I feel like Tony Leung in Infernal Affairs

I never thought she'd tell me to look in a mirror

Shake my hands and dance like a man

Pretend you don't know

Nothing's going on, nothing's going on

Look up at the sky and smile

Pick up the air

The yellow hairs of the discos in front of us

What's the matter, what's the matter, what's the matter?

I'm stuck again

Don't mess with me

Come on, bow your head with me

Swim forward with your left hand and right hand

Cover your head and wiggle your crotch

It seems as if there's something to be worried about

Flower in my heart, I want to take you home

At the late-night bar, no matter what it's true or not.

Swing to your heart's content and forget about the one you love

You're the most charming Karma, you know that

Come to the left and draw a dragon with me

Paint a rainbow on the right side of you

Come to the left and draw a rainbow with me

Draw a dragon on the right side of you

Paint Aaron Kwok on your chest

Swing to the left and to the right, and then draw a dragon. Shake your head to the left and to the right

Two index fingers like two monkeys

Point to the shining ball of light

Lower your head with me for the whole room

Swim forward with your left hand and right hand

Hold your head in front of your head and wiggle your crotch

Look like you're in a bind

Remind yourself of this at every turn

No hitting on people.

Don't talk to me

You're a dead man if you talk to me

