1. He walked briskly to one side; and as he passed a broad beam of sunlight, his eyes came alive with blue life.
2. A broken heart. After all, it's just a pump, pumping thousands of gallons of blood every day, until one day it clogs up and it's done.
3, or, look at the twists and turns, ripples back and forth of the brook, let the mountains and rocks block, it is still gurgling and running to the waves of the azure world of Neptune, along the way there are green moss-covered riverbanks accompanied by a gentle and considerate west wind blowing, there is a brilliant bright sunshine, there are forest giants of the branches of the proximity of the shadows will be draped in the brook that the brood of the brood of the brood of the chest of the meditations.
4. He, who begat himself, and sandwiched the Holy Spirit in the midst, and sent himself to be the Redeemer, and who, between himself and others, was deceived by demons, and stripped and scourged, and crucified and starved to death, and lived like a bat nailed to a barn door, and who, letting himself be buried in the ground and rise again, and going down to hell and saving others before he went up to heaven, and there sitting at his own right hand, did nineteen hundred years, and yet will return one day in the future to destroy all the living and the dead, but by then all the living will have become dead.
5. Although our strength is not as in the beginning, far from the former move heaven and earth, but we are still us. The heart of the heroes, despite being worn out by time and weakened by fate, our will and strength remain the same. We insist on fighting, exploring and pursuing, and never giving in!
6. Despite being worn down by time and weakened by fate, we still struggle, explore, seek, and never give in.
7. After leaving for a lifetime, he returned to the land of his birth. Since childhood, he has been an eyewitness to that place.
15 Classic Quotes by Yuval Hurali1. The iron rule of history tells us that every order constructed by imagination will never admit that it is out of imagination and fiction, but will talk of itself as the result of nature and necessity. ---- A Brief History of Humankind: From Animals to God
2. Whether it is science or empire, there is still a particularly important force lurking behind their ability to rise rapidly: capitalism. If it weren't for businessmen trying to make money, Columbus wouldn't have reached the Americas, Captain Cook wouldn't have reached Australia, and Armstrong wouldn't have been able to take his small, important step on the moon. ---- A Brief History of Humankind: From Animals to God
3. Buddhism's advice to us is to stop pursuing external accomplishments in addition to those feel-good psychological feelings at the same time. ---- A Brief History of Humankind: From Animals to God
4. What science can explain is what is in the world, how things work, and what the future may hold. By definition, science doesn't pretend to know what the future must hold. Only religions and ideologies claim to know those answers. ---- A Brief History of Humankind: From Animals to God
5. The truly unique function of human language is to gossip, i.e., to express things that don't exist (fictional stories), so that human beings can construct ***similar imagined realities, i.e., ***similar beliefs, and thus work in mass solidarity, which is at the core of the power of the cognitive revolution over humanity. ---- A Brief History of Humankind: From Animals to God
6. It is difficult for most people to accept that the order of their lives is a figment of their imagination, but the fact is that we have been in that imagination since birth, and even our desires have been y affected by it. Thus, personal desire also becomes the most powerful guardian of the imaginary order. ---- A Brief History of Humankind: From Animals to God
7. Almost from birth to death, human beings have been surrounded by fictional stories and concepts that make them think in a particular way and act in a particular way by particular standards. ---- A Brief History of Humankind: From Animals to God
8. Humans thought they domesticated plants, but it was actually plants that domesticated Homo sapiens. ---- A Brief History of Humankind
9. Evolution is based on differences, not equality. ---- A Brief History of Humankind: From Animals to God
10. As human beings, it is impossible for us to break away from the order constructed by our imagination. Every time we think we have broken through the walls of our prisons and are on our way to freedom, we are in fact only in another, larger prison, with a slightly wider range of activities. ---- A Brief History of Humankind: From Animals to God
11, Money is the most universal and most efficient system of mutual trust ever devised. ---- A Brief History of Humankind: From Animals to God
12. The cognitive revolution lies in the fact that humans learned to tell stories and **** with believing. ---- A Brief History of Humankind: From Animals to God
13, Adam? Smith made it clear that the basis of the wealth of all mankind lies in the selfishness of the desire to increase individual profits. This is arguably the most revolutionary concept in the history of mankind, and not just from an economic point of view, but also from a moral and political point of view. He actually tells us that greed is good, and that when we make ourselves well off, we don't just profit ourselves, we benefit others. To benefit ourselves is to benefit others. ---- A Brief History of Humankind: From Animals to God
14. The truth is that human subjective feelings have no substance or meaning. A subjective feeling is just an electric fluctuation that changes every instant, like the waves of the ocean. Whether you feel pleasure or displeasure, whether you feel life has meaning or not, it's all just a momentary fluctuation. If we place too much value on these internal fluctuations, we become too obsessed and the mind becomes restless and feels dissatisfied. ---- A Brief History of Mankind: From Animals to God
15. There can be no trade without trust, and it is difficult to trust strangers. Page 36 ---- A Brief History of Humankind: from Animals to God
Francis Quotes_Quotes about Francis"Biotechnology will dehumanize humans ...... yet we don't even realize how valuable we are losing. Perhaps we will be on the other side of the great watershed between human and post-human history, but we don't realize that the watershed has already been formed because we can no longer see the most fundamental part of our humanity." ---- Francis Fukuyama, Our Posthuman Future
Christianity has not produced a long chain of made men. Francis is one of the greatest flowers in the Christian tradition. He was pure love, unconditional love, love of everything, love of existence itself. He rejoiced in his love, that was his prayer. The whole of existence is its home, the trees and the houses and the fish are his sisters. Every thing is connected in a deep ****ing presence. ---- Osho, Zorba the Buddha
Love arises, but love is not the goal either. You can stay within love, it is a beautiful phenomenon, and you have gone far enough, it is the seventh step, just a little more and that circle will be complete. Those who belong to the Heart will make you look and feel very evolved and civilized - St. Francis of Assisi and others of this kind - they will make you look and feel very, very evolved and very, very civilized, and you will have a different kind of feeling that their qualities are different. If you go close to them, you will feel a magnetism, they will have an energy field that they can pull you into. Approach them and your own mind will begin to take effect. They are very evolved people, but that evolution is not complete. ---- Osho's Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu
Be brave enough to give up something for the life you want to live. There is no justice in this world and you will never get both. If you want freedom, you must sacrifice security. If you want to be idle, you can't achieve what others say you can achieve. If you want pleasure, you need not be concerned with the attitudes given by those around you. If you want to go forward, you must leave the place where you are now staying. ---- Francis Mace, "Under the Tuscan Sun"
Let me stay as near to them as I can, too; then the enemy may be deterred by my brother's beauty. ---- Francis Bonofoy, "The Black Talia"
"Spain is different," ads like this appeared around the world in the 1960s. The ads were designed to attract tourists to a closed-off, authoritarian country, and they also drew some affluent tourists who longed for the bright sun of the Mediterranean. At the time, Spain was ostracized by its European neighbors, but was supported by the U.S. State Department. The State Department was more interested in stopping a "red plague" from hitting Western Europe than in stopping the "red plague" of Francisco Franco. The State Department was more interested in preventing a "Red Plague" from descending on Western Europe than in the vintage dictatorship of Marshal Franco. ---- Pier Paolo Bavieri, Hitler's Shadow Reich
I miss the color of the sky more than any other feeling. It is said that some of those born during the cold winter period never saw the sky until they died. I wonder if they believed in the existence of the sky, and if visualizing it in their minds became a religion for them, as it is for me now. ---- Francesca Haig, "Call of Fire"
The Saatchi Gallery, mentioned earlier, is a place I visit almost every week, sometimes on my way from school or on weekends to hang out with friends. Walking through Duke of York Square, past a neat lawn and a few tall, lush French sycamores, you arrive at the main entrance of the gallery. I like this place because of the owner, Mr. Saatchi's unique and wildly eccentric taste in selecting works. He likes to have a large collection of young artists, and it's not uncommon to see works by pioneering artists in the gallery. I remember the first time I saw an original work by Francis Bacon was here. What impressed me most was Richard Wilson's installation "20:50", a flooded white space where used motor oil was poured on the first floor of the first floor of the gallery, like a huge black swimming pool, with a dim light emanating from the still surface and the pungent smell of motor oil permeating the air. Reflections make the space completely symmetrical above and below, and everything is calm and awe-inspiring. ---- Bing Yang, "Those Little Things That Matter Most in Life"
Although it's already been posted, I wanted to post it anyway.
"It goes without saying that good things always come. And when it comes late, it's no less surprising." ---- Francis Mays, Under the Tuscan Sunbash,i love you,i do.but i love Francis more.
Bash, I love you, I really do, but I love Francis more. ---- Queen of the WindSo-called love?
For Francis and Arthur, it's about that short strait and the distance between two hearts that they never dare to cross."Francis, are you sad?" "Why?" "Jeanne d'Arc she ......" "Aaah, it's time to drink red wine again, would you like a glass?" ---- The Black Talia
"So you're ruining my life to protect your own."
"Between the two of us, there can only be one life. You just don't get that. All this time you've been pretending as if we both get what we want. But that's not how the world works." ---- Francesca Haig, Call of FireHey man, what's there to feel bad about? Be a man and spell him next game! ---- Steve Francis
Then he said without thinking, the words that he had regretted for nearly half a century, "Wang Yao I like you, so be mine, OK?" He has a lot of words crowded in the heart smothered pressure dead press, want to say it but do not know how to start, he wanted to say Wang Yao become my bar I will be very good to you very good really good, he wanted to say Wang Yao we go to Moscow together together to go to the Volga River, you can wear your family's ancient Chinese dress no one dares to laugh at your conservative and complicated, no one dares to bully you to sneer at you, he wanted to say Wang Yao to become a belonging to my country, okay? So that we can be together, together for all eternity. Become mine and bring an end to the nightmare I've been waking up to for so long, okay? --The nightmare of you sitting on a high, gilded dragon chair where I can't reach your sleeve even if I stand on tiptoe, the nightmare of you leaning on the burning incense of the palace and being tortured by Francis Kirkland, the nightmare of you lying on a carved peony bed, writhing painfully underneath Kiku Honda. Sunflowers droop in the setting sun, scarlet all over ---- When the Shoe FitsOnly twice in his life did Francis pass squarely through twice.
Once was when he faced the soldiers who fought for him during the war. And once when he watched the fire that destroyed the only woman he'd ever loved. "I hope that in your life, you will be happy."Let your body follow its natural rhythm, take your time, there is plenty of time. ---- Francis Mays "Under the Tuscan Sun"
Amazing accomplishments come from superhuman expectations ---- Francis Crick
Good news kept seeping out of the palace. Anne loosened the straps of her corset. People were betting. Pens were writing. Letters were folded. Stamps were put on sealing wax. Riders mounted horses. Ships have set sail. The ancient families of England fell to their knees and asked why God had favored the Tudors. King Francis frowned. Emperor Charles bit his lip. King Henry danced. ---- Hilary Mantel, "Tithe Hall"
-- Which would hurt more, losing me or losing Joffrey
Losing Joffrey was inflammation, and he hurt for a month. Losing Francis was cancer, and he hurt for five whole years. ---- Three Degrees Below the LineI scrutinized his face, his nose was showy and straight, the tip of his nose tilted slightly, his cheekbones and chin angular. For me, every angle of his face had become so well known that it was easy to forget how he was a stranger to himself, with no way to understand his past, especially his twin sister. ---- Francesca Haig, "The Call of Fire"
There is something fleeting and melancholic about this twilight moment that affects not only a particular person, but an entire people. As for me, I have longed for love in the past, just as I wanted to cry in the present. Every hour of sleep in the future, it seems to me, is stolen from life ...... That is, stolen from inexplicable desires. Like the hours spent in the barrooms of Balma and in the convent of San Francisco, I was motionless, my whole body was tense, and I had no strength to restrain a passion: it was as if it were going to unearth the whole world into my hands. ---- Camus, Love of Life
"Aren't you going to say anything?" He asked. I didn't dare to speak. I didn't want the sound to reveal how much I hated him, or, for that matter, how much I missed him. ---- Francesca Haig, The Call of Fire
Early the next morning, as usual, I awoke from a dream of fire.
Months later, each time I awoke from such a nightmare, I couldn't help but be grateful for the confinement of my cell. The light in the tiny room was gray, and the walls remained unbreakable, in stark contrast to the dream's vision of a wild and brutal explosion that knew no boundaries. ---- Francesca Haig, "The Call of Fire""You once had a very delicious dessert when you were a child, and when you grew up you couldn't get that dessert out of your mind, and you were always convinced that you hadn't eaten anything better than that in your life, but when you grow up and go back to that dessert, you'll feel that he was nowhere near as good as you remembered, and you'll even begin to wonder. why you thought this was this was the most delicious food at the time," Francis nudged Arthur's nose, "you are to me what this dessert feels like."
"When I was little I always thought black tea was bitter and had a funny taste, no matter how much sugar was added." Arthur rested his head and said what seemed to be borderline words, "After you get used to drinking it, when you go to a place where you can't drink tea one day, you will feel the emptiness of life like never before, and feel stupid for having been adamant about not drinking tea." Arthur did not go on. He felt very sad. He was Francis' dessert and Francis was his black tea. ---- Seeking Tea and Ink "Three Degrees Below the Line""There are people around me who have passed away like streams of fireflies, and I have no one to paint but myself" One of the most iconic painters of the 20th century, the Fauvist master Francis Bacon, was one of the most important figures of the 20th century, and one of the most important figures of the 20th century, the Fauvist masters. Francis Bacon (1909~1992), one of the most iconic painters of the 20th century, saw his friends and family disappear one by one in the 1970s, and had to reveal his inner anguish in his self-portraits.
If loneliness is the shadow of the artist and his confidant, this is another example of how it can be hard to let go.Joao Francisco Mateusz left behind a vegetable garden and an old house. It turns out that there was another plot of land on Mount Vila. He spent many years removing rocks until it became loose soil that could be hoed. The effort had been in vain, and now the place was full of rocks again; what on earth did a man come into the world for? ---- José Saramago, The Monastery Chronicle
The copper sulfate crystals dissolve quickly into the water, making a sky-blue trajectory.
Beautiful things are often harmful. This clear and fascinating color is close to Francis's iris, and mysterious and thin. ---- Chaoyan "Aspartame"History is always repeating itself, spiraling upwards, there is no eternity, only profit.
Years ago the Germans will be the king's sword did not into the Roman chest, Kilbride with has been a happy bird straight under the city of Vienna, Arthur and Francis of the strife of a hundred years, the military boots sucked full of hate blood. Wang Yao saw with his own eyes and heard with his own ears, and those pains do not lie in the hideous wounds, but in the fact that the wounds are left by the important people, which is clearer to him than anyone else. ---- yesterdays smoky sand "when the shoe fits"You will wed young Francis, someday soon, for your faith, for your people, for Scotland. He will love you.
You will wed young Francis, someday soon, for your faith, for your people, for Scotland. He will love you. You will marry young Francis, someday soon, for your faith, for your people, for Scotland.2. The most unbearable loneliness is the lack of true friendship.
3. Not a true friend, and then heavy gifts can not open the heart.
4, love is like a bank to deposit a sum of money, can appreciate each other's merits, like a supplemental income; tolerate each other's shortcomings, which is the moderation of expenditure. The so-called eternal love, love from red face to gray hair, love from flower to flower.
5, people are mostly based on his intention to think, based on his learning and insight and talk, while their behavior is based on their habits.
6. There is no one who does evil for the sake of doing evil, but does it only to gain for himself profit, pleasure, honor, and other such things, and if so, why should he be angry with another for loving himself more than me?
7. Life is like a road. The nearest shortcut is usually the worst road.
8. The two things, human knowledge and human power, are united as one; the failure of work is due to ignorance of cause and effect.
9. Happiness is not without worries and troubles, and adversity is not without solace and hope.
10, friendship can not only make people out of the stormy feelings and to the sunny sky, and can make people get rid of the dark and chaotic nonsense and into the light and rational thinking.
11, reasonable arrangement of time, is equal to saving time.
12, reading gives people the pleasure, gives people the glory, gives people the talent.
13, the past is irretrievable. The wise man is afraid to cope with the present and the future, and can't be bothered with the past.
14, when the danger is approaching, good at seizing the opportunity to hit it head-on than to hesitate to dodge more favorable. Because the result of hesitation is precisely to miss the opportunity to overcome it.
15, the evaluation of a person, not depending on their wealth and origin, and even more not depending on their learning, but to see his true character.
16, if you can not get back to love, you will get a deep in the heart of contempt, which is an eternal law.
17, all truly great men (whether ancient or modern, as long as their fame is immortalized in the memory of mankind), there is no one who is mad with love: because the great cause inhibits such weak feelings.
18, Good luck is enviable, and victory over bad luck is more marvelous.
19, some books can be an appreciation, some books can be swallowed, there are not more than a few books should be chewed and digested; some books as long as to read a part of it is enough, some books can be read, but do not have to read carefully, there are not more than a few books should be read, read diligently, and read by heart.
20, there are many beautiful people in the world, they have had a youth of debauchery, but to meet the regret of the old age.
21, if friendship can adjust the human feelings, then another role of friendship is to enhance human wisdom.
22, I live to learn, and learning is not to live.
23, no skill is more popular than good character and attitude, easier to get a noble position.
24, habitually fake in fact is only a weakness and no brains and contribute to the cunning, is not a superior strategy.
25, courage is always the first time to put into action when the best results, and then will soon fail, because the word courage is the most easy tiger head, snake tail.
26, the miracle is more in bad luck.
27, people's demeanor should be like their clothes, not too tight or overly elaborate, should be a little more comfortable, in order to facilitate the work and movement.
28, for young people, travel is part of education; for the elderly, travel is part of experience.
29, dance is a rhythmic step, just as poetry is a rhythmic genre.
30, those who take pleasure in solitude are either beasts or gods.
31, reading to make up for the lack of natural, experience and make up for the lack of reading.
32, reputation is like a river, it can carry up the frivolous things, but also can pour heavy things.
33, reading is enough to love, enough to Fu color, enough to long talent. It is also, most seen in the solitude when living in seclusion; its Fu color, most seen in the talk; its long talent, most seen in the world to judge things.
34, knowledge itself does not tell people how to use it, the use of the method is outside the book.
35, the human mind if not from their own strengths to obtain nourishment, will have to look for other people's shortcomings as nourishment. Because of their own defects can not be made up, so need to damage others to seek relief.
36. The virtue of good times is temperance, and the virtue of adversity is fortitude, the latter being the greater virtue.
37, the most joyful thing than unrestrained.
38, the truth seems to be the sunshine, under its illumination, the masquerade staged in the world, far less than in the half-bright half-dark candlelight more gorgeous.
39, really terrible, and not that everyone can hardly avoid the difference in thought, but that deep into the custom, entrenched in the depths of the human heart of the fallacy and prejudice.
40, reading is the thoughts of others into a piece of stone, and then build their own hall of thought.
41, the world friendship is rare, equal friendship is more difficult to find.
42. Habits formed by wisdom become second nature.
43. If you ask what is the most important talent in life? -then the answer is: first, fearlessness; second, fearlessness; third, still fearlessness.
44. The light that a man receives from another man's admonition is cleaner and purer than the light that comes from his own understanding and judgment.
45, no matter how you express anger, do not do anything irreparable.
46, at the time of eating, sleeping and exercising, the heart is open, the spirit is happy, and is one of the best secrets of longevity.
47, habit is really a kind of tenacious and great power, it can dominate people's life, therefore, people from the early years should be through education to cultivate a good habit.
48, our language, may as well be straightforward, but not rough and proud; sometimes should also say a few polite words, but avoid hypocrisy frivolous and oily.
49, virtue is like a gem, set in the pure place is good.
50, the experienced old man to do things reassuring, and young people's energy is inspiring. If the old man's experience is valuable, then the youth's innocence is sublime.
51, collective habits, its power is greater than individual habits. Therefore if there is a social environment with a good moral climate, it is most conducive to the training of good social citizens.
52, the most beautiful embroidery are dark background to set off the bright patterns, and never dark flowers set on a bright background.
53, only know some of the skin of the philosophy of people, the idea will be oriented to atheism. But a deeper understanding of philosophy will take one back to religion.
54, etiquette to move naturally to appear noble. If the surface is too pretentious, it loses its proper value.
55, honor is like a river: frivolous and empty honor floats on the river, heavy and thick honor sinks in the river bottom.
56, when you act in the world, the correct use of knowledge means power.
57. Judge in due course what should be done openly, what should be done secretly, and what should be done openly or secretly, and know y the limits and boundaries of all this; and properly expose the true side of the event, but the purpose is to cover up the more important part of the truth.
58. If she has sympathy for the sufferings of others, it is a sign that her heart, like that of the noble tree, is wounded itself when she sheds the healing or analgesic aromatic resin.
59, discouragement begets disappointment, disappointment begets faltering, faltering begets failure.
60, only for friends, you can talk about your sorrows and joys, fears and hopes, suspicions and comfort.
61. Friendship multiplies joy and reduces grief.
62, the pursuit of truth, is like his courtship; know the truth, is with it close to each other; believe in the truth, is to use it to have fun, so the truth is the human nature of the richest and the best.
63. Discuss things with an unfeeling eye, and look at people with a compassionate eye.
64, too much speed is one of the biggest dangers in doing things.
65, reading history makes one wise, reading poetry makes one spiritual, mathematics makes one thorough, science makes one profound, ethics makes one solemn, logic and rhetoric makes one eloquent, and whatever one learns, one becomes a character.
66, the wife is the youth of the lover, the middle age of the partner, the twilight of the guardian.
67, although the nature of man is hidden, but it is difficult to be repressed, and even more rarely can be completely eradicated. Even if the reluctance to apply repression, only to make it more violent after the removal of pressure. Only long-established habits can more or less change a person's natural temperament and character.
68, the good show off people are the wise man despised, stupid people envied, sycophants flattered, but they are also their own boasted words of slavery.
69. It has been well said that truth is the daughter of time, not the daughter of authority.
70, there are a lot of very worldly and very good at guessing the temperament of the character of people, but not really learned people. Such people are good at intrigue rather than research.
71, reading makes a person full, discussion makes a person witty, notes make a person accurate.
72, virtue is like a jewel, it is in the background of the simple background, but more gorgeous.
73, talent is like natural flowers and trees, to be pruned with learning.
74, where too much credit to their own cleverness and wisdom of the fortunate thing is more often than not the end is unfortunate.
75. Books are the ships that cross the sea of time.
76, a person who treats strangers kindly and courteously, he must be a good man who knows the time and compassion, and his heart is often linked to the hearts of others, rather than isolated.
77, where too much credit to their own cleverness and wisdom of the lucky thing is most likely to end up very unfortunate.
78, severity begets fear, but rudeness begets hatred, even if the official condemnation, should be dignified and should not be insulting ridicule.
79. It is difficult to remain wise in love, even for a god.
80. People who have no friends to talk to are cannibals who eat themselves and their hearts.
81, with material to offer love, when you stop giving, it is quickly eliminated.
82, Knowledge is a pleasure, and curiosity is the germ of knowledge.
83, appreciators of the heart of the sunrise, dewdrops and perennial blooming flowers; indifference to the icy heart of the city, the four seas are dry, clumps of mountains are barren.
84, if you think twice before saying, then you must say twice as good as the original.
85, no ideal and indecision is a sad psychology.
86, the child is born, will have the ability to cry, and later learn to laugh, so a person does not first understand the sad, will not understand the happy.
87, hope is a good breakfast, but definitely the worst dinner.
88, virtue is like a famous incense, burned or suppressed and its fragrance is more intense: cover the most difficult to reveal the virtues of good fortune and bad luck is most able to reveal the virtues.
89, sympathy is the highest of all moral virtues.
90, nature is like a seed, it can grow into a fragrant flower, but also may grow into poisonous grass. People should always check to cultivate the former and pull out the latter.
91, the purpose of reading is to recognize the principle of things. It is boring to read for the sake of nitpicking and arguing. But you can't be too superstitious about books. The purpose of knowledge is not to brag and show off, but to find the truth and enlightenment.
92, reading is not for eloquence and refutation, not for gullibility and blind obedience, but for thinking and weighing.
93, nothing is always jealous of other people's strengths, because the human mind is not nourished by their own good, is to feed on the evil of others. A person lacks this, must swallow the other; a person has no hope of reaching the strengths of others, must suppress the fortunes of others to make a tie.
94, fear is the most terrible enemy of crushing human personality.
95, young people are better suited to invention than to judgment; to execution than to consultation; to new plans than to fixed occupations.
96, really fast people, not things just do fast, but do it successfully and effectively.
97, healthy body is the living room of the soul, sick and weak body is the prison of the soul.
98, the beauty of form is better than the beauty of color, and the beauty of elegant behavior is better than the beauty of form.
99. The reason why people prefer to believe in fallacies rather than love the truth is not only because the search for truth is arduous, but also because fallacies cater more to some of the worst natures of mankind.
100, no matter who, if you lose patience, you lose your soul.
101. If the person you love is not equally in love with you, then it is inevitably in secret contempt of you.
102, in front of their children, parents should be good at hiding all their joys, troubles and fears.
103. There is no other power in the world, except knowledge and learning, which can establish dominion and authority in the spirit and mind of man, in his thought imaginative opinion and belief.