What is the weight loss effect of hawthorn and lemon?

1. Hawthorn is not effective in losing weight and can only play a supporting role.

2. Lemon is a nutritious fruit rich in vitamin C, and most people use it as a beauty food. Lemons are durable and easy to store. They are rich in vitamin C, which can prevent redness, swelling and bleeding of gums. It can also reduce the chance of dark spots and freckles, and has a partial whitening effect. Lemon peels are also rich in calcium, so in order to achieve the desired effect, it is best to squeeze the juice with the peels on for the most nutritional value. In fact, the substances contained in lemons, after reasonable preparation, are still very effective weight loss substances.

3. Lemon water can quench thirst and dilute the desire to eat, so it can effectively suppress improper eating. Combined with a total of 15 minutes of exercise a day, the effect will be very significant. This weight loss method is now the most popular in Japan. You can achieve weight loss results by doing it at home. Therefore, it is called the "housewife"-style water-drinking diet method and is very effective.

4. The most important thing about timing and quantification is persistence.