1, Zheng Doyan weight loss exercise precautions
1. The first point is that many people feel particularly thirsty after jumping, so drink a lot of water after jumping. In fact, this is not right. First of all, the body's organs are difficult to adapt for a moment, but also to reduce the temperature of the body, so that the original can be excluded from the sweat can not be excluded from the body. Let our exercise effect is not better play. Of course, you can not immediately go to the bath, it is best to wait for their own physical and mental calm, the body of the sweat is dry before drinking water to take a bath.
2. Secondly, many people ask me whether it is better to exercise in the morning or at night. If you have time in the morning, the morning is the best time to exercise, because after a long night, your body's glycogen basically line depleted, you get up after the exercise is basically fat into energy, this time the best weight loss effect. But usually there is no time in the morning. So you can only do it at night. If you do it at night, I give some advice is the best six o'clock before you finish eating, and after six o'clock do not eat again. The first thing you need to do is to start dancing at seven or eight o'clock. Remember to stop eating.
3. Thirdly, many people can't stick to it when they start, and feel that it's really too difficult to stick to it and give up the last few minutes. In fact, those minutes is the key to exercise. That is your limit, but also the most critical minutes of fat consumption, so if you really want to lose weight, you must adhere to their own limits. This way the effect will be more obvious. No matter what kind of exercise you do, the limit at the end is the most crucial for you to slim down. So do not start to do thirty minutes, the last ten minutes do not insist.
4. Dance dance before the exercise must do a good job of warming up activities, warming up activities in fact is to let your body parts "hot up", so that the dance dance exercise is not easy to injury, because Zheng Doyan dance exercise many times will be used in the usual not used or even did not use the muscles and tendons, so dance before a good warm-up activities is very important. activity is very important.
5. 30 minutes before the dance should not eat a lot of food, if you eat a lot of things before dancing Zheng Doyan dance exercise, dancing will affect the digestion of the stomach, and slowly will have a bad effect on the stomach, and people in the dance will feel uncomfortable, a direct impact on people's emotions in the dance, so 30 minutes before the dance should try to avoid eating too much food.
6. Whenever you dance, you should relax your whole body to do soothing activities, so that every part of the body's muscles are completely relaxed, otherwise, the muscles are always in a tense state, it is easy to get hurt or cause cramps, so it is very important to do soothing activities after dancing, it is a necessary measure to protect the body.
2, Zheng Doyan weight loss dance weight loss points
1. Kneeling waist
Slimming position: arms, hips, abdomen, thighs before and after the side.
(1) Kneel on the floor with your knees forked a shoulder-width apart and your arms crossed.
(2) Slowly lean your shoulders back, push your arms and elbows forward to feel the muscles stretching in the bye-bye meat position.
(3) When you reach the maximum size, hold it for 10 seconds, take a deep breath, and return to the position.
2. open leg arm lift
Slimming position: arms, waist outside, inner thighs, calves.
Two legs crossed into 180 °, the palms of the feet should be with the legs into a vertical angle, feel the calf belly taut only; arms up, maintain a flat line, the palms of the hands slightly enough to reach the head
3. Side-lying leg lifts.
Slimming position: arms, waist outside, thighs outside.
(1) Lie on the floor on your side with your arm against your head and the other hand propped up on the floor.
(2) Use the strength of your waist and legs to lift both legs upward with force, hold for 5 seconds before lowering them, and do 10 reps before switching to the other side.
Bending down and lifting legs
Slimming position: shoulders, back, buttocks, back of thighs.
(1) Lie down on the floor and stretch your limbs.
(2) With the waist and abdomen on the ground, lift the left leg while lifting the right arm, and vice versa lift the left leg while lifting the left arm, move slowly, let the muscles stretch as much as possible, and maintain for 10 seconds and then change direction.
3, weight loss and slimming exercise action
1. legs up straight
Legs open and shoulder width, knees bent, maintain a semi-squatting position, thighs and calves as far as possible at a 90-degree right angle, the upper body straight forward, arms bent, hands clenched fists.
Slowly raise your hips upward, stand up straight with your legs, bend your upper body down, straighten your arms, and support the ground with your palms open.
Sink your hips down again, bend your knees and return to a semi-squatting position, bend your elbows and extend your lower arms forward, palms open inward, fingers taut.
Exhale as you straighten your legs again and stand up straight, with your upper body and legs in a straight line and your arms raised straight up.
2. Lunge with left leg up
Take a big step forward with the right leg in a lunge position, with the thigh and calf at a 90-degree angle, the right leg slightly bent at the knee, the heel of the foot off the ground, turn backward from the right side with the right arm extended backward, and the left arm bent at the elbow and lifted flat in front of the chest, with the fingers taut.
Retract the right leg, forward across the left leg, do the same movement, the upper body from the left side to the right twist, at this time the left arm straight back, left and right arm elbow bent flat to the chest.
3. Kneel on both knees
Kneel on both knees, palms up, thighs and calves into 90 degrees, the upper body stretched forward, parallel to the ground, arms straight to the ground.
Bend your elbows outward, lean your upper body down, drive your hips up, and angle your thighs away from your calves.
Straighten your arms and raise your upper body, swinging your right arm up, palm up, and look to the fingertips of your right hand.
Lower your right arm, bend your elbow again, and bend your upper body down.
Then raise your upper body to the left side, straightening your arms and extending your left arm upward.