Night borrow village is located in which city

Night borrowing is located in the town of Dazhuying government offices 1 kilometer south east. A total area of 3 square kilometers, the village population of 2,674 people, arable land area of 2,232 acres, agricultural production to wheat, corn-based, industrial paper industry is the main industry, the village of the two committees of the team dutifully, unity and officers, and constantly strengthen the work of the party building to speed up the construction of infrastructure in the village, the organization set up the village of the square dance team and the big drum team, etc., every New Year's Eve, fifteen festivals and other activities to carry out a variety of cultural and artistic activities, greatly enriching the cultural life of the villagers. The village's cultural life has been greatly enriched.

Night Borrow Village is adjacent to Beisongying Village, Yongnanzhuang Village, Suzhuang Village, Beisong Village, Xiazikou Village, Yanchun Village, Shangzikou Village, Fangshang Village, Xicun Village, Mafang Village, Liuchangfang Village, Dazhuanying Village, Wangxinzhuang Village and Dazhu Village.

On September 1, 2020, the Ali Research Institute announced the Taobao villages of 2020, and Night Borrowing Village was on the list.

Night Borrow Ruins

Night Borrow Ruins is located in Night Borrow Village, Dazhuangying Town, there are ash pits and tombs of the Warring States period at the site, and the remains of ash pits can be seen exposed on the fault, and the exposed relics, except for the collection and sight of bronzes and pottery in the tomb of the Warring States period, there are also individual stone tools and a large number of ceramic tablets, ceramic tablets are mainly gray coarse rope pattern, and the shape of the vessels are tripods,

Night Borrow Ruins are near the Night Borrow Village

Night borrowing village near the ruins of night borrowing, Zhang Rou tomb, Manchu Han Tomb, large platform Longju Waterfall Scenic Spot, Manchu Yueming Temple and other tourist attractions, there are Baoding spring does not grow old, Manchu grinding persimmons, Manchu strawberries, Lvji sugar gourd, pancake rolled bacon and other specialties.