What to do if the tweeter stereo treble is too sharp

You can turn down the pitch of the treble. If there is no tone, you can open the speaker and replace the crossover tweeter electrolytic capacitor with one that is larger than the original microfarad (e.g., the original is 5 microfarads, 10 microfarads can be used as a substitute) to solve the problem.

First of all, I would like to introduce you to what is a trolley speaker, solid name, trolley speaker is a speaker with a rod, with the travel suitcase is almost.... When it comes to trolley outdoor audio, I believe that not only me, there must be a lot of people think of the first is the square dance audio.... But it also has a lot of uses, like the subject mentioned outdoor performances, outdoor K songs and other entertainment and leisure activities.... Portable trolley speakers are becoming more and more widely used, in the beautiful elderly people square dance group beside, in the outdoor business activities, in a variety of professional playing and singing performance site, there will always be a variety of outdoor trolley Bluetooth speaker.... Look at the user demand... Their own needs are the most important factors affecting the choice of outdoor speakers, used to dance square dance, then, generally need to take into account the size of the venue, the number of people, and then decide the size of the trolley outdoor audio. The appearance of trolley speakers and trolley boxes are very similar in appearance, out of the house when you can pull, more convenient and more labor-saving, easier to use, trolley outdoor audio external sound is larger, very suitable for square dancing.