Twelve meridian tendons originated from China's earliest medical literature "Huangdi Neijing" Lingshu - meridian tendon chapter for the beginning of the meridian tendons, circulation and termination of all have a detailed description. In real life, often found that people are young when one meter eight, to the old only one meter seven, and people will be old hunchback. Traditional Chinese medicine refers to this phenomenon as "tendon contraction". Tendon shrinkage is to reduce the range of expansion and contraction, the original can pull a meter of the tendon can now only pull to half a meter. Tendon shrinkage of the "tendon" from the pathological point of view, there are fibrosis, adhesions, scar formation, thickening, swelling, there is what the people call "tendon bumps" formation. This kind of "tendon lump" is called tendon knot in Chinese medicine. "The body has a thousand knots", this thousand knots is our body tendon knot.
? The tendons introduced by Chinese medicine, the scope is relatively broad, mainly refers to the connection of the tissues that drive bone and joint movement, such as myofascia, tendons, ligaments and joint capsules. There are twelve tendons in the meridian system, mostly in the limbs, between the claws and armor, finally the head and face, inward in the chest and abdomen, but not into the internal organs.
? Tendon knot does not mean that the muscles and ligaments are knotted. Pathologically, tendon knot means that there is fibrosis, adhesion, scar formation, thickening, swelling, and severe atrophy. When touching the area with tendon knot, you will feel tension, stiffness, spasm, swelling, thickening or even "tendon bump", with obvious pressure and pain. Functionally, tendon knots will reduce the range of motion of the joints, limiting head turning, difficulty in bending, lifting the leg and bending the knee is not as good as before. Tendon knot compression of nerves causing pain, compression of blood vessels causing insufficient blood supply, tendon loss, numbness and convulsions, as well as cause a series of internal diseases and other conditions.
? Frequently occurring diseases, hand numbness is one of them, middle-aged and elderly people are particularly common, and hand numbness and tendon knots exist a certain relationship. We say that the cause of hand numbness, there are two common, one is the upper limb nerve compression, one is cervical spondylosis, the most common cause of hand numbness or cervical spondylosis. We often say that qi deficiency is numb, blood deficiency is wood, local compression is caused by qi and blood is the key, the stability and functional strength of the cervical spine depends on the stability of the neck ligaments and the strength of the muscles. The real cause of early cervical spondylosis should be the strain and spasm of the neck muscles, long-term unrelieved, the formation of a "tendon knot", compression of blood vessels, nerves, and thus cause joint instability.
? What caught our attention is that nowadays children and young people tendon shrinkage is particularly strong. The reason is very simple, in the age of the Internet, people often bow their heads to fix a posture not move, very lack of exercise. This has led to the emergence of many young people from the former old people only have chronic diseases, and many have high and low shoulders, cervical problems, head disease and so on.
? Twelve meridian tendons of the human body, is the twelve meridians of the gas gathered in the tendons and joints of the system, by the tangible quality of the similar cord-like tissue. The distribution route of the twelve meridian tendons, roughly the same route with the twelve meridians, all over the human body in front, back, left, right and head, face, limbs. Twelve meridian tendons **** together that is to become a complete human body tendon organization. The difference is that the twelve meridian tendon organization does not enter the "viscera" only shows in the human body, as if the peripheral walls of the house components, and did not involve the viscera within the walls of the organization. But the twelve meridian tendons and internal organs have the same gas sense of connection, can be used for the twelve meridians of the positive and negative movement to pass through the yin and yang. Therefore, through the treatment of meridian tendons to improve the function of the body organs, because the twelve meridian tendons rely on the twelve meridians of the exchange of meridian qi moistening. Therefore, all the distribution routes of the foot-sun meridian tendons and branch meridian tendons are all fed by the back-and-forth meridian qi of the foot-sun meridian and part of the foot-shaoyin meridian qi. Other meridian tendons are also moisturized by the same meridian qi.
? Because the twelve meridians and twelve meridians go in the same direction, by insisting on stretching the tendons not only can the tendon contraction, tendon knot problem gradually resolved. And can directly dredge the relevant meridians, meridians smooth is not painful.
? We have a lot of ways to stretch in life, such as the daily action of stretching, students do radio gymnastics, women dance in some of the dance moves, and now the popular yoga and so on are in the stretching.
? In the pat stretching self-healing method, there are seven main methods of stretching, including: lying stretching method, squatting stretching method, neck stretching method, standing stretching method, sleeping stretching method, Y stretching method, stretching board (standing board) stretching method.
? Among them, the lying stretching method is the most comprehensive stretching method, which directly and indirectly pulls open the twelve meridians and unblocks the twelve meridians. The squatting stretching method is the oldest stretching method, we also called "shit stretching method". If you have constipation or waist and leg problems, squat stretching is a good choice.
? Neck stretching method for a variety of cervical spine, shoulder and back, thoracic spine, five senses diseases have a very good effect; standing stretching method to pull through the scapula, around the shoulder, back, legs and their corresponding meridians. It is mainly used for the treatment of neck and shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, back pain, breast disease, hyperthyroidism, lung disease, etc. It is also beneficial to pull open the bladder meridian at the back of the calf.
? Sleeping stretching method is also called "sleep bone method", is to sleep on a hard board bed, or a hard mattress, and it is best not to use a pillow, which is equal to the cervical spine and the entire spine stretching bone. It is a gentle stretching method to improve the quality of sleep is also helpful. Y word stretching method to strengthen the inner leg of the liver, spleen, kidney three meridians, the liver, spleen and kidney are good, but also can be thin legs.
? Stretching board stretching has many benefits. People old legs first old, because the legs of the meridians first cold, the first blockage, foot three yin and three yang six meridians are closely linked to the foot, the body's many toxins and garbage is also due to the earth's gravitational force and discharged to the feet. This action is just the whole foot dense meridians and other actions are not easy to pull to the calf belly meridians for a thorough cleaning, leg and foot pain, back pain and all kinds of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, liver and kidney disease, prostate disease, cancer and so on have a very good alleviation and health care role.
? These stretching methods are very simple, want to reap good results, the key is to insist.
(Edited from the Internet)