Looking for a manga about Pokemon, it seems like the main character can become Pokemon-like by fusing with a pixie stone

Pokemon DP

(Unsubtitled) Episode 118 Magical Ring! (Showdown in the Sky!) 2009-03-13

Episode 117 (Unsubtitled) Team Rocket Disbanded 2009-03-06

Episode 116 Snow Demoness in the Blizzard! 2009-03-03

Episode 115 Savage Moon Deutsche Lufthansa and Partners Noisy Bird! 2009-02-20

Episode 114 Gorgeous Contest! Through the grassy convention! 2009-02-13

113 episodes of Naughty Fenner! 2009-02-06

112 episodes of Pikachu and the Round Penguin Drift"! 2009-01-30

Ruins of 111 sets Steel Island 2009-01-28

110 sets Lukaliao! 2009-01-17

109 Wandering Howler Whale! ! 2009-01-11

Set 108 Water Pulse Dojo Battle! Battle of Steel! ! 2008-12-27

Set 107 Battle Mallet Dragon vs. Allendragon 2008-12-21

Set 106 Pokémon Being Friendly! ? 2008-12-12

Set 105 Jelly, Rotomoly! 2008-12-05

104 of Cray colors Elijah vs. NASDAQ Lay! 2008-12-05

Set 103 Melee chaos in the city of Water Pulse! 2008-11-22

Episode 102 Green Source Dojo! Against Melissa! ! 2008-11-13

Shun makes his debut, setting up 101 Trainer Rivals! ! 2008-11-06

Episode 100 Grass Seedling Turtle Grove... And then Earth Station's Turtle! 2008-10-30

Set 99 Four Heavenly Kings Aryu! Meeting with Farewell Mori! 2008-10-24

Episode 98 Floating Unknown Monsters! ? 2008-10-17

Episode 97 Team Galaxy Attacks! Part two! 2008-10-03

Episode 96 Attack of the Galaxy Team! Part I! 2008-10-03

Episode 95 of the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest! God and the convention! ! 2008-09-27

Episode 94 Electric Chipmunk has a fever! The two minds left behind! 2008-09-27

Episode 93 Leader Boxing Stadium Jump! A Melissa stage! 2008 - 09-12

Episode 92 Return to Origin Rocket! ? 2008-09-05

Episode 91 The Final Showdown! The Magical Triathlon! 2008-08-29

Episode 90's After School Mirage! 2008-08-22

89 episodes of Scientific Research "Legend of the Lake!

88 episodes of Pokémon Summer School Presentation! 2008-08-17

87 Escape the Way! Pokémon Designer's Way! 2008-07-14

85 Episode Scorpio! Wings of Friendship! 2008-07-04

84 Set of Mr. Satoyama's House Eater Little Boar! 2008-07-04

83 Set of Nose? Dojo! vs. the strongest masquerade! 2008-06-21

Episode 82: Nose Wet Plain Poor Frog Celebration?2008-06-06

Episode 81 Burning Little Fire Monkeys! 2008-05-30

Episode 80 Yo-Yo Mari Controls the Armageddon! 2008-05-23 /> Armageddon in Episode 79!Kouki Remote! The little! ! 2008-05-17

Set 78 Fighters! Battle! 2008-05-09

Set 77 Rivals! Mikoli World Cup! 2008-05-09

Set 76 of the restaurant seven-star two-player cooperative game, Eat a full meal! (Mini-Remote Cameo) 2008-04-25

Episode 75 Gorgeous Contest Masters? Mikaeli makes an appearance! 2008-04-18

Episode 74 Pikachu! Raichu! The evolution of the pathway! ! 2008-04-04

Episode 73 Goodbye Poisonous Pink Butterfly! 2008-04-04

Episode 72 Elf Conservation Home Pokémon Pokémon Leo Highway (Part 2) 2008-03-21

Episode 71 POKEMON Conservation Home Leo (Part 1) 2008-03-21

Episode 70 Cheerleaders! Lukaliou vs. the Fork-tailed Floating Weasel! 2008-03-02

The original 67 episodes of Kouko Dojo Match! Lukaliou Angry Wave Missile! 2008-02-16

65 episodes of Patch Liz Sandstorm Hippo's Mouth? 2008-02-02

64 episodes of Bat's Tooth Scorpio (Trial) "Scorpio! 2008-01-27

Set 63 of the three sets of Little Boar Steam and Spa Battle! 2008-01-12


Set 62 of the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest! 2007-12-23

Episode 60 Any Ruin Unknown Totem! 2007-12-23

Episode 59 Out of the Pupil Lion's Eye!

58 sets of Great Magnetic Nose! The Sizzling Soul! 2007-12-08 BR /> Set 57 Water Staying Beaver Knows! 2007-12-04

Episode 56, Sentinel Stone Trapezoid! Road! 2007-11-24

54 Naru, Desert Naija! For Whom is Goodbye?2008-01-07

53 Episode Tears of the Fire Monkey! 2007-11-12

Episode 52 Two-player Co-op Game! Duel! 2007-10-28

Episode 51 Fire Monkey vs. Scythe Cat Unified, Fatal Showdown! 2007-10-21

50 Participants! Double co-op match! 2007-10-08

Episode 49 Gorgeous Pokémon Contest, Green Source Match! 2007-10-08

Episode 48 Chi Kouko Looking for a New Adventure! 2007-10-01

Episode 47 Mei Bottom Stays in Casey and the Water! 2007-10-01

Episode 46 Chaos in the Labyrinth! All events! 2007-09-17

Episode 45 Re-encounter with Hunter "J" guards to face the Nightmare Dragon 2007-09-03

44 Rescue the wandering swamp hippo! Escape the Nightmare! 2007-08-20

42 Episode Diseases of the Electric Blind Dog Training Center! 2007-08-12

Episode 41 The Light, Little Greek Double Show! 07

38 Set Blast Fest! Bike Path! 2007-06-24

37 Episode White Dai Assembly! Battle Rapeseed! 2007-06-13

Episode 36 The Legend of Neo's Time! 2007-06-03

Episode 35 The Four Heavenly Kings Wu Ye's Ancient Bronze Bell! 2007-05-30

Episode 34 The Fork-tailed Floating Weasel, Leading to the Strongest 2007-05-20

The Road! Episode 33 It's Really Like Them! Pokémon Dressing Contest! 2007-05-14

Episode 32 Yellow Urban Female Wasp 2007-05-07

31 Sapling Sapling Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle? Duel! 2007-05-01

Episode 30 White Housen, I resemble the evolution of insects fighting! 2007-04-25

Episode 29 Chi Sio Hiro, two-player co-op game no problem?2007-04-21

28 Episode Ghosts floating north wind messenger! 2007-04-15

Episode 27 Decisive round! Penguin Rudder Penguin! 2007-04-11 <BR / 26 episodes of the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest, Assembly Park Scape! 2007-04-11

25 episodes of Freak Flower Rose and the Legend of the Flower! 2007-04-03

24 times vs! Koji against Pikachu! 2007-04-01

23 episodes of Blast Off Ogon Snake, Guardian Village of the Gourd Tooth Raccoon's! 2007-03-19

22 episodes of Electrode Chipmunks vs. Marmosets Gorgeous Match Battle! "2007-03-15

Episode 21 Strongest King Carp and Most Beautiful Clumsy Fish! 2007-03-14


20 episodes of Pokémon Hunter J Episode 19 Reins Electric Chipmunks No Problem?2007-03-14

18 again! Challenging the Black Railroad Museum Raging Dragon2007-03-14

Episode 17 Ancient Pokémon Great Advance! 2007-03-14 BR />Episode 16 Cephaloceratops vs Pikachu! Hirata vs Shinji! 2007-03-14

Set 14 All to Kogon It! 2007-03-14

Episode 13 Go Fat Won! 2007-03-14

Episode 12 Gorgeous Gorgeous Contest Preliminaries Battle of the Battles! The rivalry showdown! 2007-03-14

Episode 11 Light! 2007-03-14

Episode 10 Magic Wizard Table Starting Difficulties2007-03-14

Episode 9 Role-Playing Rabbits2007-03-14

Episode 8 Mysterious Dokuga Moth Gladiators2007-03-14

Episode 7 Cheer Park Penguins! Episode's Confused Forest, Shinji's Re-encounter2007-03-14

Episode 5 Take in the Sapling Turtle! III 2007-03-14




Episode 4 Round Penguin's Little Rosebud Light First Battle Battle! Episode 3 Battle Rivals find Pikachu! Episode 2 Route 202 2007-03-14

Episode 1 The tour begins!

DP Episode Titles

The Neo League from Twinleaf Town to Makasha Town:

> Episode 1: Traveling Begins from Twinleaf Town to Makasha Town (Kouki debuts, Kouga returns)

Episode 2: Finding Pikachu! Route 202

Episode 3: Battle Rivals Mikami San (Kouki Plus)

Episode 4: Round Penguin vs. Shimmering Pod Kouko's initial battle!

Also translated: battle round penguin. Initial battle of Rosebud Little Light!

Episode 5: Containing the Tender Sapling Turtle

Episode 6: The Forest of Confusion, and Shinji meets again

Episode 7: The Tree Sapling Turtle comes to town!

Episode 8: Dojo: The Mysterious Bad Girl!

Translation: The mystery of the Toxic Toad Gladiators' dojo! (Minato closes the Toxic Toad Fighter)

Episode 9: Measure Bunny Plays

Episode 10: Pokemon Watch Launches with Difficulty <

Episode 13: Go Fat Weng! (Smarty Pants' Fat Weng evolves into Curly Weng)

Episode 11: Little Light! Gorgeous Tournament Debut

Episode 12: Gorgeous Tournament Battle! The rivalry showdown! BR />Episode 14: Everything to Kouko (Kouko's Crying Tree evolves into the Crap Tree)

Episode 15: Black Railroad Museum Hirata Shinji! Battle!

Episode 16: Hooded Dragon vs. Pikachu! Episode 17: The Great Ancient Pokemon Advance!

Episode 18: Battle Black Railroad Museum! Dueling Battle Hammer Dragons

AKA: Battle Black Railroad Museum Dueling Storm Hammer Dragons

Episode 19: No Problems with Subduing Electric Lisson? (Kouko takes in Electric Li Song)

Episode 20: Pokémon Hunter J! Carp King

Episode 21: The Strongest and Most Beautiful Simple-Minded Fish! Episode 22: Electric Chipmunk vs Hanuman!

Episode 23: Exploding away from the Great Steel Snake Guardian Bench Teeth Raccoon Village!

Episode 24: Wisdom against Pikachu!

25: The Legend of the Christmas Geek Mask Rose and Flower!

Episode 26: Pokemon Gorgeous Contest, Cable Nook Convention!

Episode 27: Age Clearing Round Penguin Prince Penguin!

Episode 28: Ghost Gone with the Angelic North Wind

Episode 29: Is there no problem with a two-player co-op game of Wise Little Light?

Episode 30: White Dyson, Demoiselle Worm Evolution Combat!

Episode 31: Grass Seedling Turtle Grass Seedling Turtle! Speed? Showdown!

Set 32: Amber City Queen Bee!

Set 33: Pokemon Drag Conference (Kouga gets the egg)

Set 34: Forktail Floating Weasel! Road that leads to the strongest (Kouko takes in the Fork-tailed Floating Weasel)

Episode 35: The Four Heavenly Kings Wuzong Copper Bell!

Also translated: the Four Heavenly Kings Wu Yang Ancient Bell Totem!

Episode 36 Neo's Legends of Time and Space!

Episode 37: The Battle of Baedai Hall Oleander!

Episode 38: Birth of the High Speed Bike Path!

Episode 39: Pikachu checks out the front page!

Episode 40: "Champion" Jukran makes his debut!

Translation: "Champion" Sylona makes her debut!

Episode 41: Kou, Hoshi duo team-up match!

Episode 42: Seki's Thunder Beast Training Center!

Episode 43: Dream Demon Escape Nightmare!

Translation: Dream Demon! Escape the nightmare!

Episode: The first 44 help the wandering monster hippo!

Translation: help the wandering swamp hippo!

Episode 45: Hunter? Re-appearance! Guardian's Shield Armor Dragon

Episode 46: Intricate Dragline Tension! ...... /> Episode 47: America remains the ultimate Casey Water!

Episode: 48 Koji and Kou, looking for new adventures! [Favorite Article]

Episode 49: Pokemon Gorgeous Tournament! Green Source Conference! Episode 50: All in! JCC Battle!

Episode 51: Little Fire Monkey vs. Meerkat Chopper! A fated showdown!

Translation: little fire monkey vs. scythe meerkat! Fatal showdown!

Episode 52: Two-Player Co-Op! Duel! (Marle Fire Monkey)

Episode 53: Tears of the Little Fire Monkey!

Episode 54: Canola and Desert Naija! Goodbye Who! (Kojiro's Desert Naija Vacation)

55: Hanuman's Fork-tailed Floating Weasel! The road! (Koukoichi Fork-tailed Floating Weasel and the long-tailed Koji Digger Swap)

Episode 56: The Wedge of the Stone Flower Rock Monster!

Translation: the cornerstone of the Ghost Pot!

Episode 57: The big-tailed raccoon is clear!

Translation: bucktooth beavers know very well!

Episode 58: Souls that □ blood to the nose!

Translation: the soul of magnetic nose blood!

Episode 59: The eyes of the cat of R?ntgen!

Translation: the eyes of the lightning lion!

60: With the city still unknown totem! (Kouki Hanuman evolves into Twintail's child)

Episode 61: Gorgeous Pokemon Contest! The townspeople's meeting! BR /> Episode 62: Maid Cafe Dairy Tank!

Translation: big milk tank maid cafe!

Episode 63: The Little Boar Trio's confrontation with Hot Springs Smoke!

Episode 64: Scorpion King Scorpio (Kotoshi's play in Scorpio, also translated: Grass Seedling Turtle learns about Energy Balls)

Gliding Scorpion Scorpio

Episode 65: Electric Chipmunks Hippopotamus Beast Mouth?

Translation: electric chestnut pine in the mouth of a sand hippo!

Episode #66: Angry Lukaliou Wave Missile

Episode #67: Koukou Dojo Virgin Battle!

68: Indoor dojo! Lukaliou VS Fork-tailed Floating Weasel! (Curly Weng learns Brave Bird, Fork-tailed Floating Weasel learns Water Wave)

69: Episode 69: Gorgeous Clothes! Its called the Galaxy Group!

70: Beautiful wind chimes! BR /> Episode 71: Pokemon Ranger Waveguide Leo's Way! (Prequel)

Also translated as: Pokemon Ranger Poguan Leo! (Prequel)

Episode #72: Pokemon Ranger! Pokémon Ranger Leo Road! (Part 2)

It has also been translated as: Pokemon Ranger Waveguide's Leore! (Part 2)

73: Goodbye Poison Pink Butterfly! (Musashi's Poison Pink Butterfly leaves the team)

Episode 74: Pikachu! Raichu! Evolution of the Passage!

Episode 75: Magnificent Contest Zoner Miremindon Field!

Translation: Gorgeous Contest Honorable Lee? Future debut!

Episode 76: A seven-star restaurant! JCC fights to enjoy a feast! (Koyo returns to the team)

Episode 77: Collecting powerful enemies! Miceli Cup!

Translation: Mighty enemies gather Mirai Lithium Cup! /> 78: Battle! Every opponent!

Episode 79: Armageddon! Jr. Remote Kouki! (Little leaves the team)

80: Xiangyang Mary! Control in Battle! (Musashi takes in Xiangyang Marie, an ancient dragonfly that evolved at the same concentration) -

Episode 81: Hot Fire Monkey!

Episode 82: Nose Wet Plain Poor Frog Celebration?

Translation: the poisonous toad fighters of Nose Wet Plains celebrate?

84 Episode 83: Noseholes vs. Maximum Mask! : Little Boar, a diner at Mr. Satoyama's house! (Kouko takes in the little boar)</Episode 85: Scorpio Friendly Wings (Kouji Scorpio Scorpion evolves into a glider)

Episode 87: Coda Duck

Episode 86: The launch of the Green Source fashion line! Leading up to the road stylist Pixie's!

Episode 88: Pokemon Summer School Program on the Way!

Episode 89: The published study", Legendary Lake!

Episode 90: Spooky's after-school program! ?

Episode 91: Final Grand Finale! Pokemon Triathlon! !

Episode 92: Team Rocket goes back to square one! ?

Episode 93: Jump Rope Boxing Practice Ring Leader! Melissa makes her debut!

94: The Chipmunks have a fever! Do they come to care?

Also translated: the Electric Chipmunks lose their fever! Did they come to care?

95: Pokemon Gorgeous Tournament - Shaman's Convention!

Episode 96: Galactic Group Attacks! ! (Prequel)

Episode 97: Galaxy Group Attacks! ! (Part 2)

Episode 98: Floating Unknown Monsters! ?

Episode 99: The Four Heavenly Kings Aryu! Meeting with Farewell Mori!

Episode 100: Grass Seedling Turtle Grove... Earth Station, then Turtle! (Koshi's Sapling Turtle evolves Woods Turtle)

Also translated as: sapling turtle woods... Then basilisk turtle!

Episode 101: Rival Trainer? Shun makes his entrance! !

Episode 102: Edge of the Dojo Battle! Against Melissa! !

Episode 103: Melee chaos in Water Pulse City!

Episode 104: Dream God vs. God's Nightmare! (Kouko's little mountain pig evolves into a long? hairy pig)

Episode 105: Jelly Electromagnetic Strange!

Translation: jello and camel mauve!

Episode 106: Friendly Road Pokémon! ? (Kouko's shaggy pig evolves into a tusked pig)

Episode 107: Battle Mallet Dragon vs. Allendragon! !

108: Water Pulse Dojo Battle! Battle of Steel! !

109: The wandering little monkey monkey whale!

110: A mysterious Lukaliao!

Episode 111: Steel Island in ruins!

112: Pikachu and the round penguin, Crusoe!

Set 113: Pranking Fiona

Set 114: The Pokémon Gorgeous Contest at the Tonkotsu Convention!

Episode 115: Savage Monarch Lufthansa and Partner Noisy Birds!

Episode 116: Blizzard Snow Siren! February 26 (not sure)

Episode 117: Team Rocket breaks up! ? March 5

Episode 118: Magic Ring! Sky Armageddon!

Episode 119: Intense Clash! Ivory Pig fights Boston Dora! Pokémon Diamond & Pearl pauses for a week of podcasting (March 19, with a special 1-hour broadcast on March 26)

Episode 120: Teaching! Magic Pocket Babies! (Pokémon Diamond & Pearl pauses the broadcast for one week on March 19, and a special 1-hour broadcast will air on March 26)

Episode 121: Lonely Snow No Monster! ! April 2

Set 122: Evolution! Is this Hyakka Man?

Set of some Chinese names Japanese names

Episode 001 starts April 2nd! Shuangye Town, Masa Town! Tourism legislation ちフタバタ制ウン嘉岭马锡ゴタウンへ!

Episode 002 The Search for Pikachu! 202 Road Pikachu ピ嘉チュウをさが本身! 202 Fan Road!

003 Set of opponents vs! Three against three! ! Chess Spirit gets the iba's batoru! Three against three! A

Set 004 Hyakkasan's Shame Sprouts! Kouko's first battle! The! ポッチャマ対苏ボミー! Hikari Mannenri, Early Battler!

Episode 005 Take in the grass seedling turtle it! ナイトルゲ's ッ business travel Daan funk!

006 Set Psychedelic Forest! Meet Shinji! ! Fans いの森シNNN吉ふたたび!

007 set Hyakka Man Go! ! Polyester ッチャマ鈪糽鈪糽鈪!

008 Episode Mysterious road store unfavorable frogs! NAぞのジムのグレッ珠宝ル!

Set 009 and curly ears play! ? ミミ ROルと至あそぼう!

Set 010's Pokémon Tough Start! ? ッポケチ start difficult?

Episode 011 Little Lights! First Gorgeous Contest! The HI a KAリ! The ヒ a KAリ! U-NN Tesu? Suite dibi!

Episode 012 Gorgeous Battle Race! Rivals vs! ! üNN Tesu Suite バトル! Get イBAる対 decision!

Set 013 of the wooden shell of the child cheer! Rousseau ッ District ル's ga's んばる!

Set 014 on the hand over to Kong it's! The takashii ni omajase!

Set 015 on Steel Dojo! Fry to to Shinji! ムクRO, Georgia Northeast Yoshi! ル newspaper ウタ vs シンジ!

Episode 016 Hood's Dragon vs. Pikachu! Zudo ga Isu vs Pika Chiku!

Episode 017 Ancient Pokémon Great Advance! Ancient Pokémon Da's Impact Caemon!

Set 018 Battle Steel Dojo! Dueling Hammer Dragons! ! Ancient RO GAネJIム FUTA TABI! Battle Decision RAムパズルド!

Set 019 Play Patch Liz... No questions! ? Pa chirisu guesu suite de... A real man?

020 Episode of Pokémon Hunter J!

Episode 021 features the strongest King Carp and the most beautiful Clumsy Fish! The Strongest üイ Daijinグとも美しいヒNN BA Su!

Set 022 of Patch Liz against the long-tailed digger! Gorgeous fighting race! ! Ba chi li su vs industrial イム per year! üNN Tesu suite bartol!

Set 023 Steel Serpent out of control! The Daya Bay Raccoon that guards the village! ! Burst away HI-GA ネール. Mansion ッ annual village を保持れ!

Before Episode 024 vs! Gray Pikachu! ? Duel! A シ対サ套房ピ嘉チュウ?

Episode 025 The Strange Jieluosilei of Flowers and the Legend of Flowers! Savage ROズレイド and the Flower Legend!

Episode 026 Pokémon Gorgeous Tournament! Court of the convention! ! Pokémon üNN Tesu Suite! Exxonノ is recognized as a convention!

Episode 027 Showdown! Bo Jiaman fights Prince Bo! ! Decision Battle! Polyester's ッチャマ vs. ポッタイシ!

Episode 028 Puffball and the Messenger of the North! Fwaantek and the Northward Benders!

Episode 029 Koji vs. Kou! No problem playing doubles play! サ套房シとヒ嘉里! タッグバトルで real men!

Set 030 EMI Forest! Knotweed for the evolutionary fight! ! HI-KU タイの Mori! ミ evolution for a ノムッチ 戦!

031 Set 031 Knotweed Turtle Knotweed Turtle! Speed? Duel! ! Industry ナトル 対ナトル! Subi hindu dan dan decision!

Episode 032 Yellow Bee City! Amber no no city building ーク of イン!

Episode 033, I Like It! Pokemon play convention! ! Sukey desu! Pokémon does not apply to the Rikiri convention!

Set 034 Swimming Gas Weasel! Toward the path of the strongest! ! ¤ゼル! ¤ゼル! The path to the strongest!

Set 035 of Wu Sung and the Four Kings of Copper Bell! The Four Heavenly Kings ゴヨウとIDEー 打鼓ン!

036 Set of the legend of the divine mysteries of space and time! シン say オウ time and space 伝!

037 Set EMI Dojo! To vegetable seeds! ! ハ¤吉區タム! VS ナタネ!

038, set of sudden section! Bicycle road! ! Sudden Festival! The nnグROード of Saikouri!

039 Set Pikachu keep an extra eye out! Pikachu no Oru's Subaan!

Episode 040 - Bamboo Orchid Debut Champion! Vapor Pioneer Shirona makes her debut!

Set 041, just look at the double and small performances! Hikari and ノゾミとダブル Giant Panda Favors Su Ma NN!

042 Colony Mammoth Training Center! Radium Zone LITE Training Center tat!

043 Episode Demons of Dreams! Escape from the nightmare! ! Rousseau ウマージ 悪夢からの脱出!

044 episodes of Help Stray Monster Hippo! Sub's fans of Hippo Polyester TA Suwo help けろ!

Episode 045 Hunter? Appears again! Shield-armored dragon-like! ! HI-NN's ta? and! The Tate Suite Psu is guarded!

Episode 046 The Labyrinth Shuffle! All work together! ! Lost でシャッフル! Everyone なでハッ宿儒!

047 episodes of Mak & Casey and Underwater! ミ九ルとーシィと水の底!

Episode 38660100 Chi Kouko! Toward a new adventure! サ套房シとヒ嘉里! Shintanaru keno ni katsu!

Episode 048 of the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest! The edge of the convention! Pokémon üNN Tesu Suite! Yosega Convention! A

Part 049 set fully involved! Doubles vs! ! Full participation! Tatty Battles!

050's episode of Little Flaming Monkey vs. Meerkat Seal! Battle of the Fates! ヒüザル vs ザングースu! Destiny's Battle!

051 Group Doubles vs! The ultimate showdown! ! タッ jewelry バ's トル! Signed by Zai Nalu!

052 Episode Flaming Monkey's Tears! Hiku-zaaru no tsukuru now!

Episode 053 Vegetable Seed Desert Naija! Goodbye Who! Cat Natta and Sappo Cat A! Sayo na ra wa who's tame

Episode 054 Long Tailed Backhoe Digger, Swimming Gas Weasel! The Way! エ每年ムイとブイゼル! It's a road that has been traveled!

055 Set Archon Rock Flower Rock Monster! The stone of hope of Mikarugui!

056 set end raccoon knows! Mansion ーダルは know っていた on!

057 Episode □ toward the noseglass! Fiery soul! Between a ¤ノーズ! Hot き soul!

Set 058 Rengen cat pupil! The pupil of the RENKIN RINGー!

Set 059 Random Ruins Unknown Totem! Set of Random Ruins イのアンノーン!

060 Set of Pokémon Gorgeous Contest! Casual Assembly! Pokémon üNN Tesu Suite ズイ convention!

Episode 061 Big Milk Jar Maid Cafeメ 10,000 Years イドフェのミルタンク!

Episode 062 Some Breeding Boar Trio Hot Springs Mist Battle! ! III リムー套房リオ的と汤けむりバトル!

Episode 063 Scorpion King and Scorpio! Out of the labyrinth wind! GLITEオン and GLITE GAー! The winds of the labyrinth are animated!

Episode 064 Patch Liz Hippo Beast's Mouth! ? Bachirisu ha KA BAルド's のンの mouth?

Episode 065 Lukaliou! Angry wave missiles! Rukaliou's o! Ruri no hodan!

Episode 066 Kouichi Dojo, the match! ! てのはじめヒ嘉里吉ムBAトル!

067 Episode Curtain Dojo! Lukaliou Duiyongqiyou!ト? Diary ム! Lukaliou 対ブイゼル!

Set 068 Stylish dress! It is called Galaxy! Sutekifu! The name is its beverage giant NN GA団! A

Set 069 Cheer up the bells are ringing! Sion and Shide Ri!

Episode 070 Pokémon Caretaker! Waveguide Leo's Way! (Prequel) Pokémon Holding レNNGiャー! Waveguide no Leo! (pre-compilation)

Episode 071 of Pokémon Caretaker! Waveguide Leo's Way! (Part 2) ポIX Holding レNNGiャー! Waveguide no Leo! (After compilation)

Episode 072 Goodbye Poison Pink Butterfly! Sayo na ra ド district ケイル!

073 Set Pikachu! Raichu! Leading the way to evolution! The Pikachu! Get the Pikachu! The path to evolution!

Episode 074 Gorgeous Contest Master-Mi's Liden Field! U-antesu suite masta ミ?リ debuts!

Episode 075 Seven Stars of the Seven Stars! Doubles Match Eat a full meal! ! レ Su Suites ン 7 tsun stars! タッ jewelry バト's ルでフルüー Su!

Episode 076, all our opponents! Mikoli Cup! Everyone な get イバ's ルミ district in KAップ!

Episode 077 Battle! The battle of! Battle! それのれのバトル!

Episode 078 Duel! A small light on a small remote control! Decision Battle! ハル対ヒ嘉里万年!

Episode 079 The Armageddon of the Xiangyang Mari Collection! ヤヤヤ, NN NN Ma! Suite Guessing Battle!

Episode 080 Little Flame Burning Monkey! Burningのヒüザル! Here is a provisional translation

Episode 081 Bad Frog Celebration of the Wetlands of the Swamp? ノモ本身最大的湿地原のグレッグル祭り!

Episode 082 Riverland Dojo! Fighting against a シママままきム mask! ノモ itself Kime! VS the face of a シマきシマ Russo仮!

Episode 083 Mr. Riyamaka's Greedy Mountain Pig's! ヤウRA Ma Sancha no Oishiいウリムー!

Scorpio from episode 084! Wings of Friendship! G and LITE gaー! Wings of Friendship!

Side by side with the Episode 085 Fashion Collection Launch! Pokémon Designer Path! ヨスガüレ district ション! ポケックスタイリ Suites への道!

Set 086 to escape! üダッ District の通本身んぼ!

Set 087 of Pokémon Summer School begins! Maー's ポケ hold ン サ Su district ール speech in!

Set 088 Research Publication in the Legendary Lake! Research publication 'Lake No Den'!

Set 089 After school is the time for ghosts! ? After school or ゴーsuite taimu?

Set 090's final showdown! Pokémon Triathlon! The final result of the! Pokémon Neural Network LITE ア Su pinch!

Episode 091 Seek's Team Rocket! The final result! Returning to the ROケッ Suite Dan?

Episode 092 Curator Dance! Appearance of メリッサ!

Set 093 Patch Liz has a fever! Two people watching the house? パ视康里すお热です上! 2でお accommodation fan?

Set 094 Pokémon Gorgeous Contest! God and the convention! Pokémon üNN Tesu Suite! Ka to the nn nagi convention!

Set 095 Team Galactic Attack! (Prequel) ギNN GA 団攻击! - Knitting -

Set 096 Galaxy Incoming Attack! (Part 2) ギNN GA団攻击! - Knitting - Post

097 Unidentified floating monsters on stage? Floating Kabuki unidentified monster?

098 Setting up the Four Heavenly Kings Aryu! Meet the parting forest! "The Four Heavenly Kings" リ newspaper ウ! Output いと做れの森!

099 Set Grass Seedling Turtle Woods Turtle... Tudai Turtle! Luna Industrial Suites, U-Yasi ga m... It LITE ドダ Su!

Set 100 of the opponent trainer? Shin (trial)" debuted! LITE バル套房レーナー-ジュン登场!

Set 101 side of the dojo battle! Versus the メリッサヨSuga Templeム Battle! VS メリッサ!

Set 102 Melee Battle Chaos ミオ Castle! Mixed battle chaos ミオ of シティ!

Episode 103 Clay Colors Elijah vs. Nasdaq Ley! Furukawa Tohnanri ア vs ダ, マーク LITE!

104 Episode Ocean Pavilion vs Camel Mauve! Jelly (ようかん). and ROtom!

Episode 105 Pokémon Friendly! ? Helden and ? & Lく, ポケなる!

Episode 106 Battle Mallet Dragon's Dragon Against Allende! RAムパズルド vs Suite Ridipu Su!

Episode 107 The Battle of ミオ Lu Ting! Battle of Steel! ミオジム Battle! Haga Tohoku no Batou!

Episode 108 Wandering Howler Whale! Lost Son no ホ industrialルU!

Episode 109 is GEn Lukaliou! Ge NNとるかリオ!

Episode 110 is the ruins of Steel CITIZEN Island! Ruins on Steel CITIZEN Island!

Set 111 Pikachu, Hyakka Man Crusoe! Pikachu-Pokémon Drift"!

Set 112 Mischief Fenner! Itazurin Fィオネ!

Episode 113 of the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest! The Akaibi Conference! Pokémon üNN Tesu Suite! アケビ Assembly!

Episode 114 Wild Monarch Shakespeare mates with a noisy bird! The wonders of gee-u-nn shakespeare and phase-stick PE get a kick out of it!

Episode 115 Blizzard Snow Demoness! Blowing snow no ユキ of メノU!

Episode 116 Team Rocket disbanded! ? ROケッ suite group disbanded?

Episode 117 The Magic Ring! Sky Showdown! Pokémon NNN Ga! Sky Big Decision Battle!

118 A fierce clash! Ivory Pig fights Boston Dora! ! Sudden Strike! Ma NNムー to VS BoDISCO Dora!

Plot 119 Fear of Lonely Snow is not to blame! Sakai City ga? Riya's no yukikaburi!

120 The evolution of the set! This is Bo Jiaman! Evolution! Other ポッチャ maha!