Shenmingchuan Village is located in which city

Shenmingchuan Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Xichuan Town, Qin'an County, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, with an urban/rural classification code of 122, a township-village combination area. The zoning code is 620522102206, and the first 6 digits of the resident's identity card number is 620522. The postal code is 741000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0938, and the license plate number is GAN E. Shenmingchuan Village is adjacent to Gao Bao Village, Chuankou Village, Zheng Qiao Village, Pailou Village, Anping Village, Houssing Village, Xiawangxia Village, Dalechuan Village, Zhang Po Village, Wu Chuan Village, Songchang Village, Songxia Village, Dalechao Village, Lipa Village and Lipa Village. Adjacent.

Shenmingchuan Village is near Yingen Fort, Qin'an Fengshan Scenic Spot, Qin'an Literary Temple, Shangguan Mingqing Street, Kequan Temple, and other tourist attractions, and specialties such as Qin'an apples, Qin'an peppercorns, Qin'an peaches, Tianshui peppercorns, and Qin'an peaches.