Is there any equipment that can prevent square dancing? For example, it can interfere with the normal amplifier of the speaker and so on and so forth.

Because the square dance play songs is wireless transmission, so you can interfere with wireless transmission, such as in the penthouse set up a walkie-talkie antenna, in the sound is too big, the transmitter power will be adjusted to a maximum of 5 watts, and then adjusted to the high-frequency band, and then call. To interfere, this time the stereo can not play songs.

How to solve the civilized solution to the problem of square dance nuisance?

Open a free health talk class in the neighborhood, and invited the famous medical doctor, nutritionist, sports health professionals, Professor Guan Sicong to the young and the elderly to speak:

It is well known that the human knee is more prone to injury. Climbing mountains and stairs can hurt the knees, so people will try to minimize the bending of the knees when walking to reduce the pressure on them.

While dancing, the knee is subjected to 0.6-1.5 times more pressure than usual. In order to minimize the damage, Western aristocrats dance on soft carpets, dancing on hard marble or tarmac is tantamount to self-harm.

A report by the Institute of Human Mechanics and Sports Functions at the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom showed that people who danced for more than an hour a day had a higher incidence of knee arthritis and knee neuralgia than normal after the age of 40, 48.7% and 76.1% respectively. For the sake of the health of the elders in your family, you must advise them to dance less square dance.

Then the old people will believe it, and then they will not dance square dance.