What happened to Britney Spears in '08?

First we have to go back to 2005

Britney was at the peak of her career when she sprained her foot filming a music video for a new song

She fell in love with a dancer, Kevin, and wanted to get married

She then ended her touring schedule and issued a selection of her songs that she had retired from singing for a while

The paparazzi then provoked Britney about her private life, which has been the subject of many gossip stories.

Britney has been in the headlines for this

Britney's first child was born

After an accident, Britney almost let go of her child when she fell while holding him in her arms

It was a scary time, because what mother in the world would dare to face the injury of her child

Later, in an interview, Britney cried out in pain, and then she was forced to give a speech. In a later interview, Britney explained the accident in tears

Britney's second child was born

And then came Kevin's cheating and provocation

The divorce was a non-event, in fact, it was clear to everyone that her marriage was a farce

But the child was innocent, and the battle between Britney and Kevin for her child was on.

At this point, Britney was trying to revitalize her career by releasing an album to give back to her fans, BLACKOUT

As we all know, this was pretty much Britney's downfall, but the quality of the album was superb

But what Britney had in front of her was an ugly world

She had to deal with hundreds of paparazzi every day. She had to deal with hundreds of paparazzi every day, who could feed their families by photographing Britney's whereabouts, and many men were willing to go out of their way to capture Britney at her worst

Britney couldn't take the pressure anymore, and even in the midst of the paparazzi's reckless flashes

Britney told the camera, red-eyed, that she was fine

At this point, with nothing to live for except for her children.

The irony of the South Park episode

which showed Britney committing suicide because her children weren't with her was chilling

Britney's shaved head and furious face finally struck back at the paparazzi

At the VMAs in 2007, with her pale, lifeless eyes, her fat body, and her obviously fake singing, she said, "I'm fine, I'm fine.

Finally rumored to have broken heels and a VMA hack job to create more buzz around Britney....

Britney got into trouble and then it happened that Britney trapped her two kids in the bathroom, which resulted in police cars, ambulances and airplanes being deployed, and Britney went crazy!

What happened to Britney and how she's going to get on with it

All of America, no the world, is looking at what's going to happen to Britney

After that, Britney's dad finally stepped in to save Britney from her despair

A decree was issued banning a male manager from Britney's side of the family because of rumors that he'd given Britney some kind of drugs

And that led to Britney's pre-existing mental health problems, which led to her death. Britney's mental health improved and she decided to return to the music scene

First, her song PIECE OF ME was nominated for three major awards at the '08 VMAs

and her work was praised

Britney went on to win three of the biggest awards at the VMAs

and then collaborated with Madonna again. Then she teamed up with Madonna again, performing a special performance of old Madonna songs at Madonna's concert

Britney has been working non-stop to prepare for her new album at the end of this year

The record-breaking lead single Womanizer has sent a message to the world that Britney's legacy isn't over and that she's a diva no one can ever take over

And finally, Britney is back.

Finally, Britney's album proved her mettle once again, and it became the biggest hit of all time

Then, the next year, her U.S. tour was unstoppable, and it became one of the highest-grossing tours of all time

Britney did it again, and even though it wasn't the height of her popularity, Britney was still the darling of the world

Michael Jackson-Sun said that Britney was easy to exploit, because she was too nice. Michael Jackson says Britney is easy to exploit because she's so good-hearted and everyone loves Britney, we all do

An era of divas can be won over by Britney's goodness

Madonna says Britney's been through the same tough road as me and I've always been supportive of her

An era of divas can stand up for Britney, make a way for her, and give her a sense of inheritance

Britney isn't like all the other celebrities that wear masks, she's very real. She's real

That's why she's always been everyone's Britney Spears

It's not the singing that's sweeter than it used to be, it's the soul of the girl.

That's a lot of typing if you're in the mood to read it all