Daily Bible Reading and Sharing

John 13

Before the Passover, Jesus knew that the time had come for him to depart from the world and return to the Father. Since he loved those who were his own in the world, he loved them to the end. While eating supper, the devil had put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray Jesus. ... Jesus answered and said to him, "To whom I dip a little bread, to him it is." So Jesus dipped a little of the bread and handed it to Judas, the son of Simon the Galilean. When he had eaten, Satan entered into his heart. Then Jesus said to him, "What you have done, do it!"


The world of spirits has, the Holy Spirit and evil spirits. The Spirit of God is holy and perfect. Evil spirits are fallen angels. Evil spirits are also ancient serpents, devils, and Satan, who deceive and seduce people and lead them to perdition.

Evil spirits are not the scary faces in movies that are exaggerated by imagination. Evil spirits do not manifest themselves in a frightening way, but deceive people through their thoughts. People have their own judgmental thoughts, but evil spirits also put thoughts into people's hearts that are not their own, pulling them and bringing them to their doom.

Judas Iscariot was a disciple of Jesus and followed him, but the evil spirits tempted him with money and led him to betray Jesus. On the surface, it was Judas who sold Jesus, but in reality it was the devil Satan who put the heart of selling Jesus in his heart. If we don't think carefully to confirm the thoughts in us, we can easily be deceived by the thoughts that Satan puts in.

The evil spirits were not finished deceiving Judas, but convicted him again, "You sold Jesus, are you still his disciple? Is there any meaning for you to live? ...... Finally Judas hanged himself. It wasn't that Judas wanted to kill himself, it was that Satan kept pulling Judas with his thoughts. If Judas had realized that he was untrustworthy, that he was evil, and had let go of his own thoughts and Satan's deception, and had known the heart of Jesus, who bore his sins, he would not have committed suicide, but would have repented as Peter did, and would have stopped believing in himself and believed in the words of Jesus.

In our life of faith, Satan is always looking for opportunities to deceive us, to put what he thinks is right in our hearts, and to make us assert our own thoughts and forsake the word of God, so we need to be kept in our hearts by God's grace. Learn to deny your own thoughts and accept the heart of God's Word.