The customs of the Yi people in Liangshan The Yi people are monogamous. There are many unique customs of their own ethnicity. Betrothal and Marriage In the past, the Black Yi used cattle, horses, gold and silk as bride price; the White Yi used wine, cloth and silver money as bride price; and the Qian Yi used wine, hemp cloth and fried noodles as bride price. After the liberation, the bride price was simplified. Generally young men and women are betrothed, the male invited to go and the female parents to say marriage, just bring a bottle of wine to go, as long as the female parents receive wine to drink, to indicate consent. Then the man will go to the woman's home to formalize the betrothal, usually with two or three zhang cloth, twenty or thirty dollars, cloth and money are given to the woman. After three months, the man will have to buy three green or blue cloth, a piece of meat, a bottle of wine to the woman's home, these things are for the woman's parents, known as the "hand small gift". The man asks Bima to choose a date, and the date chosen should be discussed with the woman's parents. This time, according to their own family situation, they can buy some wedding supplies for the woman, which is called "pressing the eight characters". The parents of the female party to prepare for the child's dowry, generally make a cupboard, two face cabinets, two boxes, three small tables, the big table must be equipped with eight stools, the second table, small table is equipped with only four stools; but also with two sets of bedding, washbasin, mouth tank, towels and so on. The man in the marriage, to do a good job of the female party to wear a set of clothes, including head, shoes, needle and thread, etc., by the bridegroom as a companion to carry to the woman's home. These things to the evening of the woman's parents invited a singer to drink "marriage song" when singing to the same before taking out the same. If the singer sings wrong, marrying the wrong things will be sung in the singer's eyes around three turns, smiling into their own bags, not to the bride, nor return the groom, marrying their own. If the singer wants something sung accurately. Married people can not get out, the singer will use a dustpan in the head of the married people hit three times, causing the guests to laugh. Wedding bride and female singer duet sing on, female singer to marry the bride to sing defeat, marrying people to obediently put the back of the bucket in the middle of the hall. Then, the female singer will take out her pants when she sings about pants, and she will take out her coat when she sings about clothes. Splashing Water to Welcome the Marriage When a Yi girl gets married, her sisters and brothers and young men and women of the same generation can splash water on the bridegroom. Bigger Yi villages, in the ten days before the girl's marriage, the young men and women in the villages. They cut some stakes and nail them on both sides of the road, and then use wild vines to control the trip wire. Waiting for the arrival of the bridegroom, the roadside has long been prepared with dozens of buckets of water. Toward the bridegroom to dial. The bridegroom can not escape, was doused with water into a soup chicken, only desperately run, run into the bride's home, in order not to be splashed. Therefore, the clever bridegroom prepared, if the girl's home to inquire about a good back door or village has another road to the bride's home, they will take advantage of the water throwers do not pay attention to when drilling into the woman's home, in the woman's home on the table to point three columns of incense, burn three money and paper, kowtow to three, so that do not get poured water. But most of the marriage is not easy to do this, are to be splashed. Cold days to be splashed, cold teeth hit the lower teeth, often leading to the young men and women laughing a scene, the female parents to find clothes to welcome the bride to change out. Generally splash water, individual places very early with cow dung water splash, such as the size of Liangshan. Xichang County Records, Volume XII, there is a "cow dung and water all over the splash" record. It is said that the water to splash the wind girl to her husband's home, will not go far away to carry water, the day will not be early, there are food and clothing and so on. Rush marriage According to historical records, the size of the past Sichuan Liangshan and Yunnan part of the region, there is the custom of marriage. "Rob marriage", according to the Yi people: "This is the old generation passed down, the male side to grab is a kind of respect for the woman's family, that is not married off to send." The marriage of men and women, although arranged by the parents, and through the matchmaker into a marriage, but when they marry, the male family in the first day in addition to send the matchmaker and the groom's brother to the female family to pick up the marriage, but also to ask the two relatives to pick up relatives draped in felt, back with the ox horn wine with the go. Receiving relatives to the female village farmers, to be the first two back cattle horn wine receiving relatives to the female family, the female family has the right to the door of the family with a stick to hit the receiving relatives. In the evening, the young people of the woman's side can blacken the faces of the relatives. On the third day, the bride's uncle, brothers and other relatives to send the bride to the male family, to try to get the male family bowls and spoons or other things, leaving the male village, to run a few rounds of the square outside the village horses, while the bowl brought to break, locally known as the "hit the tongue", and then the field long and go. In southern Yunnan, there are men and women love each other on the basis of the male and his partner in the form of false robbery will first lead the woman to the man's home, and then make up for the custom of the marriage proposal ceremony. Young men and women usually meet and fall in love during the Spring Festival using the opportunity of collective singing and dancing. Two people such as private marriage, the man can invite a number of friends, in the evening with the woman to the location of the appointment in advance, with the form of false robbery will lead the woman to the man's home. Once the woman is led to the man's house, it means that she has been officially married. On the next day, the bride will be in the man's home ...... >>
What are the traditions of the Yi people? Yi customs The unique and colorful folk customs of the Yi people allow people to return to the simplicity and experience the flavor of ancient civilization. The unique and colorful ethnic customs formed by the Yi in their special natural environment are reflected in their clothing, food, housing, transportation, marriage and worship. Diet of the Yi Ethnic Groups The Yi have a traditional habit of eating poha, which is made of corn and buckwheat flour and steamed and baked. The shape of the poi is flat and round, weighing about half a catty, and the "slightly poi" is exquisite. "Slightly poi" is made of corn coarsely ground to remove the husk, and then finely grinded into porridge with water, and then steamed and roasted according to the practice of the poi, which is delicate, sweet and very tasty. Generally, it is only made on special occasions during annual festivals or when guests come to their homes, and is regarded as a high-class food. The Yi people are used to drinking wine, and it is customary to drink "revolving wine", but whenever guests arrive or festivals are celebrated, some festivals and meetings are all about drinking wine. When drinking, several people or dozens of people sitting in a circle, one with a wine wheel drinking, once a mouthful, round and round, until the drink to drunkenness. When they are drunk, they will drink a lot of wine, regardless of a bowl and a half bottle, to show their boldness. The Yi people are especially hospitable. No matter into whose home, no matter whether friends and relatives or acquaintances, as long as the name, family branch, will be warmly received. According to the conditions of the family try to do wine and meat poop hospitality, and stay in the accommodation, never ask for payment, and sincere and generous. For friends and relatives, they kill chickens and goats to entertain their guests. For especially honorable guests, if the conditions permit, but also to kill cattle hospitality. Kill chicken hospitality is the lightest, but also all the chicken on the table first invited guests to eat, and invited guests to eat chicken head, to see the wealth and happiness. Killing pigs and sheep in addition to entertaining guests to eat well, but also to send half a piece of pig's head, a piece of lamb blade meat for the guests to take often, to show respect for the guests and enthusiasm. Yi house The house base of the house, more choose to live high down there can be based on the danger of the hill or the slope of the flat place. In ancient times, the Yi people often migrated due to factors of production and life. The rich family, most of the high and low mountains in the construction of two dwellings, winter residence in the low mountains housing, summer is moved to live in the mountains, some summer residence in the Daliang Mountain Meigu, winter moved back to live in Ebian. In the past, Yi houses were mostly one room, with no windows and ceilings on the four walls, and the house was very dark. Entering the door for the center of the room, set up a fire pit, the fire pit with 3 pots of stone installed into the family cooking, dining, roasting, deliberations, rest and lodging, hospitality. The left side of the center room is separated by a bamboo fence, which is the housewife's living room and a place for storing food, clothes and money, while the right side of the center room is a mill room and a place for stacking sundries, agricultural tools and even for tethering pigs. Yi Marriage Customs The marriage customs of the Ebian Yi, before the democratic reform, practiced the marriage system of intermarriage within the Yi, endogamy, exogamy of family branches, non-marriage of aunts and cousins, transfer of houses, and redundant marriage, and generally practiced monogamy, and there were also the phenomena of marriage arranged by parents, matchmakers, and buying and selling of marriages. From betrothal to marriage, the marriage rituals and forms with national characteristics are preserved. Yi Burial Customs The Yi people generally cremate the dead, but the dead babies who have not yet grown teeth are buried in the earth. Yi Festivals There are two main traditional festivals of the Liangshan Yi: the Yi New Year Festival and the Torch Festival. Ebian Yi New Year Festival: Liangshan Yi New Year is the solar calendar of the Yi people, a year of ten months, the month at the end of the year is equivalent to the tenth month of the lunar calendar, but also the end of the autumn harvest in the Yi area, the Yi villages choose an auspicious day, usually between the first and fifteenth of October, three days, that is, the Yi New Year's day. The day before the New Year's Eve is New Year's Eve, and every family will do hygiene work, sweeping the ground and cleaning the furniture. The first day of the New Year's early morning, the conditions of the family to kill the New Year's pig, according to the reverence for ancestors and respect for the elderly traditional customs and regulations, the New Year's first from the village of the most respected elders of the house to kill the pig from. Then each household follows suit. After killing the pig, take out the gall bladder, waist, spleen, breast meat, boiled and cut into pieces with buckwheat into a tall wooden pot, and then a piece of red-hot stone, into a bowl of water, producing steam on the round three times, meaning that in addition to the dirt and filth, and then poured soaking water wine and meat pots together on the altar in the inner room, held a ceremony to welcome the ancestors. During the New Year, everyone dresses up. Young people hold horse races, wrestling, goat fights, cock fights and other activities, while children go outside the village to have picnics and play to their heart's content; old people are invited to chat and drink together. Three days later, they start to visit friends and relatives in distant places to pay New Year's greetings. Married girls bring wine, pork and other gifts back to their parents' homes to visit them. About five or six days later, the New Year is finished.
What are the customs of Yi? 30 points Yi taboos
Liangshan Yi area taboos more than seventeen years of age of the woman on the stairs, such as violation, the family should be held "Xiao fill" spell ceremony, to drive away the obscenity and inauspicious; taboos outsiders, brothers, dads, uncles, uncles and brothers, daughters-in-law to the upper right side of the pot as the boundary of the master position "Nimu Nimu De". In the past, if there was a violation, the daughter-in-law would return to her mother's family, which would have to refund the bride price and compensate for the loss of the gift money; and the father, brothers, uncles, etc. would have to drink wine to the host to make amends. After the completion of the new house to move in, taboo male hosts walk in front, otherwise unfavorable to the development of the family. Yunnan Weishan Yi District is prohibited in the home whistling, singing songs, foul language; prohibited to bring sticks, ropes, knives and guns and other machinery into the hall and kitchen.
The Yi residence site selection Yi home site selection by the mountains, water, soil, grass and beautiful place. After choosing the site, they need to divine the house, and the Liangshan Yi divining methods include egg-rolling, rice-raising, and sheep-scapula burning. Egg rolling is to take an egg and put it on the base of the house and roll it, and then set up three stones to support a pot to cook the egg, and after it is cooked, peel off the egg shell to see if the egg nest is positive or biased, and it is positively auspicious and can be built, and biasedly vicious, and then choose another site. Standing rice, hold five rice with your hand, and then the rice grain by grain according to the southeast, northwest and north-south in the direction of the vertical in the soil, take the bowl buckle, the next day, such as the discovery of rice grains lost, dumping and other phenomena for the inauspicious, and choose another site. Burning sheep scapula, need to ask the sorcerer to perform this art, that is, put the fire grass on the sheep scapula burning Bi, look at the scapula burned out of the cracks on the set of auspicious and inauspicious, four sides of the open lines on the auspicious, a word lines for the flat, cross lines for the inauspicious. These are with superstitious colors are gradually eliminated. Site selection of the back door of the general direction of the door toward the east, toward the bottom of the slope. Avoid the door toward the bald mountain open; forbidden room behind the water, otherwise prone to flash floods, endangering the house.
Characteristics of the village: Liangshan Yi production is farming and animal husbandry type, the history of the Yi people are often subject to the intrusion of other ethnic groups and internal frequent grievances and armed battles, so most of the residential villages to choose a dangerous terrain in the mountains or slopes, or close to the river valley of the sunny slopes, so there are dangers can be defended, there is a road can be walked and can be a visionary, before the residence of terraced fields, the residence of pasture, which is an ideal place of residence for the Yi people. Generally speaking, the Yi people live in high mountainous areas and live in large groups in the flat dams and river valleys.
The Marriage of the Yi People
Before 1949, due to the different distribution areas and clans of the Yi people, the differences in the social and economic patterns of the various regions were reflected in the marriage system of the region is also prominent. Specifically, there are the following manifestations:
(a) monogamy.
In the Yi society, monogamy is the dominant form of marriage, which is compatible with the patriarchal small family. In the past, Liangshan, in addition to sip West and part of the children of the Aga, the general men and women in childhood or early childhood, by the father for the choice of the match, matchmaking, divination and marriage, Na Hire engaged. After a certain period of time, the wedding. After marriage, except for the youngest son, are separated from their parents, set up another door, and form a small monogamous family. If the man is still young after the marriage, the bride will return to her mother's home to live, until her husband comes of age and then establish a family. As for the Aga and Gluttony West, by the master of the match, or with the consent of the master of the marriage, still take the form of monogamy. In the past part of the noble rulers and the rich also have polygamy, generally married wives are living in different places, the wives of the first wife in the family has a higher status, but no management and domination of other wives of the power. However, when you remarry, you must obtain the consent of the first wife in advance, and make wine and cattle feasts to invite friends and relatives of the mother's family to make amends before you can do so, or else you may incur difficulties, causing grievances and armed battles.
The Yi people in the Liangshan Mountains in Sichuan and Yunnan practiced "same-race endogamy", "hierarchical endogamy", "family branch exogamy", "transfer of house system", "the system of the first wife", and "the first wife". The Yi people practiced "endogamy", "endogamy of rank", "exogamy of family branch", "transfer of house system", "non-marriage of aunts and tables", and "marriage of aunts and uncles". "Intra-ethnic marriage" means that both spouses must be of the Yi ethnic group, and marriage with other ethnic groups is forbidden; if it is contrary to this, it will be punished by death or expulsion from the family according to the customary law. "Rank marriage", "that is, the Black Yi must be married to the Black Yi, strictly prohibit the Black Yi men and women and other ranks of men and women to have coitus, such as the Black Yi women and other ranks of men ***, both sides should be executed; such as the Black Yi men and other ranks of women ***, the men should be expelled from the family branch or be executed, the woman If a Black Yi man marries a woman of another rank ***, the man will be expelled from the family branch or executed, and the woman will be executed. "Family branch marriage", that is to say, it is strictly prohibited to intermarry within the same family branch, the spouse must be chosen from outside the family branch, and if there is any relationship between the sexes within the same family branch, it is regarded as ****, and according to customary law, both sides will be put to death. "Transfer system", that is, after the death of the husband of a married woman, still in childbearing age, must be transferred to another man in the husband's close relatives. The order of transfer is, first of all, to the next of kin, and if there is no suitable candidate among the next of kin, then to the next of kin or to the eldest of kin. There is no restriction on the transfer except that it cannot be made to a biological son and an aunt-cousin marriage cannot be made to a father-in-law. "Aunt table not married", that is, strictly prohibit aunt cousin brother and sister marriage, aunt cousin brother and sister like the same brother and sister, neither marriage, nor extramarital sexual relations, otherwise it will be ...... >>
Yi New Year's Eve customs, significance 20 points I am from Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture. The Yi people celebrate the New Year very grandly, the time in November every year for the Yi New Year, also known as the Yi year. In the arrival of the Yi year, there will be a lot of folklore celebrations, a lot of specific content, a few words is difficult to explain clearly, please friends you see , is about the interpretation of the Yi year, there is a very comprehensive answer, there are all the answers you want, I hope to be able to help you.
As for the "Torch Festival" is not the "Yi Year", the Torch Festival is the annual lunar calendar in July, the national significance of its expression and celebrations and the Yi Year, but more lively, known as the Oriental Carnival.
Who knows what customs of the Yi minority "Torch Festival" celebrated *** three days:
The first day of the Torch Festival: fire sacrifice. On this day, villages and hamlets will slaughter cows and kill sheep, share them collectively, and prepare wine and meat to offer to their ancestors. At nightfall, people from neighboring villages will set up altars at locations chosen by the elders, light the sacred fire by striking stones in the traditional way, and have the Bimo (Yi folk priests) recite scriptures to offer the fire. Then, every family, adults and children will take the torch made of artemesia grass from the hands of Bimo, and roam around the corner of the field, following the legend of Ash ugly woman who drove away insects with fire.
The second day of the Torch Festival: passing the fire. On this day, every family gathers under the sacred fire of the altar to hold all kinds of traditional festival activities. The boys are expected to emulate the legendary Ati Raba, horse racing, wrestling, singing, bullfighting, sheep fighting and cock fighting. The girls follow the example of the legendary ugly woman, dressed in beautiful clothes, holding up butter umbrellas, dancing "Doloho", Dasi dance. On this day, the most important activity is the beauty contest of the Yi family. Elderly people have to follow the legend of the Ati Raba hard-working and brave, heroic and divine and Ash ugly woman kind and intelligent, beautiful and generous standards from the boys and girls selected once a year in the beauty of men and women. When night falls, a pair of loving men and women, in the mountains, on the banks of the stream, under the yellow umbrellas, plucking the moon lyre, playing the mouth string, telling each other how much they love each other. Therefore, some people will also be Liangshan Yi International Torch Festival called the "Oriental Valentine's Day".
The third day of the torch festival: sending fire. This is the *** of the whole Liangshan Yi International Torch Festival. When the night falls on this day, everyone will hold a torch, running. Finally, people will be in the hands of the torch together, forming a pile of huge bonfires, happy people will gather around the bonfire to sing, dance, the scene is extremely spectacular. Therefore, it is also known as the "Oriental Carnival Night".
The Torch Festival is an ancient and important traditional festival of Yi, Bai, Naxi, Jinuo, Lahu and other nationalities, with deep folk cultural connotations, famous at home and abroad, known as the "Oriental Carnival". Different ethnic groups hold the Torch Festival at different times, mostly on the 24th day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, and the main activities include bullfighting, sheep fighting, cockfighting, horse racing, wrestling, song and dance performances, beauty contests, etc. In the new era, the Torch Festival has been recognized as the most important traditional festival in the world. In the new era, the torch festival has been given new folklore functions and produced new forms.
1) Torch Festival Songs and Tunes
There are rich torch songs and tunes circulating in the Yi area. Although there are various forms of torch songs and tunes, there are fixed torch songs and tunes, and due to the difference in pronunciation of the Yi dialects, the big and small Liangshan Yi people call them "Du Zai Duo Luoho", "Du Zai" means fire sacrifice, and "Du Zai" means fire sacrifice, "Du Zai" means fire sacrifice, "Du Zai" means fire sacrifice, and "Du Zai" means fire sacrifice. "that is, sacrificing fire, "Duo Luo" means wishing, "ho" that is, for the song; Yunnan Chuxiong Yi Nuosu branch is called "Duo then Duo amount", "Duo then" means "Duo then", "Duo then" means "Duo then", "Duo then" means "Duo then", "Duo then" means "Duo then", "Duo then" means "Duo then". "DuoZe" means fire sacrifice, "amount" is "play" meaning. The Yi torch festival has always been the most solemn, and gradually developed into a set of festival songs.
In the Chuxiong Yi this song, including the "burning fire song", "send fire song", "invoke the spirit of the tune", "with the music of the tune", "Torch Festival song", "Torch Festival Song", "Torch Festival Festival Song" and so on. The time, place and singers of these songs are also different. For example, the "Burning Fire Song" is sung by the parents of the whole family in a circle under the eaves of the house next to the "festival fire" to celebrate; the "Inviting Souls Song" is sung by the housewife alone while holding the sacrificial offerings (grain, salt, wine and meat) in her hand and walking straight to her family's vegetable field or grain field, singing as she walks. When returning, a crop seedling will be picked, indicating that the human soul, animal souls and crop souls have been taken home to *** degree of the Torch Festival, while symbolizing the ushering in of the people Qingji, six animals and cereals in the year of good harvests; "Torch Festival Songs" is only for the walled village people gathered at the walled village of the dam field when the song is sung; "torch festival festival festival song" consists of four parts: "production and animal husbandry," "offering wine," "in addition to the evil spirits," "paddy field festival scripture," by the priests It is composed of four parts, namely, "Production and Husbandry", "Wine Offering" and "Rice Farm Rituals", which are recited by the priests, and the songs are recited by the BiMo in the night of the Torch Festival, reflecting the native religious concepts of the Yi ethnic group of getting rid of evil spirits and praying for blessings.
The torch songs of the Chuxiong Yi are mostly traditional, with five-word rhyming phrases, relatively fixed liner notes at the beginning and end of the phrases, and sung with false words such as "oh man tili man", "a man oh, oh come", and so on, and some of the songs have long false liner notes, and there are unique singing phrases. Some of the songs have long imaginary phrases, and they are sung by soloists, singers, pairs of singers, and harmonizers, and are generally not accompanied by musical instruments. The songs are usually sung without instrumental accompaniment. The majority of the songs are in the five-tone levitation mode, followed by the feather mode. In the levistic modes, the phenomenon of the interplay of the levistic and palatial modes often occurs, and most of them have evolved into medium-sized and small-sized songs and a small number of narrative songs with the upper and lower phrases as the theme, adopting the two- and three-measure, and highlighting the "××××" style rhythm in particular. ××××"-style rhythm, on the whole, this kind of torch song tone emotionally open, the song cavity simple, rich strength, strong national characteristics.
What are the customs of the Yi people? Yi customs and traditions:
1, hospitality
Folk have always had the habit of "playing sheep" and "playing cows" to welcome guests. All guests to, must be killed first guests, and according to the identity of the guests, the degree of affinity to cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, etc., respectively. Before killing the animal, the live animal to the guest before, please guests after the slaughter, to show respect for the guests. Wine is a welcome gift to guests, in Liangshan as long as the guests into the house, the host must first wine to guests, and then make a variety of dishes. Guests of the meal to pig fat fat thick large for decent, in the middle of the meal, the housewife to pay attention to the guests in the bowl of rice, not to be eaten by guests to add at any time, to show sincerity to the guests. When eating, the elders sit on top, the next generation in order to sit around the sides and below, and for the elders to add rice, hostage dishes, soak soup.
2, wedding customs
After the engagement of young men and women, it is necessary to prepare for the wedding feast. Wedding feasts mostly with pork, chicken, generally do not use mutton (funeral with mutton). Shiping Yi people in southern Yunnan have invited men and women to get together before the marriage of partners to drink the habit; Yi people in western Yunnan, where the marriage of the bride, are to be in the courtyard or dam, with branches of the scaffolding for the guests to drink, smoking, eating, sitting, the folk with this temporary scaffolding built with the branch called "green shed".
The marriage of the Yi people is strange and interesting, and the most interesting thing is that the young girl who has held the "skirt-changing ceremony" is allowed to fall in love with her sweetheart in the "playground", as well as the matchmakers, and the marriage is fixed by eating wine and letting the bride starve, and the relatives and friends cry all night long, and welcome the bride by splashing water, grabbing the back of the bride, and making the bride a bride. The traditional marriage customs such as matchmaking and starving the bride, crying to the bride all night long, throwing water on the bridegroom, grabbing the back of the bride, and fighting in the cave.
Young girls for skirt ceremony
Yi girls into adulthood (generally more than 15 years old), in accordance with custom to hold a grand "skirt ceremony". During the ceremony, the girl will let her sisters change her original single braid into a double braid, which will be coiled on top of her head. Also wear the original two ears of the white pendant piece or wear ear old line pulled off, replaced with red agate-like coral beads or silver glittering earrings, to show good luck. Finally, the girl took off the original red and white color skirt, replaced with embroidered lace blouse and black, blue, yellow, white and other colorful pleated floor-length skirt. After changing into the new dress, the girl can go to the "playground" to dance and sing, participate in social Yi activities, and start looking for their sweethearts.
The back of the bride
According to the Yi family rules, the bride out of the cabinet, feet shall not land on the ground, or there will be a child not tomato of the risk, must be taken by the bride's young man to back the bride, and help her on the horse. Marrying on the way back there are all kinds of rules: if the mountain road is narrow and can not ride a horse, the young man must take turns by the bride to carry the bride and walk; wading across the river, more by the back of the river, the bride's embroidered shoes can not be stained with water.
Splashing water to receive the bride
The Yi people believe that water can drive away evil, send away the demons, bring happiness. Therefore, the Yi people must splash water when they get married, in order to be able to withstand this test, in welcoming the bride, the male family to send unmarried lads to pick up the bride, both physically strong, but also smart and capable, not only to invoke the pain of splashing the water of the cold, but also able to complete the difficult task of snatching the bride, often in the recommendation of the candidate to repeat the deliberations, the merit of the recruitment, some do not hesitate to travel long distances, the selection of the good talent.
The Yi welcome the bride is completed by the way of robbing. In the first night of the "bride", the girls launched a fierce water war to the young man. The girls attacked the young man ferociously by splashing, drenching, dunking and shooting in various ways, making it difficult for the young man to fight. So, the clever young man will find a place to store water before dark, quietly dumped part to alleviate the "flood" attack.
After a night of water splashing, when the morning came, "snatch the bride" will begin. At this time, the girls embraced the bride, the boys went to "scramble", the girls are strictly defensive, the young man must be nimble and changeable, multiply the loopholes that appear in a flash, snatch the bride and run, and run out of a mile or two of the mountain only to change to walk. Visible, the bride "snatch" to the in-laws is not easy! But the Yi people believe that the wedding of this splash a grab will drive away evil spirits and ensure that the future life is not disturbed.
The fight in the cave
According to Yi customs, the night of the cave, the bride will be ridiculed if she does not fight back, "This is a woman who will not resist! It is said that they later gave birth to a child, the ancestors will not be recognized, and after death can not enter the "netherworld" it! Therefore, when the guests leave the banquet, the couple in the bridal chamber, there is a lot of fighting and wrestling. They wrestled, tore clothes and scratched their faces, and the thumping sound coming out of the cave room was heard by all the neighbors. After the engagement of young men and women, the preparation of the wedding banquet will be carried out. Wedding feasts mostly use pork and chicken, generally do not use mutton (funerals use mutton). Shiping Yi people in southern Yunnan have invited men and women to gather before the marriage of partners to drink the habit of dinner; Yi people in western Yunnan, where the marriage of ...... >>
Information on Yi Folkways and Customs History
The Yi are an ethnic group formed by the continuous integration of the ancient Qiang people with the indigenous tribes of the Southwest during their long development process. Six or seven thousand years ago
, the ancient Qiang people living in the Huangshui region in the northwest of China began to develop in all directions, with one of them cruising towards the southwest of the motherland. To more than 3,000 years ago, the southwest of this cruise to the ancient Qiang people to ethnic tribes as a unit, in the southwest of the motherland to form a "six barbarians", "seven Qiang", "nine 氐",i.e., that is, the history book The so-called "Yue Song Yi", "Qing Qiang", ''insults", "Kunming", "Laoming", and "Liao Ming" often appear in history books. ", "Laobu", "Muomo" and other tribes. When the ancient Qiang people cruised to the southwest, the southwest area already had two ancient ethnic groups that arrived there successively - the Baipu ethnic group and the Baiyue ethnic group. After the ancient qiang people to the southwest, they had a hundred pu, hundred yue long time get along with each other, mutual integration, and absorbed and hundred pu, hundred yue of the southern culture. After the Wei and Jin dynasties, the integration of Kunming people and burning (Pu) developed into the integration of the bureaucratic people. Han to the Six Dynasties, the Han historical records of the main residents of eastern Yunnan, western Guizhou, southern Sichuan known as the Chaoso people, and sometimes to Chaoso, Pu and juxtaposed.
Since the Sui and Tang dynasties, there has been a differentiation between the Wu Barbarians and the White Barbarians in the region of the Yi ancestors, with the Wu Barbarians developing from the Kunming tribe, and the White Barbarians taking the Chaoso and Pu as the main body, and integrating with other ethnic groups.
In the long-term formation and development of the Yi ancestors, the scope of activities had spread across the hinterland of the three provinces of Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou and part of Guangxi, and its core area should be the vast area adjacent to the three provinces.
An important feature of the history of the Yi people is the long period of maintaining the slave possession system. In the 2nd century BC, during the Western Han Dynasty and before, the Yi forefathers' society was already divided between nomadic tribes and sedentary agricultural tribes. During the period from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, various Yi prehistoric regions continued to differentiate a number of Chaosu Shuai and Yi Wang, indicating that on the basis of conquering tribes such as the Pu people, the Kunming tribes have basically completed the transition from primitive tribes to the slave possession system.
In the 8th century 30s, Mengshezhao unified the six edicts, Yunnan Yi, Bai ancestors united the upper echelons of the various ethnic groups to establish the Nanzhao slavery regime, the ruling center in the area of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in the western part of Yunnan, the scope of domination reaches the present day in eastern Yunnan, Guizhou, western and southern Sichuan, basically controlling the main distribution of the ancestors of the Yi ethnic group.
The Nanzhao dynasty of slavery had ruled the region of the Yi ancestors for a long time, and could not but have a profound impact on the existence and development of local slavery. In the second year of the Tang Dynasty (902), the destruction of the Nanzhao slavery dynasty did not mean that slavery in the Yi Prefecture died out. In the two Song Dynasty for more than 300 years, Rong (Yibin), Lu (Lu County), Li (Han Yuan) 3 states of the Yi ancestors, in the Song Dynasty and the Dali regime in the fight for each other, the emergence of slavery economy relatively prosperous situation. In conjunction with this, the slavery production relations appeared powerful tribes enslaved small tribes.
Mongolia Mongkol Khan three years (1253), the Mongolian cavalry from Sichuan in three ways to attack Yunnan, through the Yi region, prompted in the state of division in the Yi region, the emergence of a relatively loose anti-Mongolian coalition, began to unify under the Luo Luo claim. Correspondingly, the Mongolian aristocrats strengthened the fight for the Yi Zimo that is, the head of the soil, and developed a hereditary official position of the chiefs of the various ethnic groups in the part of the border ethnic areas in order to rule over the local people of the land tribal system. Since 1263 ~ 1287, successively in today's Yuexi, Xichang, Pingshan, Dafang, Zhaotong, Weining and other places to set up the Yi tribesmen.
During the 276 years of the Ming Dynasty, the land across the three provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, Shuixi (Dafang), Urumqi (Weining), Umeng (Zhaotong), Mangbu (Zhenxiong), Dongchuan (Huize), Yongning (Xuyong), Mahu (Pingshan), Jianchang (Xichang), etc., each of the Yi land division (Zimo) linked together to support each other and maintain essentially the same slavery, and the low social productivity in line with the various Yi areas can basically be divided into 3 classes of Toji and Black Bone, White Bone and Household Slave. On the basis of the above hierarchical relationship, the tusi system of the Yi in the Ming Dynasty, such as Shuixi, Jianchang and Wumeng, was still the superstructure of slavery.
Kangxi, Yongzheng years, the Qing dynasty in the Yi region to implement the "return to the stream", to the Secretary of the soil, the soil to the eye, the power of the slave owners to a heavy blow. With the development of social productive forces, part of the region more quickly from slavery to feudalism transition.
Culture and Art
The Yi people are good at singing and dancing. The Yi folk have a variety of traditional tunes, such as climbing the mountain, entering the door, welcoming guests, eating wine, marrying, crying and mourning, etc. Some tunes have fixed words. Some tunes have fixed words, while others do not, and are improvised on an ad hoc basis. Mountain songs are divided into male and female voices, and each region has its own unique style of mountain songs. Yi musical instruments include the gourd sheng, mabu, bawu, mouth string, moon zither, flute, three strings, chimes, copper drums, big flat drums and so on. Yi Dance ...... >>
What are the ethnic customs of the Yi? The "Torch Festival" is the most common and grandest traditional festival of the Yi ethnic group, usually held on the 24th or 25th day of the 6th month of the summer calendar. Different regions have different legends about the origin of this ancient festival. One of the more common legends is that there was a Hercules in the sky, Szeti Abi, who heard that there was a Hercules on earth, Attila VIII, and went to the earth to wrestle with Attila VIII. As a result, Szhe Abi lost, back to the God of heaven, the God of heaven was infuriated, sent locusts to the earth to trample on crops, Attila eight in June 24 this day, called on people to light up pine fires to drive the insects, the results drove away the pests, the victory over the God of heaven. In order to commemorate the victory over the God of Heaven, from then on, every year to this day to hold torches to celebrate. Every Torch Festival, Yi men, women and children, dressed in festive costumes, playing livestock offerings, dancing and singing, horse racing, wrestling. At night, holding torches, turn around homes and fields, and then gather together to burn bonfires and dance.
In the eyes of the Yi people, fire symbolizes light, justice, prosperity, and the powerful force that can destroy all evil. The Torch Festival is a festival of joy, love and happiness for the Yi people. People prepare all kinds of torches a few days before the festival. The first day is to decorate the torches at home, as beautiful as they are; the second day is to go to relatives' and friends' houses to congratulate the festival and talk about their own torches; the third day is to burn the torches and walk into the fields and homes with them in the air, bringing happiness to the people and wishing the farmland to be rich in grains. The third day when night falls, to the torch festival ***. At this time people cheering, exceptionally lively. The streets are full of colorful lights and festive atmosphere. People are dressed in colorful costumes and their faces are full of smiles. They held up torches and crowded into the crowd, singing and dancing! They became one, the torch held high especially shining, the original dark night instantly turned into day.
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