Badminton Racket Stretching Tips

Badminton Racket Pulling Techniques

Living standards continue to improve, people pay more and more attention to their own health, so the square dance as well as some fitness equipment into people's lives. And badminton as a fitness equipment, whether it is young people or middle-aged and old people have a special emotion for badminton, then, badminton racket pulling skills is what? Below with me to understand it!

Badminton racket pulling skills

1, use the racket to measure the length of the string.

The vertical string is eight racket lengths. First pull the vertical string from the head of the middle point of the racket to the sides of the equalization of the string, in order to ensure that the left and right sides of the racket deformation consistent, elastic symmetry.

Step by step:

The vertical strings should be inserted through the 1 hole in the head of the racket, and pulled symmetrically to both sides in turn. Clamp the two center strings at the top of the frame with a wire clip. Then add weight to the string. Use the other clip to hold the string that is being pulled up. Also pull the other string, release the center clip, and move it to the string that was just pulled up.

Here's a detail. After pulling the second line, you can pull the subsequent line directly. You can also re-pound the first line, adjusting the clamp to the top of the frame to ensure that the left and right pounds are balanced. When re-pounding, avoid over-pulling as the line will already be tight.

Turning the racket around, the next step is easier, tightening the lines one by one, left and right in turn.

After the lower 9 holes, you must jump to the lower 12 holes and back in (jumping through two thread holes in between), thread in the upper 11 holes, thread in the upper 10 holes, thread in the lower 10 holes, jump back to the lower 8 holes to thread in and tie the knot, and you're done. Special note: the vertical 10 string is the last vertical string to be pulled, not the vertical 11 string.

2. Measure six and a half beats across.

The horizontal strings should be pulled from the head of the frame, one by one, towards the bottom of the frame, and the horizontal string poundage should be increased by 2 pounds on top of the vertical string poundage.
