Lyrics of the girl of dasaka city why 'take your sister'
The song "The Girl in Darbancheng" was sung at home and abroad more than half a century ago, and has become a favorite song of people all over the world. Kerimu told reporters that from 1938 onwards, his father Abdul Guli performed regularly with his mother on the streets of Turpan and on the stage of the Urumqi Weiwenhui, and they sang "The Girl of Dasaka City" together. Later, Wang Luobin, the King of Western Songs, adapted this song into the current "Carriage Driver's Song", and the lyrics of the line "Bring your dowry, bring your sister, come in the carriage" once became a topic of discussion for many people: why do you need to bring your sister with you when you get married? Later, some scholars said that the translation was wrong, it should be "bring your bridesmaids", but people have gotten used to the original singing style. After the song "The Girl in Dasaka City" spread all over the world, people know that there is a Dasaka City in Xinjiang, and there are beautiful girls in Dasaka City.