When Feng Ziying invited Jia Baoyu to dinner, Baoyu said, "Now, you have to say four words: sadness, sorrow, joy and joy, but you have to mention your daughter, and you have to point out the reasons for these four words. That's it. Drink a door cup. The wine noodles should sing fresh and fashionable songs, and the bottom of the wine should be like the wind on the table, or things like ancient poems, old couplets, four books, five classics and idioms ... "
Baoyu added, "My daughter is sad, and her youth has been locked in an empty room. The daughter was worried and regretted teaching her husband to find seals. My daughter is happy and the morning makeup in front of the mirror is beautiful. " The daughter is happy, and the spring shirt on the swing is thin. "
So I took the pipa and listened to Baoyu sing, "I can't stop loving you. Blood and tears are thrown at red beans, and the spring flowers are blooming and endless." I can't sleep well. After the storm and dusk, I can't forget the new worries and old grievances. I can't swallow jade and gold, my throat is full; Thin can't be seen in the diamond mirror. A frown that can't be opened is even more leaking when it is unknown. Ah! "It's like a castle peak that can't be covered, a steady stream of green water, endless.
Hongdou Qu appeared twice in the 87th TV series "Dream of Red Mansions": the first time was when Baoyu, Xue Pan and others got together to drink. The second time was after Jia Fu was copied down.