The production method of gongs and drums is as follows:
1. Firstly, make the drum circle, choose the high quality poplar wood to make the drum circle.
2. In the drum circle on the good putty, so that the drum body is smooth and easy to paint, putty with talcum powder and skin glue blended into. Then paint two times.
3. We use high quality buffalo skin to make the drum surface, and the traditional old technology to make the skin even, even thickness.
4. Drums soaked in water, soaking soft, and then start nailing drums. Methods: the soaked drum surface masked in the drum circle around the drum surface with a good hole in the drum surface with a rigid through, and then use the rope disk good rigid, drum circle on the frame of the nail drums, the frame has a wooden disk and ?2? to ?4? jacks and an iron round frame composition.
The wai feng drum belongs to the Chinese traditional percussion instruments, as a main instrument widely used in the wai feng gong dance, the drum body is 27CM high, the drum surface is 55CN in diameter. the wai feng drum surface before the 70's was made of yellow cowhide, and most of the wai feng drums are made of water buffalo skin in recent years due to the shortage of yellow cowhide.
The drum box is generally made of tung wood, willow wood, tsubaki wood, made of its quality tung wood Weifeng drum belongs to the Chinese traditional percussion instrument, as the Weifeng gongs and drums dance is widely used as a major instrument, the drum body height of 27CM, the drum surface diameter of 55CN. 70 years ago the Weifeng drum surface was made of yellow cowhide, in recent years due to the scarcity of yellow cowhide, most of the Weifeng drums are made of buffalo skin.
The drum case is generally made of tung, willow, tsubaki, and its quality tung is the worst, tsubaki is the best. Drum body in the middle of the drum ring four, the distance between the two drum ring for 25CM - 27CM, two pairs of drum ring into the diagonal. The role of the drum ring is used to tie the drum belt, the drum belt needs to be 250CM long and 80CM wide, used to sat on the left shoulder of the performer to perform.
Worst, Tsubaki wood is the best. Drum body in the middle of the drum ring four, the distance between the two drum ring for 25CM - 27CM, two pairs of drum ring diagonal. The role of the drum ring is used to tie the drum belt, the drum belt needs to be 250CM long and 80CM wide, used to sat on the left shoulder of the performer to perform.