Seek the lyrics of the toddler dance "My Idol".

Today you do a little bit more for him

Tomorrow we will count the money together at the critical moment

I was thinking that my car suddenly broke down by the side of the road

Not in front of the village and not behind the store, what can we do

A cab driver came to help in a hurry

My goodness, looking at him I thought of angels descending into the world

That is the reason why his

That's the proudest spirit of the Chinese people

Whenever the world needs warmth

It's time to sing that song again, and it's an absolute classic

Learning from Lei Feng

You're my love and idol

Helping people to be happy on your behalf, and lamenting your army patches on top of each other

I'm not sure if I can do this, but I think it's time to do this. Study Lei Feng good example

Your story accompanies my growth

To be a screw that never rustsYour spirit is the same in all times

Learn Lei Feng good example, your love is my idol

Helping people to be happy you pronounce the name of the army of your big patches stacks of patches

Learn Lei Feng good example

Your story accompanies my

To be a screw that never grows embroidered your spirit is the same in all times

Learn from Lei Feng

Loyal to the revolution and loyal to the party

Love and hate clearly not forgetting the roots

Standing firm with a strong fighting spirit/////////////////////p>