Place names of stations where trains pass from Shimen North Station to Chengdu West Station.

Yichang east railway station, Enshi Station, Chongqing North Station and Hechuan Station.

According to 12306 official website query, the train number from Shimen North Station to Chengdu West Station is K504/K50 1. According to the passing station and timetable information of K504/K50 1, the train from Shimen North Station to Chengdu West Station passes through yichang east railway station, Enshi Station, Chongqing North Station and Hechuan Station.

The K504/K50 1 train has 7 stops from Chengdu West Railway Station to Changsha Station. It starts at 1 1: 48 and arrives at 5: 28 the next day. The whole journey takes about 17 hours and 40 minutes.