Spanish bullfighting matches, the official bull on the field must be 4 ? years old to 7 years old healthy bulls, weighing between 37 to 425 kilograms. Each bullfight out of three matadors, divided into six sections, each section of a bullfight, about 2 minutes, the whole field to fight six bulls. The bullfighting starts with the smaller bulls and ends with the matador fighting the biggest bull.
And before the bullfighting, the selected bulls are kept in dark pens for 2 days and are not fed any water or food. As soon as the raging, hungry bull enters the arena, seven or eight capes wave their red and yellow cloaks to tease the bull, who instinctively attacks moving objects.
And one thing to note is that the bull will be in the bullfighter waving the flag when the bullfighter attacked, not because of the color of the flag, the bullfighting selection of bulls are color-blind, so no matter what color of cloth the bullfighter to take to show the bulls in front of the eyes, the bulls are not a special feeling, only shaking the object to stimulate their fighting spirit.