Shen Guanying second village is located in which province

Shen Guanying Second Village is located in latitude 39o47′48" north longitude 118o41′43" east. Located on the west side of the Pingqing Highway, east to Yangjiagou village west to Dong'angezhuang village, south to half of the Beidian village, north to Gujiazhuang village, east-west length of about 1.2 kilometers, north-south width of about 0.8 kilometers, with a total area of 0.62 square kilometers, with a total population of 2,700 people, of which the Han Chinese population of 99%, the minority for the Manchus. Surname to Shen, Zhang, Wang, Zhu as the main family name, Wang, Liu, Li second.

Ming Yongle early years, Shen Guanying village residents by the imperial court immigration settlement garrison, gathered here, the residents of the Shen family name for the camp officials, so the name Shen Guanying.

Before the founding of the country for the jurisdiction of Lulong County, after the founding of the country for the jurisdiction of Luanxian County. 1958 to build a commune, belonging to the jurisdiction of the Angezhuang, known as the Shen Guanying brigade, 1961 belongs to the Mazhuangzi Commune, 1984 to change the society to build townships, belonging to the Mazhuangzi township, in 2001, withdrawn from the townships to the town of Luanshou, Luancheng street office belongs to the village of the rectangular, the old Pingqing highway crosses the village in the north-south direction. All the streets in the village are hardened. The village has two squares, a small basketball court, two leisure pavilions. Shen Guanying village elementary school, the village has three health centers, mainly responsible for villagers' medical care.

Shen Guanying Village is a village with honorable tradition. Xinhai Revolutionary aspirant Jiang Weiping taught in Shen Guanying Primary School in 1898 (1991 Luanxian County Records). Sowing the seeds of progress, laying the foundation for future participation in the revolution, in the War of Resistance against Japan, the village has a large number of young people to participate in the revolutionary forces, there are twenty-one people sacrificed for the revolution and became martyrs. After the founding of the country there are three people sacrificed to become a martyr, have made outstanding contributions to: Gao Jingzhi, Shen Ke, Gao Heng, Shen _ (in the county in 1991 there is a brief biography) and active military Shen Lizhong, is the Air Force Division Commander. There are also in 1967 in the rush to repair the national defense line sacrificed Zhang Lianfu martyrs, was awarded the military commission second-class merit honorary title.

Shen Guanying has been divided into three administrative villages since 1980, namely Shen Guanying I Village, Shen Guanying II Village and Shen Guanying III Village.

Shenguanyingercun. Shenguanyingercun, latitude 39o47′51" north, longitude 118o41′26" east. The total population of 1123 people, arable land area of 2102.91 acres, a square, a medical room, crops to corn peanuts.

The village's housing construction is mainly bungalows, cement masonry structure. The village hardened road 244 million square meters, the village green area of 18,950 square meters, change the toilet 181 households, coal to electricity 355 households. The appearance of the village has changed greatly.

Economy based on agriculture, there are 1854 acres of arable land, mainly planting corn peanuts, animal husbandry to raise pigs and chickens, there are two large-scale pig factory, two chicken factory.

In order to enrich the life of the village, Shen Guanying two villagers spontaneously set up the "Heartland Square Dance Happy Entertainment Team", rice-planting team. Adhere to year-round activities, to the village performances.

Shen Guanying two villages near the Luanzhou Ancient City, Hengshan Dajue Temple, Luanhe Iron Bridge, Luanhe Iron Bridge, Luanxian Wenfeng Pagoda and other tourist attractions, there are Luanxian peanuts, Haojia Huozhu, Luanzhou honeydew melon, Luanxian Crystal Pear, Yufeng dried potatoes and other specialty products.