What are some good looking dance steps
Strictly Dance's most handsome steps and stunts HOT LV6 184816 264389 878346 947284 243746 968166 726746 LV7 3446123 3442396 6667729 6437821 1996868 6366691 6719286 6887677 4698376 LV8 64839293 74663789 49181926 69633618 13834768 71678483 32974281 23633481 (44314763 followed by 3441**** for a nice flying kiss action) LV9 744348331 998696378 389463316 667843397 487212773 961976483 638796796 869723439 476176233 182796736 441719876 387329223 Some of the movements with a large amplitude, that is to say, the more handsome movements 3892472 6366691 (downward sliding) 6469231 (horizontal kick) 6926413 (kicks) 7287362 (palms together, also cool) 8349634 16967968 (and HOT stomps) 32673892 34416912 (teasing) 37273444 48323721 (squatting and jumping) 64839293 72134861 (throwing the legs) 167669123 227137948 337446273 271841114 389463316 468111112 487212773 487949363 638796796 667843397 786899163 869723439 949869918 (Running the front desk) 961976483 968431187 《劲舞团》劲舞超炫舞步--极限步 This step synthesizes a big step in the good-looking da step, it is cool boys, love beautiful sister da preferred.rnrn Dance name: limit step Dance introduction: this step synthesizes a big step in the good-looking da step, it is cool boys, love beautiful sister da preferred L6: 464646 (4K beginning dance) 436 443 486 618 2274 6368 6822 6679 964 L7:6887 7929 2322 3442 7823 8913 8281 3148 8182 8293 L8:3441 6227 13879 333 249 238 744 312 44314 969 33284 4616 L9:16766 479672 677 9488 9684 7421 8378 6711 1116 9716 2192 1214 7469 6971 9947 2323