In fact, this shows that you still have some sympathy and conscience, see the widows and orphans have a sense of powerlessness, because you feel unable to help them get rid of this bad situation, their own inability to do something to make them happy life. Escape is to think that maybe if you can't see it you will feel better, escape so that you can not think about those things that you can't do.
In this big world, there are a lot of widows and orphans whose lives are miserable, but because they are already too old, there is no way for them to change these destinies that have already been written. They can't change their lives with their own ability anymore, they can only live one day at a time, without purpose, just to live. No one would notice when they might be gone.
On the street you can often see some of the pedestrians begging the old man, they are ragged, tattered, holding up a dirty hand to the passing crowd begging, looking at such a scene, my heart is also very helpless but can not help them what. Even if you occasionally give them some change, but in the end, it will not solve the big problem, but only solve the momentary problem.
In the face of such a group, I often have a sense of powerlessness, because for myself, I am still a student, still spending their parents' hard-earned money, I can not just give them money, which can not solve the long-term problem. So myself after giving once or twice can only choose to escape. After all, you can't really survive just by begging.
I think the main thing is to rely on the government of these countries to help them, call on the government to care about such a box group, give them some subsidies, give them some help in life, so that their lives can be improved some.