Dayuan Village is located in which province and which city

Dayuan Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Nangwang Street, Penglai District, Yantai City, Shandong Province, with an urban/rural classification code of 112 for urban/rural areas. The zoning code is 370614005218, and the first 6 digits of the resident ID number is 370614. the postal code is 264000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0535, and the license plate number is Lu F. Dayuan Village is located in the same area as Knocking Wang Village, Twenty Ports Village, Knocking Liu Village, Three Baojia Village, Two Baojia Village, Two Knocking Liu Village, Head Baojia Village, Sukui Ports Village, Zhaili Village, Parking Wangjia Village, Bei Wang Village, and Parking Songjia Village, Xingjia Village, Xigou Fangjia Village neighboring.

There are Qi Jiguang Ancestral Hall and Qi Jiguang's Tomb, Penglai Pavilion Tourist Area, Jiuzhangya, Sanxian Mountain, Long Island Tourist Scenic Spot and other tourist attractions near Dayuan Village, and there are specialties such as Penglai Sea Cucumber, Penglai Chiajia Red, Penglai Dishonored Seed, Penglai Gajia Fish, Penglai Grapes and other specialties.