Square dance noise is too disturbing how to do

I was also seriously disturbed by the square dance life 4 years of residents, our neighborhood property, surrounding the neighborhood police station, I recently practiced a perfect set of ways to stop the noise nuisance:

1, contact the property by phone to solve the noise problem, it is possible that the property can only be dissuaded from solving the problem, then we suspend the payment of property taxes.

2, telephone alarm 110 to solve, 110 can only discourage, if it can not be solved, to confirm with 110 110 can not be solved.

3, after the above process is fruitless, men can go down directly to smash the loudspeaker, women can go down directly with guys to smash the loudspeaker. Then directly home, do not occur with the square dance mom verbal and physical contact, remember!

4, if the amazons with the police with the door to claim compensation for the megaphone, please do not panic, you can hold a chopper blocked in front of their homes, to the police and these amazons issued a warning, please do not trespassing, after stopping the police and property personnel can be allowed to enter the door to negotiate.

5, the negotiation process must show the attitude can be compensated for the loudspeaker, but the only claim please police or property owners to ensure in writing that these amazons are no longer a nuisance, otherwise, please the damaged party sued on their own, I will accept the lawsuit.

I used the above approach to practice many times, never compensated the loudspeaker material, see a smash, that is, the accumulated noise complaints, but also reasonable and legal solution to the problem, our square dance nuisance location in the middle of the neighborhood residential building green belt, this method is not a good idea! (# black line)