What country are matadors

The Matador is Spain.

Spanish bullfighting has its origins in ancient Spanish religious practices (the killing of bulls for sacrifice to the gods), which began in the 13th century with King Alfonso X of Spain, and evolved into bull-racing performances (with real bullfighting appearing in the mid-18th century).

Nowadays, bullfighting is regarded as a noble art in this Iberian Peninsula, and the seven-month-long period starting from March 19 - St. Joseph's Day - to Oct. 12, Spain's national day, becomes the bullfighting season.

The famous Fire Festival in Valencia in March and the Eucharistic Festival in Granada in June feature a series of grandiose bullfights, and the one that spreads to the masses is the familiar annual Running of the Bulls festival.

Bullfighting Songs:

In the long history of bullfighting activities have given birth to countless excellent bullfighting songs, just Spain about the bullfighter's song there are nearly 200. The famous "Spanish Bullfighting Song" is y loved by people. The music is full of passion, cheerful, warm, enthusiastic, showing the bravery of the bullfighter, popular all over the world, and become a long-sung world famous song.

This is the march of Spain, the music is majestic and majestic, and the dance style is full of masculine flavor. Every place in Spain is using bullfighting dance instead of marching dance. Bullfighting is influenced by bullfighting and the evolution of the dance. The brass band above the entrance to the bullfighting arena always plays a marching song, which is known as the Spanish bullfighting music, and the inspiration for the formation of the bullfighting dance comes from this music.

It is also this music that inspires the bullfighting theater itself. In short, bullfighting is an interpretation of bullfighting theater; the male dancers are compared to bullfighters, while the female dancers represent the red capes used to attract the attention of the bulls. The categorization of bullfighting as a Latin American dance is incredible because it is purely European and of Spanish origin.