Plot specifics of Comet Crash and Deep Impact

AKA Heaven and Earth Crash

Chinese Name: Comet Hits Earth

English Name: Deep Impact

Film Director: Mimi Leder Mimi Leder

Film Cast:

Robert Duvall Robert Duvall

Téa Leoni Téa Leoni

Elya Wood

Morgan Freeman Morgan Freeman

Region: United States

Language: English

Length: 121 minutes

Release: 1998

Rating: 5.9/10 (21,094 votes)

Genre: Drama/Sci-Fi/Action


At the Richmond Astronomy Laboratory in Virginia, 14-year-old Leo Bederman unknowingly discovers the existence of an astronomical object. Bederman inadvertently discovered an unknown comet, which was later confirmed by scientists to be a comet that could give the Earth a devastating blow. The comet weighs about 500 megatons and is the size of New York City. It is currently orbiting the sun by its gravitational pull, and if it follows its orbit, it will collide with Earth in about a year.

In order to save the planet, the government decided to send a team led by former astronaut Captain Tanner to land on the comet in a joint U.S.-Russian spacecraft called the Messiah, in an attempt to use a nuclear device to detonate the comet or deflect it from its original orbit in order to stop the star of disaster. However, due to insufficient analysis of the comet's structure, the explosion split the comet into two large and two small pieces that continued to fly towards the Earth, and the Messiah lost contact with the Earth after the failed operation. As the comet gets closer and closer to the Earth, mankind can no longer stop its progress, although the Earth will not disappear because of the impact, but the tsunami and dust generated by the impact will give all life on Earth with a fatal blow.

In order to keep the human race alive, the government had to implement the final "Ark" program, which was to build a secret shelter containing seeds, plants, animals and a few human elites to come out and fulfill their mission two years later when the dust settles. The day of impact finally arrived, and the first small piece of the comet slammed into the Atlantic Ocean faster than sound, engulfing New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and other places in a tsunami in a matter of moments. Fortunately, the "Messiah" after several twists and turns and made contact with the Earth, the astronauts resolutely start the nuclear device, unhesitatingly rushed to the subsequent large comet block ...... the dome of the sky across a magnificent meteor shower, mankind is finally saved.

Chinese Title:


More Chinese Titles:


The End of the World

The Final Battle


Greatest Battle


Romance / Action / Thriller / Drama / Sci-fi

Romance / Action / Thriller / Drama / Sci-fi / Drama / Drama Sci-Fi


150 min / USA:153 min (director's cut)


United States






The plot >Version 1

Two huge meteorites are about to hit the Earth, mankind must combine NASA astronauts and top oil drillers to force a space shuttle to land on another meteorite, and bury a nuclear weapon in the center of the meteorite after drilling into it, the success of this mission will be the key to the survival of mankind.

Version 2

Earth was once the home of the dinosaurs, but a six-thousand-meter-diameter boulder changed all that, causing the Earth to explode and the dinosaurs to go extinct. It has happened before, and it may happen again now or in the future.

Houston. All of NASA's personnel were busy shuttling around, and everyone was on the edge of their seats at the accident that had just occurred: the space station had suddenly been destroyed, and all contact with the ground had been lost. The staff nervously and anxiously check all kinds of instruments, one of them pointed to the radar display and exclaimed: "There is a large group of unidentified objects flying toward New York." New York City was bustling and busy.

A young black man was taking his puppy for a ride in a bicycle. The puppy sees some dinosaur toys for sale and immediately jumps over and tears and bites them. The fat owner of the toys grabbed the toys and hit the puppy. When the black guy saw his pet being beaten, he said angrily, "If you dare to hit it again, I'll blow you up!" Before he could say anything, a fireball fell from the sky and landed right on the fat boss's head and exploded. The black boy was also lifted up by the shockwave and hung from a big tree, he cried out in fear, "There's a bomb, call the police!" More and more fireballs flew toward New York, the streets of downtown became a sea of fire in an instant. People fled in all directions, with some screaming, "We've been hit by an air raid!"

Space Houston quickly concluded that it was a massive meteorite shower, extremely destructive. The crowd was at a loss, and the latest photos coming back from space telescopes were jaw-dropping: a meteorite the size of Texas in diameter was heading toward Earth, and would hit the planet in 18 days.

SpaceX chief Carl said with a heavy heart, "The meteor shower is just a prelude." Scientists are urgently consulting to find a solution. Carl concluded, "We only have 18 days, either it destroys us or we destroy it. The only way to do it now is to land the ship on the meteorite and have a specialist drill an 800-meter-deep hole in the meteorite and put in a nuclear bomb to either shatter it or change its flight path.

Now, the first order of business is to get to the best oil driller, Hiro Hari, who is busy at the oil field site. He is both the oil field owner and the most experienced driller. At this moment, when drilling was at its busiest, Aggie, the most capable young worker under him, was nowhere to be seen. Harry rushed to Aggie's hut, pushed the door, and saw Aggie fumbling to get dressed: at another glance, his own baby daughter Liz was lying on Aggie's bed. Harry, enraged, drew his pistol and shot at Aggie. Aggie dodges as he shouts, "I love her with all my heart!" Liz also runs out and begs her father, "I'm a grown man, I love him, and I'm going to marry him!" Harry huffed, "No way I will never allow you to ......" At that moment, several helicopters landed on the oil field platform. Several soldiers ran up to Harry and politely said, "Mr. Harry, for the sake of the country's security, please come with us immediately. Please allow us to keep our reasons to ourselves for now."

Harry followed them to the helicopter full of suspicion. At NASA, Carl had been waiting for a long time, and as soon as he saw Harry, he made peace with the meteorite flying towards Earth. He was worried, he said: "Once the meteorite collides with the Earth, the world and everything on Earth will suffer a devastating blow, even bacteria can not be spared. Even if the meteorite fell into the sea, the huge waves that would be created would be enough to engulf half of the world, and human beings would die because of the high temperatures created by the impact. Either way, the consequences would be the same."

The two ships made it into Taichung, refueled and watered at the Russian space station, and the two Russian cosmonauts joined in to save humanity on Earth. The two spaceships flew toward their set targets.

The huge meteorite tumbled and moved through space like a toothy beast, slowly approaching Earth. The two ships circled and drew closer to the meteorite, as countless strands of small meteorite muscle dots came at the ship. The spaceships kept dodging, kept getting closer and closer, not daring to look up. After the storm passed, they realized something demoralizing: the remote control to detonate the nuclear bomb had failed. The only way to accomplish the mission is to leave one person behind to push the detonator button by hand. Who's left? Someone suggests drawing straws. The one left behind is drawn by Aggie, who laughs to himself, "I can't believe I've become the hero of Lifesaving Earth." He turned to Harry again and said, "Tell Liz I'll always love her." Aggie pulled open the hatch. Stepping off the ship.

Just moments before the ship was about to fly away from the meteorite, Harry yanked open the hatch and jumped out, and pushed Aggie into the ship as he closed the hatch tightly from the outside, and he said to Aggie through the hatch, "I've always treated you like a son. Take care of Liz for me."

The ship flew far away from the meteorite. Harry said, tearfully, as he said goodbye to his daughter for good through the satellite communication system, "I promised you that I would be back, but I broke my promise. Take good care of Aggie. I'll always be there for you." He took one last fond glance in the direction of Earth, as if he saw his childhood Liz running toward him with open arms in the springtime colors ......

Harry dug down the detonation button. People all over the world saw a strange halo appear in the sky, and then the meteorite was blown into two pieces, changed its flight path, and passed by the Earth on its shoulder.

The sky is now filled with a new star that will shine forever.

Since then, the sky has been filled with a new star that will always shine.