Before the outbreak of World War I, Russia, from the time of Alexander II to the overthrow of Nicholas, had been carrying out moderate capitalist reforms, and a series of major reforms were implemented, such as the emancipation of the serfs and the convening of the State Duma (parliament). The Russian economy began to enter capitalism before the war. Before the war, the Russian economy began its capitalist take-off phase, and according to the statistics of Soviet dissidents during the Brezhnev era, Russia's economic growth in the first decade of the war was the fastest in Russia's history, a rate that the Soviet Union never reached later.
When World War I broke out, the Russian people worshipped the tsar and gathered in front of the palace on the day war was declared, holding up icons and singing the national anthem. But after three years of war, the front line was losing one battle after another, and the rear was economically bankrupt. Nicholas was so busy directing the war that his German wife made a mess of the dynasty. Because the Crown Prince was suffering from hemophilia and was on the verge of death several times, he was saved by an illiterate farmer, Lapustin, an atmospheric gong master, and she condoned him to act like Wei Zhongxian, which led to the rumor that the Empress was a German spy, and that all the major disasters at the front and the rear were caused by this Russian traitor. The February Revolution broke out when the people could not bear the disasters brought by the war any longer. The Tsar could have suppressed it, but he abdicated peacefully.
After the outbreak of the February Revolution, Lenin was overjoyed and decided to return home immediately. But he was in Switzerland, and to get home he had to travel through German territory and German-occupied areas. Germany was fighting a war on two fronts at the time, and was keen to put Lenin back in the rear to bring down Russia, so that they could redeploy their forces from the Eastern Front to the Western Front (a tactic which was later adopted by the Japanese. (This tactic was later adopted by the Japanese. The Japanese rightist Black Dragon Society helped Sun Yat-sen to form the Allied Communist Party, and later the Japanese found out the identity of Zhang Guotao but let him go, which were all poisonous tactics to subvert and weaken the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, and to plunge the people into a sea of blood.) Therefore, they took the initiative to provide a special train so that Lenin and his comrades could return to their country across the battle line. Lenin, fearing that the people would take him for a spy, came up with the trick of sealing the train from the outside, but even so, he was still worried all the way, telling his comrades several times that he was afraid that they would be arrested as soon as the train entered the Russian territory.
Unexpectedly all the way to nothing, the train into the Petersburg Finland station, the door from the outside to open, Lenin was surprised to find that there is a large group of people outside to welcome. He immediately made a speech, put forward the slogan of peace and bread, advocating immediate and unconditional peace with Germany. At that time, the Provisional Government had assumed the agreement between the Czar and the Allied Powers, insisted on fighting against Germany, and a large part of the territory had fallen into the hands of the Germans, so a unilateral peace not only seriously jeopardized the interests of the country, but also violated its international obligations, and in the future, it would be subject to the sanctions of the Allied Powers. Lenin's speech was completely treasonous, although it aroused the indignation of many listeners, but it was not prosecuted by the government because the Provisional Government was a democratic government, which guaranteed the freedom of speech to everyone.
Lenin took full advantage of this newfound freedom of the Russian people, and with the money sent by the Germans, he set up more than forty newspapers and journals, advocating peace and bread, and advocating an immediate armistice and peace with Germany. This behavior attracted the attention of the Allied Powers. The French counter-agency started to investigate and found that a large amount of German marks had been transferred to the hands of the Bourbons. They got hard evidence and gave it to the Provisional Government. The Provisional Government then ordered a manhunt for Lenin, a German spy, and frightened him into disguising himself and fleeing to Finland, which had just gained independence (Finland was originally part of Russia), where he spent a period of time in fear in the border area. According to the person concerned, Lenin was scared to death, not at all later on the Soviet Union painting on the fire, while writing "State and Revolution" of the dashing look.
Lenin had been urging his comrades to rise up and seize power, but no one listened to him, thinking it would be rash. Lenin was so furious that he thought he was going to be suppressed by the government, but the Provisional Government of the Idiots did nothing about it. However, the idiot Provisional Government did not take any action. At this time, Lenin had been arrested, and the scandal that the BSP was a German spy was exposed, so he could not go on with his life any longer, so he took the risk. They split the center into two groups, one led by Trotsky as the commander-in-chief to start the riots, and the other (including Stalin, who was a second-rate actor at the time) to stay out of it. That way, if it failed, the party wouldn't be wiped out, because the Provisional Government, unlike the later ****-party totalitarian regimes, was about fair trials and not about guilt-by-association.
The so-called October Revolution was the work of a small army, which took the city of Petersburg's key departments without firing a single shot. The so-called attack on the Winter Palace is a myth. In fact, the Provisional Government surrendered without resistance, and by dawn the city was in the hands of the **** Party. ***The party then took over the major cities without any problems. At that time, the February Revolution had caused a great shock to the people's minds, and the confusion had not yet passed. Once the Provisional Government was captured, the whole country was left without a leader and at the mercy of others. If the officials of the Provisional Government had been one billionth as strong and cunning as the Bourbons, they would have transferred troops from the front to defend the capital at the same time as Lenin, and the chaos would never have occurred. I think the ministers never dreamed that there could be such ruthless thugs in the world as the **** Party, who would take advantage of their generosity and kill them as soon as they had succeeded in their endeavors.
As soon as the Buhari Party came to power, it showed its roguish face. At the time there were one or two other parties working with the Bourbons such as the left-wing Social Revolutionary Party. Lenin's pre-revolutionary slogan was "All power to the soviets" and he advocated the peaceful transfer of power from the State Duma. At that time, these people dreamed that the BSP was going to practise democracy through the soviets, and they happily went to the soviets' meetings and easily gained a majority in the parliament. But Lenin, without saying a word, sent his soldiers to arrest these deputies and later had them shot by Cheka's leather jackets.
The Bourbons' rise to power brought neither peace nor bread to the people, and they killed indiscriminately. The people rose up in revolt as the front line was losing battles and the economic difficulties at the back were exacerbated by the revolution. From the very beginning, the Bourbons, with the iron will of a handful of men, used an iron fist to suppress and mass murder to frighten the whole nation into submission. Lenin himself issued a decree for the formation of the Cheka and sent Dzerzhinsky, the murderer, as the head of the party to massively execute "counter-revolutionaries" without trial. The bloodshed was depicted in the Soviet book "How Steel is Made". In the book, the character Zhukhrai took part in the firing squad and shot people in large numbers every day to the point of nervous breakdown. In the movie "Lenin in 1918", Gorky advised Lenin not to kill intellectuals indiscriminately. What other country in the world, except for the countries that followed the example of the October Revolution, has ever done such a thing?
Lenin also ordered the formation of surplus food collection teams, in which he made it clear that he wanted to rob the peasants of all their food and force them to give in by starvation, a tactic that worked, and which was later implemented on an even larger scale by Stalin, resulting in a man-made famine that starved millions to death in Ukraine and other places. Lenin also invented the concentration camps in which working class people who had risen up against the Bourbons' rule and defended their rights with strikes were put into forced slave labor. The Bourbons also dissolved all trade unions and replaced them with imperial unions. Only in the Soviet Union, which was a "paradise for the working class" in the world, did the trade unions only hand out movie tickets and give out flower bouquets, and did not care about the interests of the workers at all. Not only was there only one member of the first generation of the Russian leadership of working-class origin, but the actual status of the working class in the ****ist countries was much lower than in the capitalist countries. The fact that there have never been any strikes in the ***Party countries is a clear indication of this.
The bloody rule of the Bourbons provoked a revolt in almost the whole country, and civil war swept through the country in a way that had not been seen in the French Revolution. The peasants refused to supply the cities with food, the Don Cossacks rioted on a massive scale and fought bloody battles against the Red Army, and the primitive savagery, cruelty, and bloodshed on both sides was reflected in Sholokhov's "Collected Stories of the River Don," and "Silence on the Don. That's still officially permissible orthodox reading. Former White generals like Golchak and Dunnikin led an insurrection that once almost overthrew the Bourbons. There is no other example in the history of the world of a regime in its infancy provoking a revolt by almost the entire population.
In order to suppress the revolt of the people, the Bourbons used two methods, the first was to ask the Germans for help. The Germans were afraid that if the Bourbons collapsed, they would have to fight on two fronts, so they generously gave them a lot of money. According to an investigation conducted by the Allied Powers, they had subsidized the BSPP with more than 2 million marks. The BSPU also made a one-sided peace with the Germans and ceded almost the whole of Ukraine (which was later occupied by the Russians after Germany's defeat), which was the infamous Peace of Brest. If not for the defeat of Germany, the Bushmen would have been the biggest traitors in Russian history.
Secondly, the Red Army was formed to suppress the popular uprising. The commander-in-chief of the Red Army was Trotsky, one of the most brilliant of the Bourbons (this is what Lenin said in his will). His trick was to keep the families of former White Army generals as hostages, and then he sent loyal and reliable party members as political commissars to watch over the generals as they led the Red Army into battle. Thanks to these rogue tactics, the Bourbons were able to build a professional army and put down rebellions one after another. However, the party's traditional tactics were to cook the dog and hide the bird, and not only were the generals killed by Stalin, but even the commander-in-chief, Leon Trotsky, was assassinated by Stalin's agents in Mexico.
When Stalin came to power, the endless human tragedies began. The way the state was organized gave him unprecedented power to do whatever he wanted, and he not only became an unprecedented dictator, but also committed insane crimes never seen in human history: exiling the country's rich peasants to Siberia; exiling the entire Germanic and Gypsy minorities; starving millions of Ukrainian peasants to death in artificial famines while selling grain abroad in large quantities to force the peasants to submit and join the collective farms; and carrying out the Great Purge. The Great Purge killed all the old Bolsheviks and all the top generals of the Red Army, more than 80% of the deputies to the 16th Congress, more than 90% of the members of the Central Committee, and physically wiped out the Central Committees of all the member states; took tens of millions of loyal citizens to the "gulags" and forced them to work on large-scale projects similar to the construction of the pyramids. He took tens of millions of his loyal citizens into the "gulags" and forced them to perform large-scale slave labor similar to the construction of the pyramids, and to undertake a series of major projects, such as the digging of the North Sea Canal and the Volga-Don Canal; he shot all the officer corps of his people after annexing Eastern Poland; he also sent members of the German ****-producing party to be slaughtered by Hitler on the eve of the outbreak of the war in order to safeguard the friendship between Germany and Russia; he drove the members of the labor camps to the death of Hitler during the Patriotic War. During the Patriotic War, prisoners from the labor camps were driven to fight on the front lines, and after the war, the survivors were thrown into the black jails, even those who had performed many meritorious deeds of war; All captured Soviet officers and soldiers liberated by the Allies and returned by the Allies, and Soviet spies (such as the leaders of the famous "Red Band") were put into prison cells... ....
The Lingering Historical Shadow--The Truth about the Russian October Revolution Posted : 2004-08-26 12:24:52 Source : BBS.TONGJI.NET
Author : The Infernal Way of the Lonely Souls Cruising
People who grew up in the "new" China have been able to learn the truth about the Russian October Revolution, but they have not been able to learn the truth about the Russian October Revolution. Not long ago, in a forum called "Rare and Strange Talks" on, netizens engaged in a heated debate about how to evaluate the violent revolution. A famous Internet writer used the French Revolution as an argument to prove that the October Revolution was a great social experiment, saying that although it had unfortunately failed, "success is gold, and failure is also gold". According to this writer, "the French Revolution, which took place in 1789, established modern democratic institutions in Western European countries", and therefore, "despite all these horrendous crimes, France is still a great country, and the French Revolution is still worthy of praise, and as a great experiment, it is still worthy of emulation by the people of other countries". It still deserves to be celebrated as a great experiment, and it still deserves to be emulated by the peoples of other countries". The same is said to be true of the October Revolution.
On the question of whether the French Revolution "established the modern democratic system in Western European countries", Mr. Xu Yangyao, a netizen, has already made an excellent refutation in "The Revelation of the French Revolution". In fact, the netizen who made such a claim has forgotten or is unaware of a minimum fact: the bourgeois revolution in Britain was completed long before the French Revolution. Although that revolution was also considered a violent revolution, it never produced the bloody horrors of the French Revolution, and it cost far less in terms of human lives and social progress than the French Revolution. Since then, its social development has been relatively smooth, and it was the first country in Western Europe to "establish a modern democratic system", and it has never been in a whirlpool like France, which has been in a whirlpool for decades after the outbreak of the revolution. The first time in Western Europe, it was the first country to "establish modern democratic institutions".
More importantly, in my opinion, the French Revolution and the October Revolution in Russia are two completely different things. Even if the former was great, that in no way automatically proves that the latter was a great social experiment, because the only thing the latter "established" besides "smashing some pots and pans" (i.e., destroying the lives of 20 million people in the Soviet Union) wasn't any "modern democratic institutions". The only thing that was "established", besides "smashing some pots and pans" (i.e. destroying the lives of 20 million people in the USSR), was not a "modern democratic system", but the most reactionary, darkest, and ****iest social system ever devised by man.
The fact that there are still such confused notions among free intellectuals living abroad shows how deep the legacy of the Party culture is. If we don't get rid of these rotten dogmas that the Party has been forcibly implanting in our brains since we were teenagers, China will have to be involved in the tragic scourge of violent revolutions in the future. In view of this, the author would like to talk about the major differences between the French and Russian revolutions, based on the confidential archives of the former Soviet Union, which have been disclosed internationally in recent years.
One, the background of the times was completely different
Before the outbreak of the French Revolution, France was under the feudal rule of Louis XV and XVI. At that time, the ruling class of French society was the aristocracy and the church, most of the land was occupied by the aristocracy and the church, and the aristocracy and the monks were in power, not only did they not engage in productive labor and trade, but also enjoyed all sorts of privileges, and put the burden of taxation on the newly emerged bourgeoisie (the so-called third class). Successive years of famine and foreign support for the North American War of Independence caused a serious financial crisis. In the midst of this crisis, the king tried to shift the financial burden to the third class as he had done in the past, which led to a revolt and to the creation of the National Assembly. King Louis XVI, although he had once bowed to public opinion and sworn allegiance to the Constitution, tried to change his mind at the first opportunity and finally tried to escape from Paris to his Austrian cousins, thus provoking the indignation of the people by inviting foreign troops to suppress the revolution. The people executed the king, and the revolution was over.
In contrast, before the outbreak of World War I, Russia, from the time of Alexander II to the overthrow of Nicholas, had been carrying out moderate capitalist reforms, and a series of major reforms, such as the emancipation of the serfs and the convening of the State Duma (parliament), had been carried out. Before the war, the Russian economy began its capitalist take-off phase, and according to the statistics of Soviet dissidents in the Brezhnev era, Russia's economic growth in the first decade of the war was the fastest in Russia's history, a rate that the Soviet Union has never reached since.
When World War I broke out, the Russian people worshipped the tsar and gathered in front of the palace on the day war was declared, holding up icons and singing the national anthem. But after three years of war, the front line was losing one battle after another, and the rear was economically bankrupt. Nicholas was so busy directing the war that his German wife made a mess of the dynasty. Because the Crown Prince was suffering from hemophilia and was on the verge of death several times, he was saved by an illiterate farmer, Lapustin, an atmospheric gong master, and she condoned him to act like Wei Zhongxian, which led to the rumor that the Empress was a German spy, and that all the major disasters at the front and the rear were caused by this Russian traitor. The February Revolution broke out when the people could not bear the disasters brought by the war any longer. The Tsar could have suppressed it, but he abdicated peacefully. He did so to the detriment of his entire family who were later murdered by order of Lenin.
Unlike the October Revolution, the February Revolution was a genuine spontaneous people's revolution. The Provisional Government came to power and carried out democratic reforms , liberalized the party and newspaper bans, released political prisoners, convened the State Duma, which had been shut down by the Tsar during the war, and proceeded to establish a democratic state. There was simply no reason to overthrow such a progressive democratic government.
Second, the nature is completely different
The French Revolution was a spontaneous people's revolution, and there was no revolutionary party of the kind that came later to organize the people. The storming of the Bastille was a spontaneous mob action, and the execution of Louis XVI was a decision of the National Assembly, reflecting the majority of public opinion. The revolution was supported by the majority of the people, except for a few areas where foreign conspirators had fomented disturbances, and the army, which was formed to resist the armed intervention of the Holy Roman Empire, was organized by the people on their own initiative and without the manipulation of a revolutionary party. Since the army was fought by untrained amateurs, they instinctively used loose lines against the enemy's well-trained formations and won, as mentioned by Engels in the Anti-Dühring Theses. Revolutions are basically carried out by mobs of people stirred up by the eloquence of politicians of all stripes, and are not the latter-day conspiracies in which a tightly knit core organizes, mobilizes, and manipulates the masses to carry out the orders of a mastermind.
On the contrary, the October Revolution was a reactionary military coup staged by a handful of mobsters. Before that, even the Social Democratic Party organized by Engels and Kautsky was a loose organization similar to the Western parliamentary parties. Lenin's greatest contribution to the international movement, and indeed to all violent revolutions, was his invention for the first time of the totalitarian organization of the Russian ****, which was specifically designed to subvert the power of the state. In 1905, a spontaneous people's revolution broke out in Russia. After the failure of this revolution, Lenin summarized its historical lessons and concluded that, as a result of the progress of the productive forces and technology in society, the ability of the rulers to control and suppress the people had greatly increased. Under the new historical conditions, it was no longer possible for a genuine people's revolution to win. In his words, "Revolution can never be made through the people", but can only be carried out by highly trained professionals (the so-called "professional revolutionaries"). (It can only be made by highly trained professionals (the so-called "professional revolutionaries"). To this end, he set up the first closely organized, highly centralized and iron-disciplined underworld conspiracy in the history of the world, the Russian***, and opened the world's first clandestine school for training "professional revolutionaries" in Switzerland, teaching the trainees how to take advantage of social crises and hide behind the masses to incite, instigate and organize them to rise up in violent revolt against the authorities. They were taught how to take advantage of social crises to hide behind the masses to incite, instigate and organize them to rise up violently against the authorities.
Nevertheless, because of the political and economic situation in Russia at that time, the revolutionary cause in Russia was inevitably at a low ebb. Before the outbreak of World War I, Lenin did not foresee any revolutionary climax in the future, and predicted pessimistically that "our generation probably will not see the outbreak of revolution". When the war broke out, he advocated defeatism and told the revolutionaries to spare no effort to sabotage and disrupt the country, so as to cause the country to lose the war and reap the benefits from it, which led to his break with the Mensheviks and the Social Democrats of the Second International. As a result, the Bolsheviks were widely regarded at home and abroad as Russian traitors who could be punished by everyone, and their popularity fell to its lowest point.
When the February Revolution broke out, Lenin was overjoyed and decided to return home immediately. But he was in Switzerland, and to get back home he had to cross German territory and German-occupied areas. Germany was fighting a war on two fronts at the time, and was keen to put Lenin back in the rear to bring down Russia, so that they could redeploy their forces from the Eastern Front to the Western Front (a tactic which was later adopted by the Japanese. (This tactic was later adopted by the Japanese. The Japanese rightist Black Dragon Society helped Sun Yat-sen to form the Allied Communist Party, and later the Japanese found out the identity of Zhang Guotao but let him go, which were all poisonous tactics to subvert and weaken the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, and to plunge the people into a sea of blood.) Therefore, they took the initiative to provide a special train so that Lenin and his comrades could return to their country across the battle line. Lenin, fearing that the people would take him for a spy, came up with the trick of sealing the train from the outside, but even so, he was still worried all the way, telling his comrades several times that he was afraid that they would be arrested as soon as the train entered the Russian territory.
Unexpectedly all the way to nothing, the train into the Petersburg Finland station, the door from the outside to open, Lenin was surprised to find that there is a large group of people outside to welcome. He immediately made a speech, put forward the slogan of peace and bread, advocating immediate and unconditional peace with Germany. At that time, the Provisional Government had assumed the agreement between the Czar and the Allied Powers, insisted on fighting against Germany, and a large part of the territory had fallen into the hands of the Germans, so a unilateral peace not only seriously jeopardized the interests of the country, but also violated its international obligations, and in the future, it would be subject to the sanctions of the Allied Powers. Lenin's speech was completely treasonous, although it aroused the indignation of many listeners, but it was not prosecuted by the government because the Provisional Government was a democratic government, which guaranteed the freedom of speech of everyone.
Lenin took full advantage of this newfound freedom of the Russian people, and with the money sent by the Germans, he set up more than forty newspapers and journals, advocating peace and bread, and advocating an immediate armistice and peace with Germany. This behavior attracted the attention of the Allied Powers. The French counter-agency started to investigate and found that a large amount of German marks had been transferred to the hands of the Bourbons. They got hard evidence and gave it to the Provisional Government. The Provisional Government then ordered a manhunt for Lenin, a German spy, and frightened him into disguising himself and fleeing to Finland, which had just gained independence (Finland was originally part of Russia), where he spent a period of time in fear in the border area. According to the person concerned, Lenin was scared to death, not at all later on the Soviet Union painting on the fire, while writing "State and Revolution" of the dashing look.
Lenin had been urging his comrades to rise up and seize power, but no one listened to him, thinking it would be rash. Zinoviev and Kamenev actually put their opposition in the public newspapers, so Lenin was furious, thought to be suppressed by the government, but the ** Provisional Government is no action. However, the Provisional Government did not take any action. At this time, Lenin was arrested, and the scandal that the BSP was a German spy was exposed, so he could not go on with his life any longer, so he took the risk. They split the Central Committee into two groups, one led by Trotsky, who was the commander-in-chief, to organize the riots, while the other group (including Stalin, who was a second-rate actor at that time) stayed away. That way, if the party failed, it would not be wiped out by others, because the Provisional Government, unlike the later **Totalitarian** regime, was not about fair trial and not about guilt by association.
The so-called October Revolution was the work of a small army, which took the city of Petersburg by storm without firing a single shot. The so-called attack on the Winter Palace is a myth. In fact, the Provisional Government surrendered without resistance, and by dawn the whole city was in **'s hands. The whole city was in the hands of the ** by dawn, and the major cities were taken over. At that time, the February Revolution had caused a great shock to the people's minds and the confusion had not yet passed. Once the Provisional Government was captured, the whole country was left without a leader and at the mercy of others. If the officials of the Provisional Government had been one billionth as strong and cunning as the Bourbons, they would have transferred troops from the front to defend the capital at the same time as Lenin, and the chaos would never have occurred. I think those ministers never dreamed that there could be such ruthless thugs in the world as **, who would take advantage of their generosity and kill them as soon as they had succeeded in their endeavors.
As soon as the BNP came to power, it showed its rogue's face. At the time there were one or two other parties working with the Bourbons such as the left-wing Social Revolutionary Party. Lenin's pre-revolutionary slogan was "All power to the soviets" and he advocated the peaceful transfer of power from the State Duma. At that time, these people dreamed that the BSP was going to practise democracy through the soviets, and they happily went to the soviets' meetings and easily gained a majority in the parliament. But Lenin, without saying a word, sent his soldiers to arrest these deputies and later had them shot by Cheka's leather jackets.
The Bourbons' rise to power brought neither peace nor bread to the people, and they killed indiscriminately. The people rose up in revolt as the front line was losing battles and the economic difficulties at the back were exacerbated by the revolution. From the very beginning, the Bourbons, with the iron will of a handful of men, used an iron fist to suppress and mass murder to frighten the whole nation into submission. Lenin himself issued a decree for the formation of the Cheka and sent Dzerzhinsky, the murderer, as the head of the party to massively execute "counter-revolutionaries" without trial. The bloodshed was depicted in the Soviet book "How Steel is Made". In the book, the character Zhukhrai took part in the firing squad and shot people in large numbers every day to the point of nervous breakdown. In the movie "Lenin in 1918", Gorky advised Lenin not to kill intellectuals indiscriminately. What other country in the world, except for the countries that followed the example of the October Revolution, has ever done such a thing?
Lenin also ordered the formation of surplus food collection teams, in which he made it clear that he wanted to rob the peasants of all their food and force them to give in by starvation, a tactic that worked, and which was later implemented on an even larger scale by Stalin, resulting in a man-made famine that starved millions to death in Ukraine and other places. Lenin also invented the concentration camps in which working class people who had risen up against the Bourbons' rule and defended their rights with strikes were put into forced slave labor. The Bourbons also dissolved all trade unions and replaced them with imperial unions. Only in the Soviet Union, which was a "paradise for the working class" in the world, did the trade unions only hand out movie tickets and give out flower bouquets, and did not care about the interests of the workers at all. Not only was there only one member of the first generation of the Russian *** leadership who was a worker, but the actual status of the working class in the **country** is much lower than in the capitalist countries. The fact that there have never been any strikes in the **country is a clear indication of this.
The bloody rule of the Bourbons provoked a revolt in almost the whole country, and civil war swept through the country, a sight not seen in the French Revolution. The peasants refused to supply the cities with food, the Don Cossacks rioted on a massive scale and fought bloody battles against the Red Army, and the primitive savagery, cruelty, and bloodshed on both sides was reflected in Sholokhov's "Collected Stories of the River Don," and "Silence on the Don. That's still officially permissible orthodox reading. Former White generals like Golchak and Dunnikin led an insurrection that once almost overthrew the Bourbons. There is no other example in the history of the world of a regime in its infancy provoking a revolt by almost the entire population.
In order to suppress the revolt of the people, the Bourbons used two methods, the first was to ask the Germans for help. The Germans were afraid that if the Bourbons collapsed, they would have to fight on two fronts, so they generously gave them a lot of money. According to an investigation conducted by the Allied Powers, they had subsidized the BNP with more than 2 million marks. The BSPU also made a one-sided peace with the Germans and ceded almost the whole of Ukraine (which was later occupied by the Russians after Germany's defeat), which was the infamous Peace of Brest. If not for the defeat of Germany, the Bushmen would have been the biggest traitors in Russian history.
Secondly, the Red Army was organized to suppress the popular uprising. The commander-in-chief of the Red Army was Trotsky, one of the most brilliant of the Bourbons (this is what Lenin said in his will). His trick was to keep the families of former White Army generals as hostages, and then he sent loyal and reliable party members as political commissars to watch over the generals as they led the Red Army into battle. Thanks to this kind of hooliganism, the Bushmen were able to build a professional army and put down rebellions one after another. But in the traditional way, the generals were all killed by Stalin, and even the commander-in-chief, Leon Trotsky, was assassinated by Stalin's agents in Mexico.
When Stalin came to power, the endless human tragedies began. The way the state was organized gave him unprecedented power to do whatever he wanted, and he not only became an unprecedented big **, but also did crazy crimes never seen in human history: exiled the rich peasants of the whole country to Siberia; exiled the Germans, Gypsies and other ethnic minorities; starved to death millions of Ukrainian peasants in artificial famines and at the same time dumped large quantities of grains abroad to force the peasants to yield and join the collective farms; carried out the Great Purge; and sold the grain of the Ukrainian peasantry to the world's largest farmers. The Great Purge killed all the old Bolsheviks and all the top generals of the Red Army, more than 80% of the deputies to the 16th Congress, more than 90% of the members of the Central Committee, and physically wiped out the Central Committees of all the member states; took tens of millions of loyal citizens to the "gulags" and forced them to work on large-scale projects similar to the construction of the pyramids. He took tens of millions of his loyal citizens into the "gulags" and forced them to perform large-scale slave labor similar to the construction of the pyramids, and to undertake a series of major projects, such as the digging of the North Sea Canal and the Volga-Don Canal; he shot all the officer corps of his people after annexing Eastern Poland; he also sent members of the German ****-producing party to be slaughtered by Hitler on the eve of the outbreak of the war in order to safeguard the friendship between Germany and Russia; he drove the members of the labor camps to the death of Hitler during the Patriotic War. During the Patriotic War, prisoners from the labor camps were driven to fight on the front lines, and after the war, the survivors were thrown into the black jails, even those who had performed many meritorious deeds of war; All captured Soviet officers and soldiers liberated by the Allies and returned by the Allies, and Soviet spies (such as the leaders of the famous "Red Band") were put into prison cells... ....
To sum up, the so-called October Revolution was a military coup d'état staged by a small group of gangsters, which overthrew the Provisional Democratic Government, cut short the promising democratic reforms in Russia, and barely suppressed the people's mass revolt with bloody repression, turning the USSR into a big prison for the people of all races. Under this dark social system, the people lost their freedom to an unprecedented extent, and even a few words of complaint could get them killed, with one out of every 10 nationals falling under the butcher's knife of this reactionary regime. This great regression, which is rare in the history of mankind, is not even comparable to the French Revolution. It is not even as bad as the **Revolution**, which, after all, cheated the majority of the people.
Third, the consequences are completely different
The French Revolution, although it first led to the Jacobin lunatics led by Robespierre to come to power, and used the guillotine to rule the country, and then led the country into war, and finally led to the rise of Napoleon, the big **, but it put forward "liberty, equality, fraternity," after all, written into human history, inspired, motivated, and encouraged the people to come to power. But after all, its ideas of "liberty, equality and fraternity" have been written into human history, inspiring, encouraging and calling on later generations to rise up and fight for democracy and freedom. A series of advanced values arising from the French Revolution were later incorporated into the Napoleonic Code, which was universally applicable within the empire and objectively popularized these concepts in Europe. Moreover, although the Napoleonic Empire was a **political system, it was a state governed by the rule of law, which was, after all, much more advanced than the overthrown Bourbons.
The October Revolution, on the other hand, was a complete reaction to the February Revolution in Russia, which killed more than 80 years of promising democratic reforms in Russia, and created a totalitarian monster that was the most reactionary, the most ****ed up, and the most completely deprived of freedom by the people in the history of mankind. If the legacy of the French Revolution to mankind is the slogan "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity", then the legacy of the October Revolution to mankind is the "proletariat**" (dictatorship means **, which was translated into the catchy phrase "proletariat**" by the imperial scholars). (dictatorship means **, which has been translated by the imperialists as "dictatorship"), that is: before the revolution, a well-organized and highly centralized mob was secretly formed to seize power by using all kinds of intrigues and hooliganism (including such shameless acts as intentionally inflicting great disasters on the country and the nation, ceding territories, collaborating with the enemy country and accepting funds), and then, after the revolution, terror was practiced by means of mass killings, artificial famine and so on. After coming to power, they used mass killings, artificial famines and other means to exercise a reign of terror and crush resistance, completely depriving the people of their minimum freedoms and personal rights and fundamentally eliminating the possibility of their choosing a different system of life and regime. The shameful mark left by the October Revolution on the history of mankind is the heinous crimes of mass murder of civilians, secret police, ideological control, and slave labor, which demonstrated more than enough what kind of bad things a handful of steel-willed, ruthless, and well-organized thugs can do in the noble name of the people.