Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Character names in English and Chinese:
("also translit. " part is the translation in Hong Kong and Taiwan)
The Iron Triangle Harry James Potter Harry James Potter
Ron Weasley (a.k.a. Ronnie Wesley) Ron Billius Weasley
Hermione Jane Granger (a.k.a. Myolie Jane Granger) Hermione Jane Granger
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Gilderoy Lockhart
Minerva Mcgonagall
Severus Snape
Remus John Lupin
Dobby Dobby
Shem Winky
Tom Marvolo Riddle
Rubeus Hagrid
Professor Quirrel Professor Quirrel
Professor Sprout
Madam Hooch
Sibyll Trelawney
Sirius Black
Rubeus Hagrid
Rubeus Hagrid
Rubeus Hagrid
Rubeus Hagrid
Rubeus Hagrid
Rubeus Hagrid
Rubeus Hagrid
Rubeus Hagrid
Sirius Black
Regulus Black Regulus Arcturus Black
Peter Pettigrew
Professor Flitwick
Cedric Diggory
Viktor Krum
Fleur Delacour
The Dwarf Peter.
Gabrielle Delacour
Mad-eye Moody (also known as Alastor Moody). Mad-eye Moody (a.k.a. Alastor Moody) Alastor Moody)
Barty Crouch Barty Crouch
Ludo Bagman
Rufus Scrimgeour
Connelly Fudge
Ludo Bagman
Rufus Scrimgeour
Rufus Scrimgeour
Rufus Scrimgeour
Connelly Fudge. Cornelius Fudge
Cornelius Fudge
Cornelius Fudge. Cornelius Fudge
Luna? Luna Lovegood
Bill Weasley. Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Bill Weasley. Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley. Fred Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley George Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley Percy Weasley
Arthur Weasley. Aurthor Weasley
Molly Weasley. Molly Weasley
Vernon Dursley. Vernon Dursley
Vernon Dursley
Vernon Dursley
Petunia Dursley Petunia Dursley
Dudley Dursley. Petunia Dursley
Dudley Dursley
Cho Chang
Lavender Brown (aka Venda Brown) Lavender Brown
Parvati Pettir (a.k.a. Bharti Brown). Parvati Patil
Padma Patil. Padma Patil
Draco Malfoy. Draco Malfoy
Igor Karkarov. Igor Karkaroff
Madam Maxime
Oliver Woods. Oliver Wood
Vincent Crabbe
Igor Karkaroff
Mrs. Maxime
Madam Maxime
Oliver Wood
Vincent Crabbe
Poppy? Vincent Crabbe
bupi Pomfrey
Lee Jordan
Lee Jordan
Angelina Johnson
Seamus Finnigan
The Pomfrey family. Seamus Finnigan
Dean Thomas
The first time I've ever seen a movie, I've seen a movie, and I've never seen one. Dean Thomas
Neville Lombardi (a.k.a. Neville). Neville Longbottom. Neville Longbottom
Ernie Mcmillan Ernie Mcmillan
Colin Creevey
Dennis Creevey
Dennis Creevey
Jaime Potter (father of Harry Potter). James Potter
Lily? Lily Evans
Lily Potter (mother of Harry Potter)
Katie Bell
Katie Potter (father of Harry Potter) Katie Bell
Penelop Clearwater. Penelop Clearwater
Alicia Spinnet. Alicia Spinnet
Professor Binns
Madam Pince
Mr Ollivander
Madam Malkin
Nicole LeMay (also known as Nicholas LeMay) is the first woman to be born in the United States. Nicolas Flamel
Fat Friar Fat Friar
Moaning Murtle
Bloody Baron
Nick the Nearly-Headless. Nearly Headless Nick (Ghost of Gryffindor)
Lady Grey (Ghost of Ravenclaw)
Rita? Rita Skeeter. Bertha Jorkins
Roger Davis
The first of these was a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. Roger Davis
Godric Gryffindor. Godric Gryffindor
Helga Hufflepuff Helga Hufflepuff
Rowena Ravenclaw. Rowena Ravenclaw
Salazar Slytherin. Salazar Slytherin
Rowena Ravenclaw
Rowena Ravenclaw
Rowena Ravenclaw
Rowena Ravenclaw
Rowena Ravenclaw
Rowena Ravenclaw
Rowena Ravenclaw
Rowena Ravenclaw
Rowena Ravenclaw
Rowena Ravenclaw
Rowena Ravenclaw
Hannah AbbottMillicent Bulsted. Millicent Bulstrode
Justin Finch-Finelli. Justin Finch-Fletchley
Markus Flint
Lucius Malfoy. Lucius Malfoy. Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy. Narcissa Malfoy
Ronan Ronan
Bane Bane
Sir Cadogan
Amos Diggory Amos Diggory Amos Diggory
Nymphadora? Nymphadora Tonks
Rufus Scrimgeour. Rufus Scrimgeour
Bellatrix? Bellatrix Lestrange
Bellatrix Black
Bellatrix Black
Baty Crouch Crouch Baty Crouch
(Magic Wands)Magic Wands
(Elder Wand)Old Wand (Elder Wand) (one of the Deathly Hallows)
(Cloak of Invisibility)Cloak of Invisibility ( The Cloak of Invisibility (one of the Deathly Hallows)
(Resurrection Stone)
(Horcrux) Horcrux (Horcrux) Psionic Artifact
(Philosopher's Stone or Sorcerer's Stone)
(The Mirror of Erised)
(The Mirror of Erised)
(The Mirror of Erised)
(The Mirror of Erised)
(The Mirror of Erised) the Mirror of Erised
(Marauder's Map) Map of the Living Dot
(Time Turner)
(Sorting hat)
(Cloak/cape) Cloak, cape
( Parchment) parchment
(Quill) feather quill
(Pensieve) meditation pot
(Robe) robe
(Howler) howler letter - a letter commonly used when people are angry.
(Broomstick) Broom
(Silver Arrow) Silver Arrow, an earlier version of the flying broom
(Cleansweep 7) Cleansweep 7, a slower version of the broom
(Nimbus 2000) Lightwheel 2000, a newer version of the flying broom
(Nimbus 2001) Lightwheel 2001, a newer version of the broom
(Nimbus 2001) Lightwheel 2001, a newer version of the broom
(). (Nimbus 2001) Lightwheel 2001, newer flying broom
(Firebolt) Firebolt, newest and best broom
(Daily Prophet) Daily Prophet, the newspaper of the wizarding world
(the Quibbler) The Quibbler, a magazine edited by Luna's father, with ridiculous information.
(Hogwarts Express) Hogwarts Express (fueled by a mysterious substance that emits purple flames)
(Knight Bus) Knight Bus ----- The last bus you'd ever want to ride on is a bumpy bus, and Ron used to throw up because of it.
(Portkey) Door key
(Floo Powder) Flyway powder, used to travel quickly in the fireplace (requires accurate, clear naming of destination to get to the right place, drawback is a lot of soot)
(Vanishing Cabinet) Vanishing Cabinet, teleports people from place to place
(The Hand of Glory)
The Hand of Glory is the hand of Glory, the hand of Glory. p> (the Hand of Glory) An ancient Western witchcraft technique where the hand of a hanged prisoner is soaked in mandrake.
(Wizarding Wireless Network) A spyglass (Pocket Sneakoscope) that glows and shrieks when someone untrustworthy approaches.
(Cauldron) Crucible
(Phial) (Liquid) Flask
(Scales) Scales
(Ton-Tongue Toffees) Fat Tongue Toffees
(Boggart) Boggart that changes shape and turns into the thing you fear most. (Can be resisted with the spell "Funny Funny")
(Triwizard Tournament) Triwizard Tournament not held in a hundred years, kills people
(Rememberball) A memory ball that turns red to remind you when you forget something
(the Goblet of Fire) The paraphernalia used to choose the best warrior in the Triwizard Tournament. The Goblet of Fire, the paraphernalia of the chosen warrior in the Triwizard Tournament
Magic in Chinese and English:
(Alchemy) Alchemy
(Animagi) Animagus, the magic of shapeshifting into an animal (requires registration with the Ministry of Magic)
(Apparating) Phantom shifting/manifesting (the key word is "3D")
(Avada) Kedavra. (Kedavra) Avada spell, an illegal black magic spell, one of the most unforgivable spells except for Harry. (A jet of green light)
(Cruciatus Curse) The Heart Drill, an illegal dark magic spell, one of the Unforgivable Curses.
(Imperious Curse) Soul Snatcher, an illegal black magic spell, one of the Unforgivable Curses.
(Dark Magic) Dark magic
(Dark Mark) Dark mark, a skull in the air, used when someone is killed, a monopoly of Death Eaters
(Disapparate) Illusion
(Divination) Divination
(Fidelius) Charm. Charm (Fidelius Charm)
(Four Point Spell) Orientation spell that causes the tip of the wand to point north
(Impediment Curse) Obstacle spell that slows down and stops aggressors.
(Leprechaun Gold) Disappear for hours
(Occlumency) Brain Closure
(Parseltongue) Serpent Cavity
(Patronus) Patronus spell to combat Dementors
(Petrifact) Petrify
(Polyjuice Potion) A spell that causes the tip of the wand to go north
(Polyjuice Potion) A spell that causes the tip of the wand to go north. (Polyjuice Potion (Polyjuice Potion) Compound Potion, a potion that can change the appearance of one person into another
Reductor Curse (Crush Spell), a spell that opens the way and breaks up solids
Shield Charm (Iron Armor Spell), a spell that deflects magic spells with a temporary wall of separation
Side-Along-Apparition (Apparition), a spell that reveals the appearance of a follower to a person who is not in the same position as the other person. Apparition) follower manifestation
(Splinched) Split, the wizard leaves a portion of his body behind when he phantom shifts
(Transfiguration) Metamorphosis
(Unbreakable Vow) unbreakable vow
(Morsmordre) (Unforgivable Curses) Unforgivable Curses (Drilling Curse, Soul Snatching Curse, Avalanche Curse)
Spells in Chinese and English:
(Note that these original spells are actually in Latin rather than English)
Accio*** Flying Curse (xx Flying) )
Aguamenti Fresh water like a spring
Alohomora Alohomora
Aparecium Aparecium
Avada Kedavra Avada Kedavra
Avis Flock of birds
Cave inimicum The protection spell for the tents in the Hagi. Cave inimicum, a protection spell for tents in Ha7, should be "trap the enemy"
Colloportus, quick confinement
Comfundo, a confusion spell in Ha7, translates to "confuse the mind"
Crucio, a spell that cuts out the bone and kills the body. Crucio drilling through the bone
Deletrius disappears without trace
Densaugeo incisors with a big stick
Diffindo torn apart
Enervate Revive
Engorgio Grow Large
Expecto Patronum Expecto Patronum
Expulso Flying Sand
Expelliarmus Remove Your Weapons
Finite Finite. Finite incantatem Incantate stop
Flagrate Flagrate mark manifestation
Furnunculus Fire roast hot
Geminio Duplicates into pairs
Homenum revelio The Ha7 shows that humans (Homo sapiens is the scientific name for humans) incantation, humanoid manifestation
Impedimenta Obstacle-ridden
Imperio Soul out of body
Impervius Water and fire invulnerable (originally waterproof and moisture-proof)
Incarcerous Quick confinement
Incendio Flame blazing
Liberacorpus Golden Bell to the Ground (counterspell of Inverted Golden Bell)
Legilimens Regaining Mind
Levicorpus Inverted Golden Bell
Locomotor --- Move
Locomotor Mortis Legs Standing Stiffly Stalled to Death
Lumos Fluorescent Flashing
Metelojinx recanto Mr. Weasley used it to stop the rain from falling on one of the Ministry's offices in "Harvey Nichols"
Mobiliarbus - to move
Mobilicorpus - to manifest
Locomotor - to move
Locomotor Mortis - to stand still and die
Lumos - fluorescent Pesternomi (a spell that Lockhart cast on the Pokemon, which did nothing, but with some variations translates to
"Pesky Pokemon leave me alone")
Petrificus totalus Petrify me
Point Me Point Me
Portus Portus, which turns an object into a key to a door
Prior Incantato Flashback Spell
Protego Armor Protect
Protego totalum (a protection spell for tents in Ha7)
Quietus Whispering
Reducio Shrinking Fast
Reducto Reducio Reduces quickly
Reducto Reduces to pieces
Relashio Relieves strength
Reparo Reparo Recovers
Repello Muggletum The Muggle Expulsion spell translates to "Muggle Shield"
Rictusempra Grin and holler.
Riddikulus Funny Funny
Salvio hexia A protection spell for tents in Harvard 7, which, for lack of a good explanation, translates to "keep safe and sound"
Scourgify A clean slate
Unplottable Unlabelable
Waddiwasi Waddiwasi
Wingardium Leviosa (Wingardium Leviosa)
Glisseo Slide Flat
Duro Phantom Tablet
Muffliato Closed Ear Plugs
p> Langlock Locked Tongue and Throat
Oppugno Ten Thousand Bullets
Tergeo Whirlwind Sweeping Clean
Magic Potions in Chinese and English:
(Amortentia) Ecstasy
(Felix Felicis) Blessing
(Mandrake) Restorative. Restorative (Mandrake)
(Polyjuice Potion)
(Veritaserum) Tranquillizer
(Wolfsbane potion)
(Baruffio's) (Baruffio's Brain Elixir)
(Dittay) White Fresh Flavoring
(Blood-Repienishing Potion)
(Everlasting Elixir)
(Love Potion)
(Calming Draught) p> (Calming Draught) Tranquilizer
(Lucky Medication)Lucky Medication
Titles in Chinese and English and explanations:
(Aurors) Aurors (personnel specializing in catching black witches)
(Bonder) Witnesses
(Champions) Warriors, who represent the school in the Triwizard Tournament
(Death Eaters) Death Eaters (followers of Voldemort)
(Mudblood) Mudbloods, a disparaging term for wizards born into Muggle families (not purebloods)
(Muggles) Muggles, humans who are not in the magical realm
(Squib) Dummy, a person born in a family of wizards, though without magical abilities.
(wizard/witch) Wizard
(Galleons) Galleons, gold coins
(Sickles) Sickles, silver coins, 17 silver sickles = 1 gold galleon
(Knutes) Nats, copper coins, 29 copper nats = 1 silver sickle
Gobstones: a magical game similar to pinball, where stones spew liquid and splash the loser in the face.
Quidditch: a soccer-like sport with four balls and three hoops. Among them:
Ghost Flying Ball (Quaffle): a red ball that works the same way as a basketball.
Chaser: throw the ghost ball through the circle to score 10 points;
Keeper: responsible for blocking the opposing team's shot;
Bludges: two black balls to hit the players;
Beater: will hit the bludges to attack the opposing team and protect their own players;
Golden Snitch: golden ball, seeker (seeker) to get the ball, the game is over, get the ball seeker side of the ball plus 150 points;
Wizard Chess: the rules are similar to chess, but the master can use language to control their own pieces, the pieces can fight with each other.
Chenber Music: music played in smaller venues, Dumbledore's favorite
Tenpin bowling: Dumbledore's favorite
Astronomy Astronomy
Arithmancy Arithmetic divination
Care of the Wizard : The rules are similar to chess, but the master can control his pieces verbally.
Care of Magical Creatures
Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic
Muggle Studies
the Study of Ancient Runes
Magical creatures:
goblin goblins
centaur horsemen
werewolf werewolves
thestral nocturne
merpeople mermaids
phoenix phoenix<
unicorn unicorn
house-elf house-elf
zombie zombie
slug slug
giant giant
vampire vampire
troll giant
basilisk snake
boggart boggart
dementor dementor
Norwegian Ridgeback Norwegian Ridgeback
Chinese Fireball Chinese Fireball
Swedish Short-Snout Swedish Short-Snout
Hungarian HorntailHungarian Tree Wasp
Common Welsh GreenWelsh Green Dragon
hippogviffHawk-headed Horse-bodied Winged Beast
fire-crabFire Crab
manti-coreHuman Headed SphinxDragon Tailed Beast
Blast- Ended Skrewt Fried Tail Snail
flobberworm Flobber Caterpillar
the Whomping Willow Beating Willow
mandrake Mandrake
veela Veela Meiwa
ghoul Ghoul
Irish Leprechaun Irish gnome
gnome goblin
the Ministry of Magic
St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injurises
Improver Use of Magic Office
the Leaky Cauldron
Auror Headquarters
Eeglops Owl Emporium
Eeglops Owl Store
Misure of Magic
The Ministry of Magic
The Ministry of Magic
The Ministry of Magic
Misure of Muggle Artefacts Office Division of Prohibited Misuse of Muggle Items
Flourish and Blotts Gorgeous and Blotts Bookstore
Gringotts' Wizarding Bank Ancient Gringotts Wizarding Bank
Knockturn Alley Knockturn
Diagon Alley Diagon Alley
Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions Lady Malkin's Robe Boutique
Azkaban Azkaban (Wizard Prison)
Beauxbatons Academy of Magic Beauxbatons Academy of Magic
Duemstrang Institute Durmstrang School
Hogworts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
the Chember of Secrets
Three Broomsticks
the Hog's Head
Honey Dukes candy shop
the Room of Requirement
the Shrieking Shack
the common room
the Dark Forest
the Burrow
Godric's Hollow (the first six books are translated as the Valley of the High Cone).
Number Twelve Grimmauld Place
Mars Bars
Bettie Bott's Every Flavor Beans Bibbidi Multi-Flavored Beans
Drooble's Best Blowing Gum Super Blowing Gum Bubble Gum
Cauldron Cake Crucible Cake
Chocolate Frog Chocolate Frog
Licorice Wand Licorice Wand
Butterbeer Butterbeer
Fizzing Whizzbee Sorbet Balls
Eggnog Eggnog
Freshwater Plimply Soup Freshwater Plimply Soup
Cauldron Cake Pot-Shaped Cake
Squeaking Sugar Mice Screaming Sugar Rat
Canary Cream Canary Cream Cookies
Owl Treat
Apple Tart
Chocolate Cauldron Chocolate Crucible
Ogden's Old Firewhisky
Ginger Newt's Ginger Turban Snail Cookies
Acid Pop Sour Lollipops
Sugar Quill Feather Quill Made of Sugar
Rock Cake Rock Cake
Cockroach Cluster Cockroach Crunch Multi-Flavored Beans