"Dearest You" is a "semi-saccharine" youth drama. The drama focuses on five female college students living under the same roof, who are all very different from each other in terms of dress and personality, and each of them is burdened with the issue of growing up, and in the end, all of them are rewarded with the story of growing up. Lin Xiaochun is one of the five girls, and she is also the new girl who has moved into the apartment.
Lin soon discovers a picture of a girl dancing ballet in her dormitory, and later finds a pair of ballet slippers at the bottom of her shoe cabinet that no one wants. Out of curiosity, Lin asked her roommates who the ballet girl was. But the housemates were evasive and didn't want to say anything more to her, only telling Lin Xiaochun that it was a student who had lived in the apartment before.
Lin Xiaochun also looked uneasy, and in the back of her mind she kept worrying that the girl had been ostracized by her housemates. Because she had also felt the deep malice of her housemates the moment she entered. But it wasn't until Han Yitong, the schoolteacher, returned to the dormitory, and she started organizing everyone to get together to drink beer and bond, that Lin Xiaochun learned the truth about the ballet girl's move. It turns out that Ballet Girl was pregnant, so she moved away. Everyone in the dorm was trying to protect her honor, so that's why they kept their mouths shut. Lin Xiaochun was relieved to learn the truth, and she was glad that the girl wasn't ostracized by everyone.