Dasan village belongs to where

Dasan Village is located in hills town 14 kilometers northeast of the area of 0.65 square kilometers, arable land area of 672 acres. The village *** there are 110 households, population of 416 people, the village two committees team of four people, Meng Xianhe, as branch secretary and director of the village committee; Yang Jianyong, a member of the branch; Meng Qingyu, a member of the branch; Cheng Xian'e, female, a member of the village committee, a full-time director of family planning. The village has 13 party members and 3 party activists. The village relies on the advantage of returning farmland to the forest, vigorously develop the forest and fruit industry. 2012 village has no collective economic income, the average net income of farmers 10300 yuan.

Dasan Village is adjacent to Dazi Village, Dasi Village, Daiyi Village, Dawu Village, Gao Huang Village, Liugaozhuang Village, Lizhuang Village, Daewa Village, Shimoushan Village, Diannan Village, Two Shimoushan North Village, Shangshan Village, Jawu Village, and Nodian Village.

Dasan Village is near the former city of the country, wild store ruins, Zoucheng cockfighting platform site, Ming Lu Arao King Mausoleum, Zoucheng City, Yishan Scenic Tourism Area and other tourist attractions, there are Zoucheng Liu Xia Yi pig's tooth soap, Xiangcheng long red jujubes, the city of the former mountain bean curd, Jinshan Cherry, Zhangzhuang ox heart persimmon and other specialties.