This is Street Dance: Street dance is different from modern dance, is Huang Xiao's work street dance?
It's definitely street dance, if you've watched a lot of classical and modern dance and come back to it, you'll know whether it's street dance or not. The people who ask this kind of question obviously don't know what it's like to be pure, and so as soon as they see the kind of stance or the kind of heart that Shu Xia stretches out, they think it's not street dance.
Both dances have an expression of selfModern dance moves in linear and extended, about the extended sense of fingertip training. Street dance moves in point and retraction, and is about explosiveness and control, as well as joint rotation and muscle vibration. If we draw dance as a big circle, then modern dance and street dance are both small circles inside, and there is a crossover part between these two circles. This crossover is inevitable, because both dances exist in the same time and space, both dances aspire to freedom and reject bondage, and both dances have an expression of the self.
Master Ma's work can move me to tearsSo does it matter if it's street dance? The sea has the capacity to accommodate, I hope the questioner will not always have such a small vision to obsess about people's family members not belonging to street dance. They are not love beans, not idols, and do not have to rely on the championship, win or lose to attract fans. They are just a group of people who love dance and love street dance, because of the love to get together and make like-minded friends. It's about creating works and giving life to dance. Support all the dancers who love street dance and hope they can bring more and better works.
The biggest difference between street dance and other dances is that it must follow the scope of the roots of American street cultureOtherwise, China's square dance, lion dance, Yangge, these can be called street dance, because if you follow the literal meaning of the word, these dances are also in the "street" to jump ah! There should be nothing wrong with calling it street dance. But in fact it's obviously ridiculous, and we can all see that it's illogical. Huang Xiao's work on "This is Street Dance 4" is a typical example of how this issue has become a point of contention again. I think the "modern dance" generalizations made by some of the guests on the show are not unreasonable, and the netizens are justifiably defensive of Huang Xiao because of his own credentials and level of work.