Ancient Indians believed more in man's oneness with the heavens, and practiced different yoga practices that they incorporated into their daily lives: morality, forgetfulness of movement, stability of the mind, religious duty, lack of desire, meditation, and the nature and creation of the universe. Follow me now to learn more about the Spring Blossom Yoga video.
Spring Blossom Yoga Video Tutorials Poses for Yoga<Seated: spinal twists>
Spinal twists are particularly useful for aligning the individual vertebrae, effectively twisting the spine from the waist up. These poses gently massage the internal organs in the abdominal region and provide fresh blood to nourish these organs. They also expand the chest and create conditions for better breathing, especially breathing using the chest.
Spinal twists rejuvenate the nerve centers of the nervous system, which extend from the spine to the periphery of the body. So these poses have a greater effect on the autonomic nervous system than any other category of poses, especially on the vagus nerve. It has the effect of arranging and calming the body and brain; so it not only refreshes the body, but also energizes the subtle chakra system.
The autonomic nervous system is controlled by the main stem of the brain and the lower part of the optic chakra, which is responsible for all the bodily functions of which we are not conscious. These functions include digestion, respiration, secretion of glands and hormones, heartbeat, blood circulation, and the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
The vagus nerve is an important part of the parasympathetic nervous system in the center of our body, and it also affects the sympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is the quiet, relaxing part of the autonomic nervous system that balances the active, stimulating effects of the sympathetic nervous system.
The vagus nerve runs from the brain down the spine and ends at the abdominal plexus; this nerve is associated with seven energy centers (chakras), which in turn are closely related to the various sympathetic plexuses in the body.
By energizing the nerve centers, energy and power are brought together, thus releasing energy that has been blocked in the body, and in this way, energy can be better utilized. We can achieve this release of energy by performing spinal twisting poses, while energizing the various subtle parts of the body and stamina (related to the chakras).